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sandybvvJul 5, 2007

hi there.. i just want to let you know that the second part of my story When Friendship Kills is out... you can find it at: hope you like it..

S.CainsJun 26, 2007

Hi just so you know the next part of Rich Girls is out now. It's short but the next part will be longer

drewsolteszJun 22, 2007

Hi! Thanks for the lovely comment on my 'Bride of Frankenstein' story, it is much appreciated! I have a new story posted, 'The Vicar's Wife', would be honoured if you checked it out!\:\) \:wub\:

sandybvvJun 21, 2007

hi again, i just posted my new story When friendship kills you can find it or in my blog.. \:rah\:

sandybvvJun 14, 2007

hi.. i have just created a blog where i will be publishing my stories thats the link, you can visit me whenever you want.. up to now i have just posted Sylvia-sylvia5, but hopefully on Friday i will post my new story call When Friendship Kills.. if you want i can let you know when the story is out.. thank you so much for your nice comment on my gb. \:rah\:

JubilantJun 11, 2007

I uploaded chapter 13. I'd say it could be published either later today if TSR does another publishing but definately no later than tomorrow...I hope. I know you guys will enjoy this chapter. \:wub\: erin

JubilantJun 9, 2007

Oh, thanks. I'll let you know! I'm glad you like them. \:wub\: erin

sandybvvJun 6, 2007

hi there, thank you so much for reading Sylvia 9.. i don't think i will be writing any more stories for TSR , i came back from my vacations just to find out they deleted 10 of my stories, including Sylvia 3rd, and last part... so im kind of disappointed and pissed off, some of the stories they deleted from my profile had been there for almost a year, i just find it silly that after all that time they are just deleting everything according to them because its not allow in their pg13... how funny? after a year they found out it wasn't good enough.. oh was nice meeting you and thank you so much for reading my stories, and for all the nice comments you left on them, i really appreciate your time and nice words... hopefully i will be creating a new site to post my stories... my mail is sandybvv@hotmail if you ever need something, just let me know xoxo

eshuffJun 1, 2007

Yeah, he did. Well not the hair! I'm using the athlete mesh with Louis' skintones. I'm so besotted with him -- I was telling Leah that he has something, something, not sure what, that even Tony doesn't have. Bad attitude, maybe, LOL!

eshuffJun 1, 2007

I know!! I was so stuck for a twist on this one. I knew what I wanted to do with Rafe, but I couldn't come up with it. Was sitting around watching boring daytime TV the other day and boom, there it was. Poor Tony L! I got pretty excited about it, though, LOL! And I can't believe how Rafe came out.

eshuffJun 1, 2007

Looks like Tony L is going to have to fight off Rafe for her, but yes, I hope he ends up with her. I don't remember where I got the outfit for MJ, but next time I load Bodyshop, I'll look and let you know. I have way too many downloads!\;\)

eshuffJun 1, 2007

LOL! Thanks for leaving the comment for me. I thought a long time about the Elizabeth sim, taking some flak from RL Tony about how come I never put a girl in there he likes, etc etc. So far you're the only one who got the joke! -- B

LilyoftheValleyICEMay 31, 2007

Hi again! Just letting you know that I uploaded part 3 today, so as long as everything goes well it should be up within the next couple days \:wub\: \:D

LilyoftheValleyICEMay 29, 2007

Thank you for the comments on my newest story! \:D It has been too long and I'm glad I'm back to writing sim stories. I'll try to manage my time a little better now so I can continue writing, even when I get a summer job and go to college. I'm sorry to hear you had to go through what Anne ultimate aim in writing this story is to try and create a story which does convey the message that it doesn't matter what a person looks like on the outside, because beauty lies inside people. I'm also trying to address self-esteem issues and of course not allowing people to treat you like crap and tell you you aren't good enough. Ahhh, I've rambled, and I don't want to give too much away O.o After all, it should be a mystery what will happens next! Sorry to leave you hanging on part 2 by the way :p! I do hope you ended up stronger, more confident, and more independent after your ordeal though. -Lisa-

cariadbachMay 29, 2007

\:\) Thanks for taking the time to read Perfect Gift . I had great fun with all the custom content. . I would like to think that changing the names mid way was part of the master plan, but I must have had one of those senior moments.\:eek\: Glad you enjoyed.

sumron8May 27, 2007

Okay here is the link to Sari Hope it works out\:D

sumron8May 27, 2007

\:D HI, I want to say thank again for reading my story, ack hold on the cat wants some food, she is doing that annoying leg rubbing thing. Okay, better. I couldn't find where I got Sari's dress from \:\( If you want I could upload her to my sim page. Just let me know, I love sharing sims with people who really want them. Have a great day, and rock on\:cool\:

S.CainsMay 24, 2007

Hi thankyou for reading 'How did it come to this?' I really appreciate the comment. I thought it would be a good idea, and more fun if somehow some of my characters were linked to others in a weird way... I am glad you enjoyed it \:D

estaticaMay 24, 2007

Hi! Your story has been recommended to me and I would really like to read it, but it seems Part 1 is missing! \:\(

cariadbachMay 20, 2007

\:\) Thanks for taking the time to read Second Chance. Yes I had always thought that Mortie was a grouch, always nudging people when they looked through the telescope during the day. Hopefully he will be a happy chappy now\:P Keep Happy.

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