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GFitz's Guestbook

drewsolteszSep 29, 2007

Hi Gayl!!!Thanks so much for the lovely comment on "Van Helsing~Part 1. The next chapter is now posted, would be honoured if you read and commented on it! CHeers! \:wub\:

newbie.t.Sep 26, 2007

Hi Gayl! Thank you very much,I'm very flattered! \:o \:D And an especially big thank you for introducing me to the whole idea of having a blog! I was gutted when I found out the guidelines would prevent my stories being accepted, but then I remembered Dark December! I followed your link to SimTales, and there was even a tutorial on how to do it! So a big thank you for that! My *shing new* blogspot is here: "". Thanks again for your kind feedback, I really appreciate it. \:\) \:\)

drewsolteszSep 17, 2007

Hi Gayl, thanks so much for reading and commenting on "Van Helsing Chronicles-Introduction, I do appreciate it! New chapter is now up, would love it if you read and commented! Read your part 4, wonderful! Will get to part 5 this week! Cheers!!\:wub\:

newbie.t.Sep 11, 2007

I got to read Dark December AT LAST, no thanks to the Internet SS aka my sister. I nearly choked when I saw Agnes! Where the hell did she go to get made over like that?! A circus? She's getting more evil and twisted by the day. I love it! What's going on with the baby/ies? It seems so very sinister... And Julia can't still be alive, surely... Or is she.....? Veeeery intriguing. Oh, and I can't believe Coop did the dirty deed with Agnes, GAH! Just plain wrong! I loved how it went back to the first episode, we now understand what Coop was going through at the very beginning. Great job, and you can really see the effort you've put in. It's definitely paid off, great job! \:\)

newbie.t.Sep 10, 2007

Thanks Gayl, and thank you for all your kind feedback. Sorry I haven't had time to catch up on Coop yet (that has a ring to it...), I seem to be so busy just lately \:\(. I'm so pleased you enjoyed the story. I'm already planning my next story, so I hope you'll enjoy that just as much. Thank you!! \:\) \:\) \:\)

newbie.t.Sep 9, 2007

Hellooooo! Thank you! And did you notice, I 121 slides [throws down the gauntlet for ridiculously long stories]. Glad I surprised you, was a bit worried it'd be too obvious. And yes, I have had writer's block. My sister. I can't get on the ruddy computer because she's on it all day. Frustrating! Anyway, I'm toddling off to Dark December, to see what other wicked schemes are brewing against poor old Coop. Thanks again!! \:\)

drewsolteszSep 7, 2007

Hi Gayl, thank you so much for reading and commenting on my latest vampire tale, I am going right to town, already completed part 1 and working on part 2! Please send a link so I can bookmark your blog, I had it , but lost it, I have to catch up, I was away all of August! Cheers mate!\:wub\: ~~Karen~~

newbie.t.Aug 25, 2007

Hi Gayl, glad you enjoyed the story. It's really starting to tire me, I feel like I've hit my wall. Not long to go, at least. I love Portia, she really seems to be making an impact with people! And surprisingly easy to write for! Thanks for reading, thanks even more for commenting! \:\)

newbie.t.Aug 15, 2007

Never bored! Thanks Gayl \:D Swindle's been a naughty boy, but how can you stay angry at a smile like that

newbie.t.Aug 12, 2007

Hi Gayl, sorry for double posting \:o but I just read your comment on my story and wanted to say thank you! I'm glad you like Klimt so much, it's a great compliment to be told a character has a lot of depth! Sorry I can't tell you what the meaning of life is. I could, but then I'd have to kill you. \;\)

