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ziggy28's Guestbook

katalinaApr 10, 2011

Hiya Lorraine\:wub\: stopping in for a spot of tea and shooting the breeze, so what have you been up to?? Inquiring minds want to know lol  (((HUGS)))

hiedibear75Apr 7, 2011

Oh dear! \:eek\:  I'm glad you're feeling better. \:rah\:  Um say did they happen to mention to you that being a diabetic predisposes you to catching infections AND of how that extra glucose feeds bacteria & viruses? \:confused\:  If  they hadn't warned you they should have. \;\)  As for ME? \:confused\:  Well......where to begin? \:\(  Our truck motor blew up & so we had to get a rebuilt one & make payments to a friend. \:rolleyes:  It's been raining off & on. \:mad\:  I've had a mixed bag of; a few days stuck in bed \:\( , a few days sitting up but drugged sensless \:rolleyes: , a few "bucket days" \:puke\: with a couple of 1/2 decent days.....just enough so I don't completely loose my mind. \;\)  My son.....OMG....MY SON! \:eek\: \:\(  He's gotten himself into drugs now including prescription meds & MORE! \:eek\: \:mad\:  So now the next time he comes over I'm going to have to lock up ALL MY MEDS.! \:\(  He apparently had a go at taking hits of ACID with some friends.....had a "bad trip" & threatened to commit suicide! \:eek\: \:\( \:eek\: \:mad\: \:eek\:  And to top THAT all off.....we had to sell a $10,000 RV (motor home) for $2,000 just so we wouldn't loose the house because we've had such a time of paying monthly bills we were not able to come up with the property taxes. :waco:  When it rains.....it POURS! \:rolleyes:  Glad you're feeling better! \:rah\:  Take care. \:cool\:  (((HUGS))) \:wub\:

murfeelApr 7, 2011

It's great to hear that you're doing okay as can be expected at least. \:wub\: Hang in there! We're always wishing you the best! \:\(

maxi kingApr 6, 2011

\:wub\:Hi Lorraine!How are you?I had a cold but not too bad,it's getting much nicer here now and all is getting green again!Well have a wonderful day!Hugs Irmtraut\:wub\:

katalinaApr 3, 2011

Ok, you are MIA, I hope all is well. Let me know how you are doing ((((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))))))\:wub\:

murfeelMar 31, 2011

Hope you've been doing okay! \:o You've been on my mind for a few days now--thought I'd ckeck in! \:wub\:

katalinaMar 25, 2011

Hiya Lorraine!  What have you been up to lately and how have you been feeling?\:wub\: ((((HUGGIES))))

Demented DesignsMar 22, 2011

Heya Lorraine, was just wondering how you managed to find my lot?   It is messed up, and as far as I can see, only shows on my page, so I was wondering if you found it on my site or it had turned up in some other category?  Thank you for the comment regardless!  The upload system seems to hate me currently lol!  May have to take a break on uploading until it is working right again.  Hope you had a great day!  \:wub\:

hiedibear75Mar 21, 2011

Some odds & ends pix of my latest lot are up on FB if you have a look through my albums. \:cool\:  (((HUGGLES!))) \:wub\:

hiedibear75Mar 21, 2011

Well the rain has gone now FINALLY! \:rah\:  After four days off & on. \:rolleyes:  I was so close to making it a full 3 months without getting sick....but alas....had a couple of bucky days. \:puke\:  BUT......THANKFULLY that's done with for the time being. \:cool\:  I'm hurting still a bit from the previous storm but my tummy is AOK. \:D  I'll be making the last minute adjustments to the lot & then upload it. \;\)  I don't know how well they'll do at making sure the babies have their skills once toddlers before growing into children. \:confused\:  Mike & his friends are totally stiping & rebuilding his motor....it almost gave out on us on our way to my Dr. last time & it wouldn't have made another trip without breaking down leaving us stranded somewhere on the roadside. \:eek\:  Soon as I can stop being "drugged" I'll finish up on the lot......I don't want to make any blunders.....and I tend to do TONS of those when I take my meds. \:o  I'm sorry Ceyrs gave you another "GIFT". \:\(  Well maybe make him a special dinner......one of his favorite dishes? \:confused\:  I didn't get far enough into knitting to do patterns.  Just a blanket for each of the kids so they wouldn't feel left out (they were 3,4 & 5 when I was pregnant with Johnathan) and a matching set of blankie, booties, & hat for Johnathan. \;\)  Bet the end product will be lovely. \:cool\:  Gett better soon. \:rah\:  Take care! \:wub\: (((((HUGS!!!))))) \:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\:

