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ziggy28's Guestbook

hiedibear75Jun 22, 2011

You may have a point with the /!\ triangles in the enable/disable screen......hmmmm.....wonder if I "disable" those if it'd magically come back? \:confused\:  Have to give it a shot. \;\)  I've been going back & forth between Face-Book & playing with poor Neil.  \:\)  Whom by the way has realized he's preggers. \:ph34r\:  His other pregnancies didn't have him bending his head over the tiolet so often though.....with the others he only got sick when he ate, with THIS ONE he's yacking everytime he isn't BUSY. \:confused\:  I used aloe lotion specifically for sunburns & some spray called "Solar-Caine" (luckily it does NOT have Lidocaine in it) to take some of the sting out of the bumps (having a brain fart at the moment), + I used a lotion called Skin So Soft by AVON which is actually a very good quality lotion. \:cool\:  Worked great on my face & neck so I've got a bit of color to my cheeks at least. \:rah\:  My arms are still darker than they were before I got the sunburn....so I still got 1/2 a tan out of it. \:D  Dinner last night was boneless chicken breasts & pasta with a yummy parmassian sauce.....I actually ate quite a bit. \:rah\:  Tonight is Mexican.....rice, chicken strips from last night's chicken, & cheese in tortillas. \:\)  We eat a LOT of Mexican foods here in the South West of the U.S., and I do mean a LOT! :p  It's cuz California, Arizona, New Mexico, & Texas all border Mexico so along with Chilli....come to the South West bring your ant-acids. \:ph34r\: LOL  Anywho your TS3 creations are lovely. \:rah\:  Even if I don't want to play TS3 it's still neet to see what you & others make. \;\)  Well hope you get rid of all your bugs & glitches. \:rah\:  Take care. \:cool\:  (((((HUGS!!!))))) \:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\:

hiedibear75Jun 21, 2011

I know for TS1 there was SimsFileCop or something like that....is that the type of program you're talking about? \:confused\:  MY guess is that I put in something that has too high a poly count (my PC does NOT like hi poly items). \:wacko\:  Once I get the whatever out of my game that makes it crash when put into build/buy mode IF FULLY loaded with CC....then comes the REALLY HARD PART.....getting that light back in. \:rolleyes:  Since loading in some lots from when I still DID HAVE that light didn't work....I'm thinking I may have to uninstall just from FreeTime on & reinstall them since Free Time is where that ceiling light came from. \:wacko\:  As to the "sun kissed" part.......heavy on the SUN light on kiss part.....& yes I ended up pealing. \:mad\:  We had FUN at the Bill Engval show we saw Tuesday 14th. \:rah\:  I got c-c-c-c-c-COLD though. \:\(  So for the next time we go to the fair to see a show (they have an outdoor amphetheater) we'll put my thermals on under my clothes. \;\)  I MADE a card for some friends of ours; Randy is the President of our car club "Golden State Kustoms" (California is still reffered to as "the golden state" from the big goldrush of the 1800's), the car club's logo is the state of California with hotrod flames & "GOLDEN STATE KUSTOMS" in old English writing, couldn't pull off the old English writting but I did use card stock to cut out the state of California & then I cut out "GSK" to paste on California, & I cut out RANDY LISA, & put their names at the top & bottom with the GSK California being in the middle, everyone signed the card & left a donation for Randy & Lisa which ended up being $258, which was a LOT for the handful of memebers to come up with....but as hard as our finances are Randy & Lisa's is even worse (3 kids @ home, Lisa lost her job & hasn't been able to get hired again & unemployment ran out some time ago, & Randy keeps getting shorted on hrs so he's getting 30-35 hr wks instead of the usual 40). \:D  I have not been able to get out since our Bill Engval show thanks to lingering spasms.....BUT....I did manage to PLAY WITH my SIMS! \:\)  Neil Armstrong.....the poor guy....his NEIGHBORS almost all had a want to have HIM meet aliens yet again. \:eek\:  Well....who am I to deny so many Sims happiness? \:ph34r\:  So he is once again.....preggers. \:D  Hey it was worth TONS of aspiration for TONS of Sims. \:confused\:  I'm so happy to hear that buying an external drive fixed your Sims issues! \:rah\:  WTG Keith! \:cool\:  Well hope to chat sometime soon. \:D  Gotta get ready for dinner. \;\)  Take care. \:\)  (((((((HUGS!!!!!))))))) \:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\:

