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Illandrya's Guestbook

BluEllaJul 11, 2010

Hi! Thank you so much for nice comment on the "Mask Set 02" \:wub\: Take care \:\)

YrS92Jul 11, 2010

Hahah, so far I have restricted myself to singing it in the shower only, and no need to tell there was no Peron to sing it with me\:P Anyways, I'm heading to do some dress shopping on town, lots of fancy parties coming soon, like my brother's confirmation party in August and in couple months my future cousin will get his/her name announced... \:\) Have a great Sunday there, hugs, Senja

MsMayJul 11, 2010

You're welcome, Illandrya!  \:\) Thanks for sharing your story.  And have a great day.

YrS92Jul 11, 2010

Hey, Judi\:\) You know, every time I see your story's cover, the song starts to ring in my head\:D Thankfully it's a good song but someday at this rate I'm probably going to end up singing it outloud on the streets\:P Too bad my Péron isn't in Finland at the moment\;\) It's a great short story though, are you planning any continuation for it? Hugs, Senja\:wub\:

*sweet_august*Jul 10, 2010

Hey Judi! Sorry it's been a while! I just moved house and had to wait two weeks to get my internet connected at the new place. I will be working on the next part of defection in the next few days. I will certainly go and check out your new blog stuff as soon as I can! Hope you are going great! - Leni \:\)

Jennifer_RJul 10, 2010

Hi Judi, I'm having a great weekend so far, thank you. I've been able to make a start on some screens for my new story. Finally! \;\) Even adding ideas for future chapters. I love it when that happens. \:D What about you? Your parents have come to stay? I couldn't live with my family again if I tried. lol Been out on my own for too long. Mum not so much, we are very alike but my sister can drive me bananas. She is very set in her own ways and often doesn't think before she speaks. But yes, I still love them to bits. lol I guess the saying is true - You can pick your friends but you can't choose your family. Well done on your short story. I see it has made it to the front page. \;\) Try to enjoy the rest of your weekend. ~ Jen \:wub\:

Midnight222Jul 10, 2010

Things have been mad crazy lately but with school back on Monday I hope normality will return! I had my mum and niece over the other day ...... great to see them and I do love them heaps but I must say it can be exhausting too LOL . I agree how the smallest thing can set the mind whirling onto a course it may not have otherwise taken .... thats why a computer will never replace the creative human mind!

Midnight222Jul 10, 2010

Hi Judi! Ive finally managed to catch up with all the latest with Storm and Chase! Wonderful wonderful writing! You have such talent. I loved how Fred popped up \:D  Your perfect mix of thrilling, nail biting action blended with characters with depth and the undercurrents of romance make for unstoppable reading.  Im looking forward to the next chapter in this exciting adventure! I can't wait to see who is involved, will it be a sneaky Landgrabb or will my hunch play out and we will find Claude as the leak at the agency? or *GASP* could it be Chase!!!! Ohhhh the mind boggles! I hope you and your family are well. Kaz

MangioJul 10, 2010

nah don't worry \;\) You must really know your stuff, too bad i can't see musicals. sigh... too expensive and no time \:\(

MangioJul 10, 2010

I really have no idea on what you just said... sometimes it makes me wish i was born a little earlier \:P The music is absolutely brillant when i listened on youtube with Madonna. \:wub\: I think i've heard Lloyd Webber/Rice from somewhere but i'm not sure since i didn't pay too much attention on the movie that was broadcasted.

fredbrennyJul 10, 2010

serendipity or synchronicity?   LOL \:D   I guess both are acurate in this case! Have a great weekend (((Judi)))

MangioJul 10, 2010

Wikipedia made it seem like a wonderful musical. I'm sure you'll think of something seeing how brillant writer you are... but i guess my imagination will make it wonder for miles. \:wub\:

duckeggpieJul 9, 2010 we are...Friday and Part 8 of the Dawes Legacy is up now!!! Hope you enjoy it!!

Wolfsim68Jul 9, 2010

I must admit the Bridgclimb was exhilarating, & also very special as it was something my husband (now deceased) wanted to experience. I never thought I'd have the opportunity to do these things as he was sick for so long, so for me it's about celebrating life too! Thanks for your support, Love & Hugs \:wub\: Shaz

Jennifer_RJul 8, 2010

Hi Judy! So glad to hear that my comment put the icing on the cake of a wonderful day that you were already having. \;\) It wasn't boring at all and NEVER could any of your stories be boring! Both chapters were wonderfuly entertaining. I guess I can only hope then of Veronika & Simon becoming romanticaly involved. Hope your having a great week. ~ Jen \:wub\:

YrS92Jul 7, 2010

Hi Judi \:\) Thank you for letting me know about the new story, can't wait to read it\:wub\: And thank you so much for commenting the Gardener's Dream, I'm so glad people have liked it... Writing about Asparagus' death wasn't an easy task to do... He was such a great sim\:wub\: Have a great day, hugs, Senja

duckeggpieJul 6, 2010

You are very welcome \:D I haven't got around to reading lost and found is on my 'to read' list \:D Can't wait for the next chapter...hoping that my questions might be answered then...or are you going to keep everyone in suspense??? hehe I decided to take a leap and move the Dawes Legacy to a blog!! I'm gradually posting the first 7 parts again between now and Friday. Then on Friday evening I will be posting part 8 \:D Here is the new blog address so you can pop over and check it out sometime \:D  Part 1 is already on there and part 2 is coming later (just in case you want a reminder of the story so has been a while since I posted a chapter \:D)   Hope you are having a wonderful week!! xx

fredbrennyJul 6, 2010

(((Judi))) I am really happy you had a great day ! YEAY! May all your days be wonderful! Thanks for sharing that!!!

fredbrennyJul 6, 2010

Hi Mrs. M.  \:wub\:  \:D  Thanks for your GREAT comment! Well, Murphy is 'cursed' with that name, but maybe he might proof to be just right for our Azra... 3 things... three times there needs to be something wrong... it's Murphy's Law, but I am not sure what the two other things might be, or it has to do with Cheng Wang Liang (Murphy has the clumsy trait though, hahaha) We will have to find out if the real Cheng will show up again... (I don't know either yet... \:D LOL) But I am getting the feeling that people want Murphy to "win"  hahaha. Thanks for reading (((Judi)))

maxi kingJul 5, 2010

\:Dit was good that you got them back together,it wouldn't be a such great story if they never got back!I loved it and hope to find more stories like that from you in the future!Wonderful work!I have to Thank you!Have a wonderful day!Irmtraut\:rah\:

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