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ChIkA_LaTiNa's Guestbook

princess4ptdSep 5, 2005

Hey Chika...Hope you are enjoying Angelina. Take it easy. \:wub\:

~!Hawaiian Ginger!~Sep 5, 2005

DON'T MAKE ME GO BACK! \:eek\: I DON'T WANT TO GO BACK TO PRISON! \:\( HECK NO I WON'T GO! \:mad\: Tomorrow's the day.

~!Hawaiian Ginger!~Sep 5, 2005

BTW... do you really play The Sims to fall in love? I was reading your profile.

~!Hawaiian Ginger!~Sep 4, 2005

Your icon has a red X on it, so no I can't see it. School starts Tuesday, blah. I have to read 2 books by tuesday and write about them. So much fun. \:mad\: I think you're like the only person who signs my GB on here. But, I'm glad I got to make your 100th/150th signings. I don't wanna work tho! Can't I just gamble? \:D I wanted my mom to let me drive the car in the driveway, but she was like no. I'm glad you enjoy driving... except for the almost accident thing. I guess that's what I'm afraid of. I'm glad you're okay tho. Ttyl!

~!Hawaiian Ginger!~Sep 2, 2005

BTW, that message was 150th \:rah\:

~!Hawaiian Ginger!~Sep 2, 2005

You got a permit? Cool. \:rah\: I don't want to drive, yet. I still have to take the driving portion of my driver's ed course. I told him I didn't want to take it yet *that was 10th grade... I'm going into the 12th, and still haven't taken it yet*

~!Hawaiian Ginger!~Sep 2, 2005

Blah... I didn't do the survey because of my computer. I need a job, I want a new laptop. \:mad\: I don't want to work. Blah, oh well. Guess what? My birthday is September 20th!!!! Know what that means? I want presents! Lots & Lots of presents! \:rah\: You got a puppy? Cool! We have a dog and a cat, and my sister is going to get another dog soon.

princess4ptdAug 29, 2005

Hey Chika~ Thanks for signing my guestbook. is where you can get my icon. Her parts are from all over the net but I put her together myself. I modeled her after Angelina Jolie. Enjoy. Holla Back! PS...I'm latina. \:P

~!Hawaiian Ginger!~Aug 24, 2005

You're so not going to believe this. \:mad\: On Friday, I went to and went on to their forum. There was some thread about websites for hair/clothes for the sims. Well I wanted to check one of those websites out. I clicked to check out their teen selections and guess what? A pop up comes up. \:eek\: No it gets worse. \:\( I accidentially click on it and I had a virus. \:mad\: I had to send it to the shop Saturday and I just got it back today. \:mad\: and \:rah\: only bc it's back.

~!Hawaiian Ginger!~Aug 19, 2005

Hey if your online today, can you PM me *on here?*

~!Hawaiian Ginger!~Aug 19, 2005

Hey, me again. I'm going to go to the message boards here, and at a Survivor message board. I might play the Sims 4 a few and surf the web, i'll write when i'll be back! Ttyl -- Ginger

~!Hawaiian Ginger!~Aug 19, 2005

I'm so pumped, I'm going to spend my whole weekend here *okay, not really but majority of it here* You have to be on here more this weekend. No more once a month posts, ya hear? I want AT LEAST once every 2 weeks \:P

~!Hawaiian Ginger!~Aug 19, 2005

Hey!!! I'm still over here! I'm so psyched about this weekend at TSR! I hope ChicChica's downloads are free, because that is what I want. Have you heard of her? She has some high quality downloads, but she no longer makes them. She had webhost problems a few months back. I used to have her downloads before my game crashed :-( so I'm hoping they have them this weekend. I'm also going to fill out that survey and win me some prizes! Oh yeah, I remember the screenshot. We were debating about Bella Goth being in Strangetown, and it turns out you were right \:P But that girl was too light to be Bella! Are you ready for this weekend?

~!Hawaiian Ginger!~Jul 28, 2005

Hey! I just signed your guestbook over at, btw, you can only sign guestbooks once per person, unless you delete their previous entry. This year coming up, I'm taking AP English and Office Management. I wanted to take Spanish Conversation, but that class got cancelled because not enough people signed up for it. I chose to take Spanish 4, but when I found out who I was going to have, I decided to drop it because the teacher is very incompetent. We don't have an AP Spanish at our school. I really wanted to take Spanish this year too. I dropped another class because it's about politics... which isn't my thing. So I only have 2 classes, but I need to talk to my guidance counselor next month. I don't care that much for summer because it's so hot. I'm more of a fall person. Well, it's 4:50 AM so I'll ttyl!!! --Ginger

~!Hawaiian Ginger!~Jul 26, 2005

I go to community college as a visiting high school student on August 22, and I go back to school as a senior on September 6 (two weeks later 9/20 is my bday) I graduate June 6, 2006! YaY!!! I mostly hang out at BBS now (I'm Scarlett2311), I visit here sometimes, not much. I'm so tired of this heat wave we have! I haven't been outside much this summer. I've been enjoying my AC and my Sims 2. Well ttyl!

~!Hawaiian Ginger!~Jun 26, 2005

Geez girl! I missed you so much! I thought you would never come back, so I usually hang at the BBS now. BUT, I'm so glad you're back!!!!! \:rah\: PART-AY!!!! \:D Anyways, the Sims 2 Nightlife is coming in September... r u going to get it? I'm going to be a senior this year, I'm so excited! I'm also going to community college 2 afternoons a week for a class, so I get off of school early! Plus I don't have school in the afternoons on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday! More time for the Sims this year! \:rah\: Well, I'll see ya later! ChiKa's back! --Ginger

jazzmomMay 9, 2005

Hola! I know this is quite a while after your nice compliment, but I am only reading my guestbook for the first time.\:o Anyways, wanted to say thanks, no one has ever commented about that before, and I had sort of wondered if it sounded weird or not.\:P You sound like a sweet person Chika. ((hugs)) jazzmom

cgcg1May 9, 2005

Hello, You will find marvelous hair at pronupsims (, Sims connection (, most of the hair i use come from these sites, sometimes i make mine too. Citygirl

oldmember_moiraz86Apr 13, 2005

\:D haha thanks I just read the comment today because I haven't played The sims for months, maybe I'll post some new stuff soon

~!Hawaiian Ginger!~Mar 23, 2005

On Friday, it will be the one month anniversary of your last entry in my guestbook. \:rah\:

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