hiedibear75Mar 17, 2011

WAS doing pretty good.....I play tested my lot with a family of Sims; Mom ended up wanting to have a baby & daddy wanted to woohoo or they'd go into aspiration desperation (they had difficult "Iwant to ____"s to fullfill) so they woohoo'd in the closet & withOUT any hack/cheatcode OR cheesecake....she had TWINS! :P  In playing with them I discovered that it's probably best off as being for a family of parents with 3 kids not 4 & then 6. \:D  Oh & that I neglected to put in something for their logic skills & lights in the garage so those will have to be added to the lot before uploading. \;\)  We've got TWO sotrms rolling in......days apart. \:wacko\:  I started FEELING the 1st storm about 36-48hrs before they say it'll hit us. \:\(  BUT my Dr. gave me plenty of pain pills so I may have to manage with my pillow or as a zombie but I'll manage. \;\)  I did get that a bit mixed up then didn't I? \:confused\:  Wupsie. \:o  RIght now I'm only kinda sorta loopy......we shall see what tomorrow's moisture brings. \:eek\:  :P  Anywho nope apparently I was asleep or something when you were on-line. \:\(  Alas another time. \:cool\:  I'm glad you're feeling so much better. \:rah\:  Take care. \:wub\:  (((((HUGS!!!))))) \:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\:

katalinaMar 16, 2011

Hey girlfriend\:wub\: So glad to hear you are feeling better. Knitting is really relaxing isn't it. I still have my mothers afghan blankets she crochet long ago.  I used to know how to knit and can remember some things about it but it's been ages. I'm so happy you are getting back to your chipper self.  Let me know when you post the pics in your gallery so I can see your handy work\:rah\: \:rah\: I noticed you haven't submitted anything in a while but you were feeling bad so don't worry about it, even though I check everyday on the objects being created, I do miss your pics..  Take Care (((((((((((HUGGIES)))))))))))))

maxi kingMar 16, 2011

\:wub\:Hi Lorraine!Thank you for your wonderful comment on my wood pattern!I'm glad he's happy i used it!I thought it fit perfectly!It is such a wonderful one!\:rah\:How are you doing?I have a headache since last night but apart from that I am fine!\;\)Have a wonderful,peaceful and relaxing day!Hugs Irmtraut\:wub\:

murfeelMar 16, 2011

Just read your comment! \:P Thanks for thinking she's pretty! \:D I am still wrangling with CAS, and really, a lot of my Sims' looks are based on chance. \:\( I accidentally move the slider a certain way, and they look INCREDIBLE (for my ability), or QUITE bad! \:P lol I am still trying to understand how creators like Peggy, Lemonleaf and other Asian sites get such GORGEOUS sims, with those big-eyed doll faces \:wub\: . So jealous. \:\( They must be using CC facial slider mods or something \:o Oh well! I will keep trying! Thanks so much for the support! \:D \:wub\:

