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ChIkA_LaTiNa's Guestbook

dgandyDec 24, 2004

You're very welcome. Happy holidays to you too!\:D

~!Hawaiian Ginger!~Dec 23, 2004

Yes, I'm a bad student, skippin 'n all. The Sims is getting boring, I want University soooo bad! Boston's boring... pshaw. Rehoboth & Lewes are MUCH worse. Ya'll teachers fall asleep? I wish mine would, but they seem to manage to put us alseep first. Anyways, ttyl!

~!Hawaiian Ginger!~Dec 21, 2004

I didn't have school yesterday bc of the snow, I'm so glad. I had this major science project due, and so I didn't have much time to actually come on and sign the guestbook and stuff, but trust me, I'm on. I'll be on for the next 12 days, bc of break and the fact that I'm skipping Weds & Thursday. Delaware had their parades like the beginning of the month, so like nothing is happening now. *btw, you did spell it right* THEY GOT THE TOOLS FOR FLOORS/GROUNDS/WALLPAPER! I'm so glad bc I was using the same stuff a million and a half times. Everything was so bland and DARK! they need some light stuff. Well, I need to get on my other computer to download, so I'll ttyl!

~!Hawaiian Ginger!~Dec 19, 2004

That's weird, it went from 71 to 68.

~!Hawaiian Ginger!~Dec 19, 2004

Look at Chika, 71 entries! Sheesh. I only have 36. Well, anyways, I just wanted to say, What's up? Ttyl!

angelmarieDec 18, 2004

hehe, didn't scare me off! It's cool that you talk about Mexico...i wasn't aware or even thought that you brought it up too much. I really hope you have a great time with your family. me, i've just been kinda busy lately...and that beef between me and that girl is cleared up. she apologized and took down the sim with my clothes on it...she posted like, right above yours. lol. nothing else much going on..just trying to keep sane during the holidays; family can be sorta nuts sometimes. lol. other than that, nothing's been happening lately. i see you changed your avatar..i like the Christmas theme. lol. who was the last girl in the looked like Paulina Rubio? maybe not. i don't know. lol. well, hit me back...let me know what's up. i read some of your posts, and someone was encouraging you in your endeavor in a singing career? that's great! i didn't know you could sing. if you became famous, what type of songs would you like to sing? well, gotta go! Peace and hair grease! -Angel p.s.- thanks for havin' my back, girl!

SpringxDream26Dec 16, 2004

This Summer there should be some new episodes on Fox\:rah\:

mOsTdZireDDec 16, 2004

thanks anyways though...

mOsTdZireDDec 16, 2004

I mean click on his head in a right bottom side and then u will c how much he weighs then go 2 interst and how do u make that higher?

mOsTdZireDDec 16, 2004

can you go with your sims to the honeymoon ?

auracyanDec 16, 2004

Thanks for the comments in my guestbook. I made the Evanescance t-shirt as a request, truth be told I don't really listen to them. I did hear that Wal*Mart was being stupid about their latest CD. It is just another chapter in their long history of censorship. They refuse to stock many CDs based on content. It's sad when people force their values on others.

thecultofheatherDec 15, 2004

Thank you! I'm hoping to come out with the letterman jackets for them soon. Not sure if you saw but I also have one for Strangetown! \:\)

emicipDec 15, 2004

--- actually, you CAN buy the mommy kissing mrs claus shirt... right here : \:\) enjoy

dgandyDec 15, 2004

Glad you like my sweat suits. Will doyour color changes and wording and upload. Debra\:D

oldmember_kaeliaDec 15, 2004

Thanks for the comment! Tustin2121 figured out how to change the CAS background and posted it in the forums. I like the changed ones a lot better! \:\)

jannaDec 15, 2004

Hey how could I forget? \:\) Id never forget the first person to sign my guestbook!! Good luck on your singing career! Go Red Sox!! \:\) I love Boston!

TikoDec 15, 2004

What a great message! \:o Thanks. From your profile it sounds like you're in heaven all the time \:cool\:

angelmarieDec 15, 2004

Yea, school does suck and socializing is also my biggest problem..hehe. I just finished up my finals, bout to go home for Christmas and chill with my family for about a month, then head right back to college. And girl, yes! i have Em's new cd...lovin' it; that's all i've been playing for the past 3 weeks. I still love Michael too, he's a legend, and no matter how weird and eccentric he may seem, his music is what captivates me. Cool, didn't know XZ's album dropped AND Pac's. You think Pac's still livin? My old roommate and i used to debate over that...i didn't think he was alive until something i read on the internet made me stop and think. "He" has come out with like 4 cds, maybe more, since his death. I dont know. I hope you have fun at your friend's Christmas party and have an awesome time in Mexico! I'll probably be spending my vacation arguing with this punk kid on who's claiming she made one of my outfits. i devoted an entire blog to her and made it public so she knows not to start s*** with me and also to let everyone know that she's fake. People work too hard on their stuff to let someone else sit there and take credit for it. That's just childish and cheap. But, anyway, hit me back, just to chat, truly yours, your biggest fan, this aint stan. lmao, im stupid. Adios Amiga!

dallasindcDec 15, 2004

thanx; i think i got it with the msn icons.

ADawsonDec 14, 2004

Hey Girl! Thanks for the comment on Gir! I absolutely love him!

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