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tdyannd's Guestbook

FikcijaJun 16, 2009

Hi. I'm new to your Andretti legacy, only started reading it today and I love it! I just wanted to ask, why is there no part 6? I can't seem to find it and it feels like I've missed some important events...

madkitty13Jun 13, 2009

Oh! Okay. Thank you very much for answering a very personal question. I wanted to also conragulate you on your commitment to the Andretti legacy. 73 parts! Holy crow! 

WandaJBowenJun 13, 2009

Hello Tdyannd, I just had to stop by to take a look at all your new work,and I think it looks really good. I wish I knew how to make thing like that. All I know how to make are houses. I only have 2 so far. I have some new screenshot if you want to take a look. I really miss all the CC we had in The Sims 2. The only thing I don't like about The Sims 3 is they don't look real. How do you like The Sims 3? I'm having fun with it.Well I'm going to go for now ,I'll write back soon. I hope you have a great weekend. Take care \:wub\: **Wanda**

madkitty13Jun 12, 2009

Sorry . I am only 13 so I'm not so bright! \:o  Why did you have ultrasounds anyway?

miller1220Jun 12, 2009

You're welcome. I am very rarely loyal to a story, but it takes an awesome story like yours to get me hooked. \:rah\: There's only one thing that isn't good - the Sims 3 doesn't let you make the Andrettis like you used to! In the Sims 2, all your Andretti men looked the same way. I'm suprised the genes carreid on that far! Sadly the Sims 3 seems not to allow the same kind of people. Oh well. \:\( It's still a beautiful story, and at times, sad, but for some mysterious reason I love sad stories. I'm reading it over for the second time now becauise I love it so much. \:wub\: Right now I'm at the point where little Cade is starting to like his father. \:D I have to say though I will never like any Andrettis better than the originals. What will happen when you get to Z? Oh no!!!!!! The story might end! Hopefully not but I wont like it any less if it ends there. Good job, I'm very excietd for the next part!!!!! \:rah\:

madkitty13Jun 11, 2009

Hi! I was just reading your blog and was wondering if you were pregnant. Only because it said that you had some ultrasounds. I just quickly glanced, so I could be missing something, but I was just wondering. 

Jaws3Jun 11, 2009

Aw. \:wub\: You're doing great! \:D  I'm sure EVERY Andretti fan is worshipping you at the moment, for churning out chapters so fast! \;\) I'm hanging out for the next one...  Can't wait to read it! \:D

miller1220Jun 11, 2009

I love the Andrettis! My favorites HAVE to be Alex, Andianna, Arthur, and Amelia....I mean! They're the originals, the wonderful originals! The first parts were the best. But I still love the rest of the story. I really liked Brandy, too, I was shocked when she died! It must feel amazing to have written 72 chapters of a story! Im attempting to write a story now. I am currently uploading the lot of my main's just a remodel of a house that came with the game. I cant wait for the next part of The Andrettis. But I still love the first few Andrettis! They were the best of all. It makes me sad thinking about them. Keep up your good work!

sara_ashleyJun 5, 2009

Hey! I just want to say you that I love your creations! \:wub\: Have a great day! Sara

miraminkovaJun 4, 2009

Hi! I just want to say you that I love your creations! Have a great day! Mira

mini me3393May 29, 2009

Haha, I guess I just need to start coming back to this site more often!

mini me3393May 28, 2009

Hey, I'm sorry. I haven't checked my GB because I just don't really like the new layout of the website, so I normally just go to the stories, read them, then leave. xD I always forget to see if I have new GB entries. So how are you doing?

PollyPlummerMay 25, 2009

I'm sorry if it sounded as if I was complaining. I understand, I'm sure it'll be amazing, even if it's short! \:\) It's a great story, no matter if it's short or long. Take care, hope you have an awesome week!

LightSide93May 13, 2009

Hey again! \:D Sorry for not keeping in touch, I don't know why am I always busy, LOL.\:o I hope you are alright. Yes I do think the EA must gather us again, we all miss each other. Speaking about others, have you seen Padre? I haven't see him for long, I hope he is okay. Anyway, hope hear from you soon..\;\) ~Luv & Hugz LiGhT~\:wub\:

WandaJBowenMay 13, 2009

Hell its me again I just wanted to stop by to see how you were doing? I read about you having game trouble so sorry for that. I wanted to ask you if you will be buying The Sims 3 when it comes out? If so will you be making things us? Well I hope you get every thing worked out for your game. We do miss your great work.**Wanda**\:wub\:

hiedibear75May 10, 2009

Hi Tiff. \:\)  I just wanted to stop by & see how you were feeling. \:cool\:  Hope you're doing well & have a happy Mother's Day weekend with family & friends. \:wub\:

SnowiJingleBellsMay 8, 2009

Yeah \:\) Starting to get used to it now though- woot! :P

Crazy_doodleMay 5, 2009

Oh okay thanks you.

AngelaMay 2, 2009

Awh what a sweet comment, but really you are more than welcome, and trust me, i am nothing special, i just love creating just like you.

Crazy_doodleMay 2, 2009

Hello! I really like the The Andretti Legacy although im only on part 15 \:\) The story i absolutly brilliant thanks for sharing it. Also i was wondering where you got the baby furniture in The Andretti Legacy Part 15?

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