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Created for: The Sims 3
This is a Set with 8 Creations - Click here to show all
The Holbrook Bath Collection... A rustic, yet completely modern convenience!
Made of centruy old, reclaimed wood with an iron base coated in rust resistant material, the Holbrook Bath Collection features a sink, tub, bath bench, shelving units, curtains, and wall lamps... Old world style with new world conveniences... The tub surround is reminiscent of old-fashioned hip baths.. made of wood, but with a lovely porcelain liner - no more nagging splinters in your bum! And, the convenience of running water... no more heating pot after pot of water on the stove, and carrying it to the tub.. the invention of plumbing does that for you!!
Please NOTE: The tub works just fine! But, the animations are still set to the original tub (I have no idea how to change the animations - Sorry)
Also - the ship in the bottle and the lighthouse waterglobe, hamper, bench decor, and paintings will be released soon.. they are - at the moment - a work in progress, and NOT included in this set!
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1003045
ItemID: 1003045
Revision: 2
Filesize: 2 MB
Please do not reupload anywhere but TSR
Credits: EA, WS, and the wonderful creators here!
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