PralinesimsJun 18, 2011

Hi my dear! !\:D thanks you very much for the awesome feedback! We hope you have a fabulous weekend! *hugs*

TheLeonBMJun 16, 2011

THank you so much for visiting and leaving your comment, have a wonderful weekend \:\)

hiedibear75Jun 13, 2011

Well now that a week has gone by I've gone from lobster red to golden tan. \:cool\:  Here people who are into cars are called "gear-heads" which is definitley us. \:D  There is a T.V. show about cars from England that Mike watches a lot.....I'll have to see what the name of it is. \;\)  Weather has been so-so.....bits of rain here & there......just enough to suck. \:rolleyes:  I'm glad you liked the song we found. \:\)  As for my son he'll be able to contact us (family) after a little while......the program wants him/them to "earn" things back & Brad (my ex) said the program focuses heavily on them EARNING everyone's trust again & making it clear that they have to learn to control their own actions & that their actions have consequences for not just themselves but family & friends around them as well as the community as a whole......keeping my fingers crossed it works out for him. \:cool\:  As for the glitches.....I've got LOTS of downloads.....so finding THE "bad guy" is like searching for a needle in a hay stack. \:o  But I'm afraid of just uninstalling & reinstalling cuz we had trouble getting the discs & HAVE TO HAVE programs like CEP & HomeCrafter.....so that's why I'm so leary of just starting all over again. \:wacko\:  I have however been enjoying playing with an all new family; Neil Armstrong, he's having all alien children to satisfy his wanting a family. \:ph34r\:  So far he's had 3; a girl named Luna then twin boy & girl Mars & Venus. \:D  What is absolutely HISTARICLE....is that a neighbor wants him to meet aliens again so badly she will get I think around 3000 possitive aspiration points whenever he goes for kid #4. \:ph34r\: LMAO  What a pal? \;\)  Oh by the way when I 1st had to switch from regular sodas to diet....I 1st went with the FLAVORED variety like diet orange & Mountain Dew,THEN I'd take diet cola (Pepesi I don't like Coke) & regular & mix them together & over time the ratio of diet went up & I put less & less regular in.  That way I didn't have my tongue threatening to revolt.. \:P LOL  Also try the diet cherry or vanilla flavored ones.....they won't taste as funky as the regular diet pepsi does.  It's been too chilly to get any swimming in.....the weather has been breezy + the highs are only in the upper 60's like 67 or so.....not really SWIMMING weather. \:\(  But...summer isn't over so there is still hope. \:D  I don't know when UK Father's Day is but here it's the 3rd Sunday of June.....so with Keith a happy U.S. Father's Day if nothing else. \:\)  Chat with ya soon. \:cool\: Take care. \:wub\:  (((((HUGS!))))) \:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\:

hiedibear75Jun 13, 2011

(web image of the make & model of wheelchair I had in 2004 when my foot got ran over) http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.medicalpartssource.net/Wheelchair/WC%2520Images/Breezy600_main_blue.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.medicalpartssource.net/Wheelchair/Breezy%2520WC%2520Parts/Breezy_main.htm&usg=__c7V2bpNx10P0RpekUzpNfDR_Oa4=&h=350&w=331&sz=21&hl=en&start=18&zoom=1&tbnid=vv03ndQC9bap1M:&tbnh=106&tbnw=99&ei=EF71TdOfPOP20gGKx_3vDA&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dquickie%2Bbreezy%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26biw%3D734%26bih%3D406%26tbm%3Disch&um=1&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=371&vpy=53&dur=5186&hovh=231&hovw=218&tx=70&ty=187&page=3&ndsp=10&ved=1t:429,r:2,s:18&biw=734&bih=406  

