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Illiana's Guestbook

ElutAug 19, 2009

Happy dance (tap-tap-tappity-tap)\:D she´s back\:D. Sounds like you´ve had your hands full. I was thinking of getting over there (where?) on a search for you, but you showed up. I am really really happy about my kitchen. The old just took up to much space visually (got a combined kitchen-dining-livingroom) and now it feels like I´ve room for an elephant, not sure the dog would like that but I do - a small one anyway. Speaking about kids growing up (not the long nose) my baby - read dog, is pregnant or at least I hope she is, can´t know for sure until 3 weeks from now. I am really excited, am thinking about knitting small woolly collars for the pups\:D. Well that´s enough nonsens from me for now, don´t you go of again and get lost or I really have to get over there? and it´s a really long flight.

fredbrennyAug 19, 2009

Thanks for your message in my guestbook. What on eath gave you the idea that you are bothering me...???\:D Lots of love and hugs! I am going to try Cajun Moon now!

frisbudAug 19, 2009

Thank you Tammy for your very enthusiastic congratulatory message in my Guestbook. \:wub\:  You cannot even know how happy I am about my apoointment to Sims3 SA.

NeonAngelAug 17, 2009

thanks so much for ur lovely response to my message...i just looked at ur Sims 3 lots...OMG what words can i find to describe them? I thought I made some pretty kool lots until I saw these! WOW....i mean really wow! The handle you have on the old 'constrainfloor' cheat is ucanny! I wish I knew how to use it so well....BRILLIANT lots and i am DEFINATLEY wanting them all in my game! I will be looking at every detail very closely and soaking in all the creativeness!! Without a DOUBT ur my all time fave fave fave Sims builder! \:wub\:

MJxoAug 16, 2009

Illiana\;\) I would like to say that you have amazing creations and they look stunning in my sims games. Thankyou so much for sharing them\;\) Keep up the great work and have a nice day 'hugs'!! Mariah\:wub\:

simal10Aug 15, 2009

Hey Illiana! Sorry for my late reply, thank you so much for your congrats!!! Have a lovely day!! XOXO \:wub\:

DracoRAug 15, 2009

Hello Illiana! Today when i saw you lot i decidet to look for you all lots. And i love them! They are so pretty, cosy and lovely. So beautiful, too \:\) Have a nice weekend!

redd reddAug 15, 2009

Thanks girlfriend \:\) Needed to get that. Anywho the sims game is silly at times but with the way the world is we need an escape to another timezone hahahahaha!!!! Just keep em' coming. I'll catch up soon enough \:\)

kateknightukAug 14, 2009

Hello you - I'm sure people would never throw stones :P  you're creations are always fantastic, no matter what styling.  Also I am very interested to see what you come up with next.  Thanks - as ever for your amazing creations \:wub\:

fredbrennyAug 14, 2009

Thanks (((Illiana!))) For your reply in my GB! Yes I will download the lot. it looks very cozy for my fishing and gardening sim! You have a wonderful weekend and I will see you!!! Love, Frederique

staceface2009pAug 14, 2009

hello ... your welcome!! the most thing i love about playing sims 2 is building fabulous homes for them to live in! that tutorial was great! thanks again!! \:wub\:

ElutAug 12, 2009

Hi Tammy. I found out I had moved down to page 2 on your guestbook at that is just not right. I´ll just leave this here \:D and claim my place on page one\:D . Knus hugs) Mette

great b2Aug 12, 2009

\:\) It's good that your happy with your busy life! I know I am! Collage is great and I made a bunch of new friends and the best thing is I'm renting a little house just off campus! It’s cute and the best thing is, even thought I'm renting it I still get to renovate it! FUN! so with almost all of my free time I'm upgrading my little home that I get to spent 4-5 years in, its exiting! Did you say you had a 19 year old son, Ya know I'm only 20, is he single? lol Just kidding. Well I've talked for a while and you probably didn’t NEED to hear about all this so...Happy building    \:\) Allie\:D 

rosesforme17Aug 10, 2009

Good morning. You are very welcome for the comment on the Edlrinson lot. It is truly amazing. But then all your lots are. Thank you for your warm wishes. Hugs and smiles to you and your children as well. I look forward to more of your terrific creations. \:\)  rosesforme17

libertyAug 10, 2009

Hey Illana your welcome I like that to comments from fellow builders that's always nice to hear anyway. Your 2 new upcoming ar looking fab asewell keep on building Hugs Mike

Cheelie222Aug 8, 2009

Hello Illiana Thank you so much for reporting back to me on my message and informing me about how EA designe dteh rabbit holes. Lol I am not liking these rabbit holes so much haha....Well maybe for their jobs lol becuase. I don't exactly wanna sit down and watch them. Well Maybe I would lol. Do you think as EPs come out they will replace rabbit holes, like when the nightlife themed EP comes out restaurants will be more open and when the business themed EP comes out, businesses will be more open also?  

LightSide93Aug 8, 2009

Opps! Haven I not been around? Silly me not stopping by your GB for the past while. I should stop much more than that. \;\) How are you doing? Hope you are fine. Thought thank you for the very cheering words. You sure know how to make a person happy. You really did make me understand that a compliment is not always nesecery.\:\) Thank you for that. And when I told you I don't know what to build with roofs, I actually meant that I had no idea of what to build with roofs. No structure or design. But well, I can manage that. \:P And for the computer, well still not sure, might take some time. Now what to say else, you say you have no idea how to work with moderns, oh please, your moderns look very professional in there style, and structure design. You sure know how to work those moderns and rock the space.\:rah\: You always do. And it seems you are friends with Gary, he is a very talented builder indeed. I was glad to know him, but we don't chat that much. Well, see you around Tammy. ~Hugz Khalid~\:wub\:  

MsMayAug 5, 2009

Hi Illiana! \:\) No problem. And thanks for your comment on my profile. I love all your creations. And I think you have amazing talent too. 

ekinegeAug 4, 2009

Dear Tammy!\:D Thank you so much for the congratulations!\:wub\: It was so nice to see such a wonderful congrats from you in my guestbook.\:wub\: Have a great day. Hugs and kisses.. Ekin

gissenceAug 4, 2009

Hello Tammy, I wanted to congratulate you on the FA promotion and also to thanks you for the recent straigh-forward advise you gave me about my interaction over at SID.   You were, I think, the first FA to compliment me on my work when I first started uploading stuff. I remember distinctly your glowing words about my Ravenhollow build and how they gave me a huge boost of confidence that maybe I could go somewhere on this site. For that I will always flash back to some very nice memories whenever I see your name. It's personalities and creative impetus like yours that make TSR a pleasure to be involved with.

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