CornwallCapp (3031901)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (12 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Ka-Ho-Ku Jap Kimono
Published Feb 7, 2010
My Latest Community Uploads
About Me
I am addicted to Sims 2 since I was in the 3rd grade. My classmates are also addicted to Sims 2. And I never, never ever leave Sims2 for the rest of my life.
I think you need more uploads from me, still ok with me:
For requests, e-mail me @:
*I create meshes for female hairs only*
My Latest Updates Show All
My next submissions!Written Feb 07, 2010
I am planning to submit the valentines collection. Adult, Teenage and Child-Valentine Clothes only. Just wait for this month! Some of them are meshes, I think? ...More
The Sims 2 FeverWritten Feb 02, 2010
These contact "RANGES" never let me stop! Since I was in the 3rd Grade, my brother let me borrow his The Sims 2 installer. I never knew that there was now The Sims 2 installer available! Let's see I played: Nightlife University Celebration Stuff Open for Business Family Fun Stuff These are the only Expansion and Stuff packs I have! ...More
My Guestbook Show All
squeakersFeb 12, 2010
Hi, I came across your page, and thought I'd give ya a looksie. First off, keep doing what your doing, some of your colors are kind of wild, but I can see progress being made, and you have come a long way, so don't give up, whatever you do. Second, don't pay no mind to the comments that are off, don't let a few people get to you, I can see by the downloads that people like your stuff! So keep up the great work, you have some great idea's! Denise
CornwallCappFeb 02, 2010
thanks for the downloads!
CornwallCappJan 30, 2010
Tomorrow please be aware for my new creations!