hiedibear75Jun 13, 2011

http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://bradfordmedicalsupply.com/productimages%255Cnovaortho-med%255Cwheelchairs%255Cstandard-star500series%255CStar%2520520522%2520HEAVY%2520DUTY%2520DETACHABLE%2520DESK%2520ARM.jpg&imgrefurl=http://bradfordmedicalsupply.com/wheelchairrentals.aspx&usg=__ByoHPbm38fVGKpuuItTDCXmSFS4=&h=306&w=295&sz=43&hl=en&start=0&zoom=1&tbnid=DSPGQp_3SzMepM:&tbnh=123&tbnw=119&ei=ll31TcLCGYLf0QHRxZ3yDA&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dwheelchair%2Brental%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26biw%3D734%26bih%3D406%26tbm%3Disch&um=1&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=121&vpy=62&dur=13893&hovh=229&hovw=220&tx=137&ty=170&page=1&ndsp=8&ved=1t:429,r:0,s:0&biw=734&bih=406 (image of a typeical "Hospital Clunker")

altea127Jun 10, 2011

\:\) thanks

hiedibear75Jun 9, 2011

My son goes into a residential treatment program today for the next 3 weeks & then another 3 months of outpatient. \:confused\:  I'm happy he is getting the help he needs.....but at the same time I'll miss him.  \:\(  We have been having rain sun rain sun ourselves. \;\)  Sorry you've been having so much trouble with your game. \:confused\:  Been having to deal with some of that myself. \:mad\:  I've gotten myself some GLITCHES within my own game; when I fully loaded with CC I can PLAY no problem but as soon as I click build/buy mode the game crashes, if I'm playing no CC but DO HAVE the CEP files in then my OFB doors & windows ONLY come in RED the other colors vanish so it's like I get the MAXIS red you see in the catalog but can't change the color, if I go in with NOTHING including NO CEP then I DO get ALL color options MAXIS gave that set, & I'm still missing an overhead light that was a 2x2 square of tract lighting (one of my FAVS to use over a 2x2 table as it can be centered properly withOUT having to type in cheat codes (I tried adding in a lot that I'd made before I lost that light to get it back in my game but no luck.....that light is still MIA \:\(  ). \:mad\:  Soooo I can't upload any lots or anything else incase it's something that could be passed along.....I'd be mortified if I did something to screw up someone else's game. \:eek\:   As to the link I put it on Lorain's page. \;\)  But I'll put it on to Ziggy's. \:D  Well got all sorts of good news/bad news for ya.  Good news I got to go to the car show and I pushed myself all over the place checking out all the cool cars.....and there were even a couple from the 40's! \:rah\:  Bad news: battery for my phone died so no pix, got quite sunburnt, the weather said "breezy with intermitent clouds" so I wore sweat pants an account of the "breezy" comment.....turned out to be quite muggy (humid) + quite warm so believe it or not.....I got overheated. \:eek\:  I started hurting....I thought I'd just really REALLY overdone it.....nope......it rained during the wee hrs of Sun/Mon. \:wacko\:  Our friends were so so very sweet......they had some regular soda in their ice-chest but as a diabetic I can't have REGULAR soda, so I asked if I could just have some ice (they were using the type that you freeze & reuse) so they went over to the nearest store they could find & bought me some PEPSI ZERO. \:cool\:  We all talked about getting together as a car-club to have a 4th of July BBQ together.  