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Illiana's Guestbook

SugarOct 5, 2009

THanks Illiana!  I was worried about you as you normally reply so quickly, but went to your page and saw you were taking some time out..good for you!   Thanks for sharing sweetie. Sugar x

PenelopeTOct 4, 2009

Illiana, it's good to have you back! Hope you enjoyed your vacation. \:wub\:

julebug71Oct 1, 2009

Illiana you are missed \:\(  But I hope you are having/or had a great vacation. I also know that we all need a little break from The Sims once in a while. Just wanted you to know that I've been busy too (I'm a second year nursing student) but I check your page everyday to see if you've created something new. Can't wait :P    

Rabold8Sep 21, 2009

Oh Tammy, how I envy your talent for building. \:wub\: I am so sorry for my seemingly increasing periods of absence. \:\( I have been sooo busy with school, friends, and well...just real life.  lol  Your new lots are phenomenal, I was just taking a peek.  \;\) I am hoping that I will start creating again!  I'm really excited, but I am still having trouble finding the time.  lol  Anyways, how have you been? ~Nick \:D \:wub\:

MisS_IsisSSep 20, 2009

Hey illiana \:D i have a litlle question \:o  i ask my dad to be a subscriber but he thinks that if i want to stop there will be (maybe ) a broblem \:wacko\:  can you help me please greatz Isis \:wub\:

LightSide93Sep 20, 2009

Hey Tammy! \:\) Thought I would pop in! How have you been? and how was your vacation? You are really missed dear, hope hear from you soon.\;\) ~Hugz Light~ \:wub\:

WandaJBowenSep 13, 2009

Hello,I just wantd to know if you still had the man Sim that looks like my dad? If so will you share him with me?Thanks\:wub\: **Wanda**

paramitiSep 4, 2009

well you are welcome..i want to let you know bc your lots mean a great deal to me in my game..since beginning to play sims 3 i have come to find the people who create the lots that WOW me..the lots that enhance my imagination and inspire new stories for new are one of those builders..and sue...francien..melana.. and madaya.. all turn out these type lots consistently..and am crazy about cowbelles floors and walls bc they are so perfect so real in my game..if i forgot someone i will be mad at self!!those are the builders i can think top of head..i love magical yet very realistic lots...and you create that for me.. and i want you to keep doing it tee hee \:D \:wub\: \:D Thank You for Everything!! \:wub\:

julebug71Sep 3, 2009

I'm not sure how you feel about the EA store but as soon as I saw the new victorian collection I thought of your Victorian home. I'm downloading it now and since you have it so beautifully decorated all I'm going to do is replace some of the items with the new stuff and it will be sooooo awesome! (yes, the 80's really influenced me :] ) My victorian dressed sims will be prancing around your creation very soon. Have a great day!  

lisa9999Sep 2, 2009

Hey Tammy. I just love the new house today. It looks like a house you would see if you took a nice ride in the country. \:D It is just so addorible! Have a wounderful day! Hugs, Lisa\:wub\:

madaya74Aug 30, 2009

Hi Illiana! Thank you so much for leaving your congratulations im my guestbook. \:wub\: It's such an honor and so great being a member of SA. \:\)

tinkerbell7716Aug 30, 2009

You're welcome. I love the Simsai Memorial Library lot. You did a very beautiful job on that lot.\:rah\:

ElutAug 30, 2009

Hi Tammy. You are welcome \:D. I can now see the end of it, at least the first part. About the puppies I´m not sure yet, I do think she has changed, but I can´t be sure until a week or so. I´ll keep you posted\:D

LightSide93Aug 29, 2009

Hey dear! Sorry, I am late as well, been busy with that palace, it took me so long, that in the end I decided to only furnish some rooms. \:P I am so glad you liked the souk, though the main thing about it was those awning, which were inspired by "Alladin" so, I am my self not sure about it, as buildings in here look so modern, as well as pretty tall. lol. And yeah, that create a style tool is soo awesome, you can feel that a building is complete, though we can not use it on stairs and fences. Oh well, we have almost everything being customized. \:D And why do you say (Talked your eyeballs off) I always enjoy to read. I hope I haven't talked your eyeballs off as well, lol. And its never wrong to try, even somebody gets angry, you can explain, that its just what you think. Stay away from Japanese, maybe something from Europe, like Spanish homes, or Italian. And I saw your cute starter, and it looks so pretty. Okay, I am off to continue my Sims work, talk to you later. ~Hugz Khalid~ \:wub\:

redd reddAug 29, 2009

You are SOOOOO very welcome and do keep em coming, and I'm still waiting on my Hemmelwood Estate v.3 hahaha. Job is doing great, I'm a cashier/support manager!!!!

dj6400asAug 29, 2009

Ah ok, thanks for the awesome comment back! (note this was like, months ago, i just haven't been on lol)

pink*lime07Aug 28, 2009

Hello ... Just wanted to stop by and thank you for all your creations, love your work \:\)

PenelopeTAug 27, 2009

Hello, Illiana! \:wub\: I just wanted to stop by and say thanks again for the Simsai Library. I finally got some 'me time'....translation 'Simming time' and placed your gorgeous lot (after demolishing the in-game one). What a awesome job you did on it! My Sim, as well as the other Sims roaming about, looked so relaxed it. It reminded me of how I feel when I spend an afternoon just hanging out on a comfy sofa and reading a good book at my local library. Keep up the excellent work. It's much appreciated. \:\) ~ Pene

eviAug 25, 2009

I want to THANK you for being such a caring sweet person!\:wub\:

MisS_IsisSAug 25, 2009

Thx , i really love that you help me \:wub\:

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