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tdyannd's Guestbook

LightSide93Sep 26, 2009

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TIFFANY! \:D Hope you had the best day ever, full of cakes.;P Hope all your wishes come true. ~Hugz Light~ \:wub\:

eviSep 25, 2009


paramitiSep 21, 2009

thats Fantastic you added the archive pod!! i am going to go thru all of it to make sure i havent missed anything..Thanx Much for doing that!! paramiti~

paramitiSep 20, 2009

ooopsy..i did not realize i had uploaded so many lots with your patterns in them..Treetop Cabin was a while ago..i just uploaded Snobby Steampunk Villa..Alpine Starter and the Haunted Libraries very recently..sorry i didnt come by to say Thanx to you sooner..i was rather absorbed in learning how to take better screenshots..but when i put the library screenshots up and got such great feedback..i know the reason why..your Hieroglyphs pattern and Harmonias old wood Made that lot!! i knew immediately i wanted to use Harmonia's pattern ..but..i cannot tell you..i put down so many floors...i tried so many colors and blends..Nothing struck me as a knock out for the atmosphere..i spent about 3 hours in frustaration exaggeration..and i kept thinking about your Hieroglyphs pattern...but i hesitated bc i dont think you created it for a floor..i finally thought..what the heck..when i put it all down..i was so Wowed!! i knew that was the pattern which would bring the whole lot together..even if it was not intented for such..i really owe you Much Thanx bc no way that Haunted Library would be so great without your pattern..thats just the facts of it..i wanted also to add to what i have read in your guestbook..i too think the rusted aluminum pattern is Awesome! if boys dont like it cause its not logical..whatever..i love it!! i also agree about the pod..i have to hunt for all your Creations bc there is no archive pod on your page..some i could not find..but i knew others had them..finally found all of them over the course of a few weeks..but perhaps you have a reason for not having a pod there..even without one..i will go to xtra trouble to find your work bc i Adore what you are Creating!! and lastly..Totally Thrilled you became SA...sorry i am late to say and late to write in your guestbook ..but better late than never..very very nice to meet you and to hear back from you..Completely Appreciate you!! \:wub\: paramiti~

paramitiSep 19, 2009

Heya..i dont think i have written in your guestbook yet..but i sure do use your patterns!!! i just Adore what you create for sims 3..i am writing to invite you to take a look at the 2 Haunted Library lots i made..i hope you like the way i used your pattern..also you might want to check out my screenshots which tell a funny story..your work is in many shots..Thank You for what you are Creating..i Love it ALL!!! \:wub\: \:D \:D \:wub\: paramiti~

ulkerSep 18, 2009

Hello Tiffany\:D Thanks a lot for the lovely comment! Look at your sets! Amazing previews\:wub\: I should take a break from creating and see what's here to download and play \:D

GosikSep 17, 2009

Hi! Thank you so much for your comment on my eyeshadow! I really appreciate it! \:D

KatelysSep 15, 2009

Thank you so much for lovely comments on my creations, I very much appreciate the feedback\:\)

joker52455Sep 15, 2009

There will always be people reading the Andretti Legacy! At least the faithful fans that have been reading since Andi lol. *cough* ME! *cough* So how's life? Health under control?

joker52455Sep 13, 2009

I just expect it cuz you always have something different with every generation: ghosts coming back from the dead, forgotten recessive genes suddenly showing up in offspring, grumpy wheelchair-bound invalids, a legacy built on service to Simland until its sudden end, abduction leading Hideki the wonder baby, greedy nurses, angels, devils, and of course the lives and deaths of around 35 Andrettis. It's truly a legacy!

kitfu11Sep 11, 2009

Wowwie! I hadn't realized the story had been going on that long! \:rah\: Well I'm gonna hang in there until you make it to Z! Gotta see how it all ends after all this time \:D

majestic eternitySep 10, 2009

You're very welcome! It's a great story!

cadivaSep 1, 2009

Tiff, you need a downloads or featured items Pod on your Mini Site!

Jaws3Aug 31, 2009

\:D Glad to hear you like them!!!!! \;\) I'm still loving the Andrettis- as always! \:\)

padreAug 25, 2009

Run over and killed while we were out having a good time. Hideous. We now have 2 little kittens keeping us busy. I didn't want them, of course. Felt like we were poo-pooing C's memory. But now I love them and I appreciate(d) the distraction they offer. Lea and Perrins are their names. And they is uber cute. Perhaps I should add some pics of them? I think I will. It's been ages since I touched my profile page here. Love you. xx

padreAug 21, 2009

hi sweetums. I'm here sometimes. Not nearly as often as I used to be, though. My little Carrot dying made me go a bit crazy. Am better now, though I still have no inspiration for creating sim-stuff. Maybe in the future. I hope you're well and happy. xx \:wub\: xx

LightSide93Aug 17, 2009

Howdy tiff! I am fine, what about you? You seem to work a lot these days.\:D

DiamondSimAug 17, 2009

Hi! I love your minisite's new look!--Kinda SILVER, to go with your pretty silver badges!!!\:D \:wub\: :P

caridinaAug 17, 2009

Hi! Thank you for your nice comment on my screenshot of the Strange garden. The plants with fish is the omniplant, and most of the gnoomes came in the mailbox when one of my simmies collect gems and send them for cutting. Sometimes there commes gnoomes back instead of cut gems... and the simmie have collect a lot of gems \:D

SimsOnFire4Aug 9, 2009

hey, i love legacys and yours is the longest yet! i'm from texas too! i have to mezmorise my times tables not 2x3... more like X_X

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