And NEXT month.....is gonna be a DOOZY for me; 2 car shows back to back......an EARLY morning car show here by our house (the church that Mom & Karen attend wants for our car club to bring their classics for "an all American" breakfast/car-show; there is Mike's 55 Chevy Bellair, our club Pres Randy has a 1956 suburban, Randy's mom Pat has a 1958 Bellair, another member Petee has a 1956 Chevy Bellair, and MAYBE Michelle's 1969 Cadillac coupe de ville hearse) then we'll all go from there to the regular monthly Dalton's car show. \:cool\:  We're going to be going to see several concerts this summer at the fair. \:rah\:  For ONE of the shows however......the only GOOD seats are SEATS so Mike will have to carry me to the seat & mom (who works as the disability coordinator for the fair every year) will have security hold on to MY chair to make sure nobody runs off with it ($3,000 wheelchair....do NOT want it going to a new home.....it's got a home....under MY BUTT \:P LOL ).  I always worry about getting seperated from my chair like out of eyeshot.....IF there were an earthquake.....I'm screwed without the chair......guess that's why it's so nerve wracking to me? \:confused\:  I've only had my chair go MIA ONE TIME......but once is enough I spose. \;\)  I was riding the trolly & talking with the guy who came on after me in a scooter; we were just sitting there talking & another passenger came up & "Um.....I don't mean to interupt your conversation or anything......but sir.....you parked your scooter on her foot!". \:eek\:  Sure enough he'd been parked on TOP OF my foot (didn't feel a thing \:ph34r\: ) so sure enough it broke several toes (went to ER 1st thing in the AM cuz my foot swelled up like a balloon) & while I was having my X-rays taken of my foot, the x-ray techs (I had to have 3, 2 to move me how they wanted me......flipped me to get shots of it from all sorts of angles & #3 to push the shutter button \:P LOL) when the x-rays were done they went to get my chair that was parked outside the door.......some moron had taken MY chair (which BTW is NOT a hospital clunker, & has "QUICKIE" logo patch sewn into/onto the back upholstery) , so they had to send out a wheelchair huntin posse. \:rolleyes:  They found MY chair......it was being used (along with MY cushion) to transport patients around. \:mad\:  So NOW; I get nervous about my chair being out of my sight, AND from then on I have the hospital make up some arm bands as if I'd just had quadruplets or twins......I wear the "mommy" band & have them put one baby band on each of my forearm crutches between the cuff & the handle, then one to go on the front frame of the chair & another on the back frame of the chair so that they've got MY NAME ON THEM + if anyone leaves the hospital with MY chair an alarm would go off & an alarm goes off if you just cut off the baby ones (there is a wire inside the bands). \:cool\:  Oh in and amongst all this other stuff I did manage to PLAY my game some; made a Sim Neil Armstrong, made him a single FAMILY Sim, put him into the military career (it's the closest career to an astronaut), then got him ABDUCTED! \:ph34r\:  He's now got a girl I named Luna......& am working on getting him abducted AGAIN. \:ph34r\:  Hey..... he's the one who wants SIX kids! :P  I hope your tests all come back better than they were B4. \:cool\:  I'll repost that link to your Ziggy28 page......hopefully there won't be any issues with us being from different continents. \:confused\:  I've had other Brittish friends who've tried to share a link with me.....but the site won't allow me to watch it cuz I'm not IN Brittan. \:mad\:  I mean....HULLO.....this is the WORLD Wide Web is it not? \;\)  Anywho......let me know IF it works for ya or not. \:D  Take care. \:cool\:   (((((HUGS))))) \:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\:

LilyOfTheValleyJun 6, 2011

Hi Lorraine \:\) Thank you so much for your congratulations. Much appreciated. \:wub\:

