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Illandrya's Guestbook

martoeleJul 18, 2010

Hi Judi! In Europe it's one hour earlier than in Great Britain and on the Canary Islands it's 1 hour earlier than in Europe \:D  Sound complicated but it isn't. I live only 4º North of the Tropic of Cancer; so in the Subtropics. Then there would be a difference of 7 hours! Good to know. The moment I write this it's 23.30 so at your place you are almost standing up to have your breakfast! Good Morning and have a nice sunday! \:D  Hugs ~ Margo

mik0 muffinJul 18, 2010

Thanks for your comment on the Reid Legacy -2- !  Yeah I was hoping to drop little hints about her without making it too obvious, nor making it too unexpected and unrealistic as a twist lol.  Haha you're too nice, my writing could use a lot of improvement still~

kateknightukJul 17, 2010

Hi Judi, well, I hope you enjoyed your cuppa and vegemite on toast, we've been to the Royal International Air Tattoo today in near Swindon (UK), spent the best part of 3.5 hours queing to get to the car parks \:mad\:  but the rest of the day has been fab.  We're headed back tomorrow, so I've just had my nice hot cup of tea and a baguette with some turkey inside, it was delicious \:\)  Take care and enjoy the rest of your weekend.  xxx

martoeleJul 17, 2010

Hi Judi! I'm very pleased that you wanted to share that cozy moment with the cup of tea with your friends at TSR. \:\)  I suppose you must be sleeping right now. I don't have the slightest idea what the hour difference is between Australia and Europe. Should look that up in the web! Hugs ~ Margo

YrS92Jul 17, 2010

That sounds like a nice evening Judi\:\) I'm going to watch the Sherlock Holmes film(for the second time) while eating ice cream, so you could say I'm enjoying my weekend after a long day at work and after studying for my big exams on History, English and Civics... I guess I deserve some relaxation\:D Have a great weekend, hugs, Senja

Nygirl08Jul 17, 2010

Hello and thank you so much for your wonderful comment on "Pieces of Me" I'm elated that you enjoyed reading it as much as I am enjoying writing it! \:D

badangel^^^Jul 17, 2010

Hey, Judi! Your evening sounds really nice \:wub\: I'm fine, thank you for asking. Just wondering where to hide from the heat outside - it makes me all sweaty and dizzy. I wish the temperatures didn't rise above 26C° but the weather people are predicting 40C° this summer \:eek\: So I guess I'll be spending a lazy afternoon away from the sun with lots of water to drink. Maybe my sims can make this hot afternoon more livable \:D I hope you too are well and are enjoying the cozy evening you described. Hugs \:wub\:

RatRaceRobJul 16, 2010

Thanks you, thank you for your comments on my Cribt stories--very glad you like them, and your comments are wonderful \:D!  Oh and yes, 'Dada' Jono is indeed neurotic... and outdoor-a-phobic... but of course, wee Jules is too young to really get that \;\)  -- Double thanks again and have a great weekend!

PralinesimsJul 15, 2010

Hello judi\:\) thank you so much the the lovely comment on my pattern\:\) im so glad you like it\:\) i wish you a beautiful day and a gorgeous week!! *hugsss*

martoeleJul 15, 2010

Hi Judi! Thank you again for your nice words on the final part of THT-Travelling. \:\)  I've got at least 4 new stories in my mind about all the characters I've been writing about. First of all, my planning is to put this week a next chapter of my story TLC. If you look out for it, then you will know already more about my plans! \:cool\:  Hugs ~ Margo

shaml_sim Jul 15, 2010

Hi Judi! I'm going pretty good...would be even better with some extra time, haha. But wouldn't everyone? \:P It's not so good that you have caught your mum's cold but I guess it's better that it came after you received your good uni results news, congratulations \:\) It's always great when you're rewarded for all your hardwork! Well, I'm going to go catch up on a few stories and reply to some comments (a bit late!) but I hope you enjoy the weekend coming up \:D

duckeggpieJul 15, 2010

I I look forward to finding them out soon!! I'm thinking of doing something like that for my blog too....seems like a great idea \:D

duckeggpieJul 14, 2010

OOhhhh....I wanted to comment on your 10 facts about Simon but it wasn't letting me \:\( So I will say here instead \:D They are fantastic!!! He is such a wonderful character!! I especially like numbers 6, 8, 9 and 10....hehe...I think this one is even better than your ones on Veronika!! I guess because we already know Veronika better...the ones about Simon are more of a surprise!! \:D Looking forward to seeing if you do more!!

djehmliJul 14, 2010

Hiyas, thank you for commenting on the ocean dolphin set.  So glad it worked out well for you!  Love the modern gardening screen shot as well \:\)

shaml_sim Jul 14, 2010

Hi Judi! I hope your week is going well \:\) Thanks for commenting on my Too Much Nectar screenie! Yes, I think she definitely regretted it in the morning...she made a bit of a fool of herself but then 'nectar' usually does, doesn't it? \;\) I did notice that you had a new story out on TSR but haven't had a chance to read it yet so I might pop on by and read it now and maybe the new chapter of Merindylen, too - otherwise it will be tomorrow. Enjoy the rest of your week! \:\)

Jennifer_RJul 14, 2010

Me again, I forgot to say thanks for commenting on my screenie 'Say cheese!'. \;\)  Yes my new story will be out soon. It's different to the one I was actually going to write in the first place though! But after loading up Ambitions and playing in Twinbrook for a while I thought of a few ideas. Just hope I can exacute them from my brain onto my blog. lol 

Jennifer_RJul 14, 2010

Hi Judi, thanks for letting me know that the next chapter of Merindylen is out. I plan to read it later tonight when I can relax and really get lost in the world of Merindylen. \;\) I had a quick few minutes to check out 'the blogs' yesterday & today, that is why I left comments on your '10 facts about...'.  \:\) 

mik0 muffinJul 14, 2010

Thanks for your kind comment on ch 1 of the Reid Legacy!  I'm currently working on the 2nd chapter so there'll be some answers soon =)

duckeggpieJul 14, 2010 eyes are all funny from staring at the screen too long....once I had started Lost and Found I just couldn't stop!!! hehe....glad I could cheer you up a bit! I hope you feel better soon!! Look forward to hearing your thoughts on Part 9!!

flody888Jul 13, 2010

LOL Who expects a guy to not only ask her out but SING with/to her! Very romantic! \:\)

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