newbie.t.Aug 12, 2007

Hi Gayl, just read Part 4 AT LAST, and it was worth the wait! You r pictures really are absolutely gorgeous, you can spend ages just looking at every picture and noticing how mucch thought has gone into it. Slim in the nuddy! \:rah\: I'm liking that Bonni girl, I'd like to find out more about her. And Poor Lola, I actually felt sorry for her, tramp that she is... Oh, and Agnes. She is deliciously evil (if it was set in the 1920s she'd be twirling her moustache) but at the same time, soooo interesting. How low can she go? I mean, the whole recording Julia's voice thing? That's really LOW. Can't wait for the next installment, so well written and absolutely beautiful! BTW My latest chapter was 93 pics long, I'm catching up! First to write a 1000 screenshot story wins! \;\) \:D

newbie.t.Aug 8, 2007

Hi Gayl, thanks for your comment! Sligh is a nasty piece of work, isn't he? It scares me that I can write his lines so easily! Klimt's my fave at the moment too, but it changes so often! Fickle as ever... I'm glad you liked Harquay's lines, I'm never too sure when I write that kind of stuff whether it will come out too sickly. Thanks for letting me know Dark December 4 is done, must have taken a LOT of work! Can't wait to see the next part of Agnes' wicked scheme... Thanks again!! \:D

sandybvvAug 5, 2007

Hi i just wanted to let you know tha I had posted my Story When friendship Kills 4.. I hope you like it!!! have a great nigh!! bye bye

newbie.t.Aug 4, 2007

Hi Gayl, just read Part 3 of Dark December, but Blogger hates me and refuses to acknowledge my existance (we had a falling out last time and I think we both said things we regret) Anyway, here's what I would have posted: OOOOHHHH!!! Never saw THAT coming!! I mean, I knew Julia was going to die, but by Agnes' hand?! Makes perfect sense! So cold and calculating how she faked it. Eeeeevil woman. But she still really interests me, a great villainess. Slim? [falls to floor] Another great episode, so many twists and turns. Great job. \:rah\: \:rah\: \:rah\:

newbie.t.Aug 3, 2007

Hi Gayl, thanks as ever for such supportive feedback \:\) I have a soft spot for Klimt - he's so gruff but I know he's a softie inside! I liked getting to develop him a bit more. I very pleased it seemed they were underground! I worked hard to make sure there weren't any patches of blue sky slipping through! Thank you, and I'm really glad you enjoyed it! \:\)

newbie.t.Aug 2, 2007

Hi GFitz, I've just read the second part of Dark December. My computer hates me and won't recognise me on Blogger so I'll leave my comment here instead: Another great chapter! Oh, Coop, you baaaaad boy. Poor poor Julia. And of course I *HEART* Slim, what a gentleman! I know it sounds strange, but I really like Agnes! Wouldn't want to be friends with her, but I like how you've really developed her and made her believable, rather than just a cliched villain. Great work! \:\)

newbie.t.Jul 30, 2007

Hi GFitz, thanks you for another lovely comment, as ever I really appreciate it. I would love to see your other stories, I'm very curious to see your work. A bit 'adult' eh? Bring it on!! \;\) \:D Thanks again! \:\)

newbie.t.Jul 28, 2007

I'm glad to be back! Your comments really made my day, thank you so much! I'm really glad you enjoyed the charcters and appreciated the poetry (really, poetry! me!). Next part won't be long so I hope you'll enjoy that too. Hmmmm... under a spell you say.... [strokes beard like the evil genius he is]... we'll see... \;\) Thanks again! \:\)

newbie.t.Jul 26, 2007

Hi GFitz! Long time no see!! So glad to see you about again! It's so nice to be back, as soon as I got my new computer I had to start writing again, it's like 4 months of creative frustration pouring out! Thanks so much for your lovely comment, made me feel so happy \:wub\: I'm so glad you enjoyed it, and I hope you enjoy future parts too. I'm even trying poetry in this story (yeah, I know, check me out!) Thanks again, so glad to see you!! \:\) \:\) Tony x

drewsolteszJul 21, 2007

Hi Gayl! Thanks very much for reading and leaving a such a nice comment on 'The Vicar's Wife'-Conclusion, I really appreciate it!! I value your input!! \:wub\:

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