OnyxiumJun 2, 2011

Thank you for your greeting. Take care of your self. \:wub\:

lillkaJun 2, 2011

Hi! \:D Thank you so much for your congrats! I'm very happy! I wish you a great day! \:wub\: \:wub\:

hiedibear75Jun 2, 2011

BTW you never mentioned IF you liked that song I left you (left you a link on your FB) \:\)

hiedibear75Jun 2, 2011

Sat & Sun were rainy but the rest of the week has been cool but nice. \:cool\:  I got another quest knocked out in MEDIEVAL. \:D  No young ones are constantly putting themselves in harm's way with their curiosity. \;\)  You should inquire as to whether yiou'd be allowed to have WATER.....my Dr. & lab allow that, anything else would scew the readings of the HbA1c (diabetic 3mo sugar test) & cholesterol. \:\)  We're planning on a couple of concerts this summer. \:rah\:  We're kinda unsure about how many of them I'll be up for; the June 14th no problem but then there's the 28th, 29th & 30th & July 4th which all have concerts that we want to see but the question is if I'll be up to sitting up for so many hrs 3x in a row ALL 5 are OUTDOORS without a day or 2 to rest......if only the band playing on the 29th played on the 1st that'd be PERFECT. \:rah\:  Still hoping to go to that car show. \:D  That's about 6hrs of upright but it's during the DAY so I don't have as much trouble with chilly breezes causing me grief. \;\)  I'm hoping to get some pix this time . \:cool\:  Still trying to sort out my TS2 CC issues. \:rolleyes:  AGAIN?!?!? \:eek\:  What is it with SOME "PEOPLE" (I use the term people LOOSLY)??? \:mad\:  If somebody has the know-how to make a virus or malware WHY don't they do something USEFUL with that talent? \:wacko\:  Wow you guys had better make sure you've always got things like pixs on CDs or jump-drives. \:eek\:  Well I did REALLY WELL on dinner tonight TWO burgers! \:D  AND I've finally gotten up to a decent weight so my hips don't dig into myself when I sleep (was getting some bruising cuz my hip bones stuck out & made the bruising) so I'm REALLY HAPPY about THAT! \:rah\:  I even had to have Mike take a pair of fuzzy PJ bottoms & put them up.....cuz they were.....TOO SMALL! \:cool\:  Oh another thing I'm happy about is my son has gotten accepted into a treatment program! \:cool\:  Hope to hear from you soon. \:\)  Take care. \:wub\:  (((((HUGS!!!))))) \:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\:

deeiutzaJun 2, 2011

Thank you so much for your congrats!\:wub\:

CaizaJun 2, 2011

Thank you so much for your  congrats! Very much appreciated\:wub\:

RedCatJun 2, 2011

Hii \:\) Thank you so much for your greeting \:wub\: Have a nice day \:rah\:

Hunter RaeMay 29, 2011

Hi Lorraine, how old is your daughter? You make beautiful pictures!!! Wish you a great week, Jess

hiedibear75May 29, 2011

I was thinking schools in the UK sure had a LOT of holidays! :P  Ours seem to have way more days off now than when WE were kids too. \:rolleyes:  Well glad she didn't hurt herself REALLY BAD! \:eek\:   My sister decided SHE needed to shave her chin like dad....2yrs old went into the bathroom climed into the tub & grabbed dad's razor......came running out SCREAMING with the razor hanging from her chin (no she wasn't holding it there....it was IN her chin \:ph34r\: ) so now she's got an interesting scar. :P  I spose we all get them along the way. \;\)  I managed to slip while pushing a merry-go-round & it cut my chin/jaw open. \:o  And stingrays make a very INTERESTING conversation starter/hole. \:o  Stepped on one around my 13th birthday. \;\)  At least you don't have any of THOSE at your local beaches. \:P LOL  Well it's been cold/dreary weather today.....rain expected for Sunday. \:rolleyes:  But I'm doing OK considering. \;\)  We're hoping that NEXT weekend is NICE wather so I can go to the monthly car show. \:rah\:  So hows the planter comming along?  I'd love to see some before/during/after pix. \:D  We've got some flowery bushes infront of the windows (PRETTY anti-burgeler units.......the REAL anti-burgeler unit is the 80lb DOG). \:P LOL  Anywho....take care. \:cool\:  (((((HUGS!!!))))) \:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\:

fabrizioammolloMay 25, 2011

Hi Lorraine! You are welcome. Thanks for sharing. Happy Simming! F.

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