murfeelMar 16, 2011

*facepalm* I'm getting tired of me. Thank you so much--you were right; my Lady Noh Sim somehow got COMPLETELY skipped over, I fixed it immediately \:wub\: . HOW am I going to be an SA with all of these silly little mistakes I keep making? I REALLY want to be one now--TSR is trying to break my computer with all of these stupid advertisements, and it's driving me crazy. It REALLY slows own my system, all these stupid ads everywhere, and it just makes me want to create something  amazing so I can get promited already--how's that for drive!? \:P lol \:D No, I don't want to make better things so the community can love me more. No, I don't want to be promoted due to pride in my work and recognition....I just want the ADVERTISEMENTS GONE ALREADY !!!!! \:mad\: lmao Anyways, thanks ONCE AGAIN for your help! (wow, a whole jumper \:wub\: Mommy used to make us scarves, hats and mittens, but she now has carpal tunnel or however it's spelled, so I have to go out and buy my own daggone gloves now! \:P lol She still make thigs for Angie, cuz she's small. \:P ) The water's going down, but I'm not out of the woods yet, because it's RAINING. All we need is MORE water *facepalm again* to clog the river back up. But I do think everything's going to be okay now. \:\) (PHEW \:P ) My hands and feet haven't done anything funny this week, thank goodness, but I have to set up a dentist's appointment because I think I have a cavity. \:\( I NEVER get cavities--I'm mad as he!!, but I've got this aching pain all the way in the back of my mouth, and it can only be a cavity, because after I turned 18 and got kicked off of mommy's dental plan (I hate America--Obama only JUST now repealled that stupid law--after I was already BOOTED OFF, frikkin BUSH; yeah, THANKS!! \:mad\: ), so I couldn't go in for free sealants on my teeth anymore, and right around 21 I got my first wisdom teeth to grow in, and they never got sealants put on them (mostly because I don't trust any other dentist office to do it right--my mother's agency was FIERCE, but only serves members of her job union, darn), so I can just IMAGINE the deteroration the extra teeth have been going through for the past couple of years, what with all of my junk food binges. I just don't like doctors, you know, and I couldn't find any dentist office I felt I could TRUST to go prodding around in my mouth--clumsy quacks \:D I look at my teeth every day, and I don't SEE anything, but then again I am half blind, so...yeah.... :P It could be INSIDE the teeth, that's always a possibility. But whatever, all I know is my jaw is in PAIN, and I can kind of feel it in my throat when I swallow, and I have this fiery red circlet of pain around the side of my face now. \:\( I just can't get a breather. \:\(   

AshleyBlackMar 14, 2011

Hi, Dear Lorraine! \:\) How are you? I read your blog, and I'm glad that you feel better already. \:\) I'm really sorry, that I had no time to be around here on TSR (and didn't visit the FB neither), but I usually thinking of you. Your new chinese pictures are beautiful, I love the Hiromi-set. \:\) I wish you a wonderful week. Hugs - Ildi \:wub\: \:wub\:

ung999Mar 14, 2011

Hi Lorraine, it's so nice to have your comment on my pattern.  I'm no good in making patterns and is still learning.  Glad to know you're better now and we can enjoy your creations again. \:wub\:  Take care.  ~Ung

murfeelMar 14, 2011

Let me tell you, 8 feet is even scarier when you can't SWIM!! O.O lol But the weather seems to be golding out, so hopefully that gives us a chance to get the ice melting *slowly*, not all at once, because I live further down the mountain, so whatever melts is going to be coming towards MY daggone house, since the river flows south! \:mad\: LMAO, but it ain't funny \:P I KNEW I should have bought a raft! \:P But I'm doing fine, so I hope everything stays pleasant. \:\) At least I'm not in Japan right now! \:eek\: God, have you seen the news lately!? \:\( My beloved country is...like...UNDER WATER! \:\( My heart goes out to all of tose people who lost their families and homes, I can't even watch the news anymore, if I don't want to start crying. I didn't even cry when my husband Michael Jackson died, but if i have to see my Japan in this condition I'm going to get mad. \:\( Anyways, brighter subject: How are you and yours? \:wub\: Hope you all are having a great weekend! \:rah\:

jmi-lu9999Mar 13, 2011

No need i love it all keep up the good work \:wub\:

hiedibear75Mar 13, 2011

If you're still up & about I haven't loaded up my game as of yet if you fancy a CHAT! \:cool\:

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