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JENCA's Guestbook

hiedibear75Aug 29, 2008

hiedibear75Aug 26, 2008

Ooohhh. \:wacko\: It's happened to all of us at one point or another. \;\) Well on the other hand if you HAD any "bad" files......they're gone now. \:P If ever you see something in a screen or the story feel free to ask where I got it......if I know I'll be more than happy to tell you where & who if I know it. \:cool\: Well I just got my subscription renewed so I'm off to grab all that stuff that's been taunting me. \:ph34r\:

hiedibear75Aug 24, 2008

That's OK. \;\) At least I still know you liked them. \:cool\: I'm glad you still like them. \:wub\: The pool ring is from Rebecah of MTS2. You need to have the pool ring facing the side of the pool so that the adult or teen Sim is standing outside on the side of the pool, they "drop" the baby in. I had them change the toddlers into underwear 1st so they'd be in nothing but a diaper, then once they were in the tubes I used move objects to place them in the middle of the pool........the toddlers just splash around and gain fun from it. So yes the toddlers really can float on your swimming pools. Have a great weekend & TC. \:rah\: \:wub\: \:cool\:

shadow66Aug 23, 2008

No worries! \:P I guess you've been hanging out with Hiedi again - those 'brain farts' are catching you know!! \:o \:P \:D

cadivaAug 19, 2008

Hiya again, sorry I spelt your name wrong before, my apologies! If you have FreeTime then you should be able to download and install the lot providing you use the Clean Installer. You may have objects or wallpapers etc missing, but the house lot should be fine as you have the same final EP that I used to package it with. Hope this makes sense?

cadivaAug 16, 2008

Hi Jenko, sorry you don't have the EPs for my Moderno house. I may get the chance to fire up Numenor's base game starter and try and do a base only version of it. If so I'll let you know \:\)

sekzi_angel02Aug 11, 2008

Thanks a bunch for your comment. Lol hopefully you can turn it into an apartment. I think it's possible. Have fun! \:D

lirunchikAug 10, 2008

Hi there, JENCA! Thank you so much for the comment you left on my Tendredi house. I'm very glad you like it! Sorry for the delay.\:o Have an amazing day! ~Marina

hiedibear75Aug 6, 2008

I haven't decided 100% on the wedding plans.....but I will let you know.\:cool\: I'm really glad you're enjoying them so much. \:wub\:

VeronnAug 6, 2008

Hi!Thanks for comment on my lot Desolate House.Have a great day.Veronn \:\)

olcia_olivineaAug 6, 2008

Hi\:\) Thank you for commenting 'Blossom Hills #14', it's great to know that you liked it so much that you wanted to download it\:wub\: Wish you a lovely day and Happy Simming! Hugs, Ola

hiedibear75Aug 4, 2008

Oh thank you! \:wub\: I'm so glad you liked #17.\:wub\: I'll be writing #18 soon. \:cool\: You'll just have to wait and see what kinds of wedding they have. \:D Hope you don't stay away for so long. \;\) Take care. \:\)

shadow66Aug 3, 2008

Just noticed you left a comment on my 'Genie' screenshot a while back - ooops! \:o Sorry, didn't mean to ignore your question! Yes, the genie lamp is Freetime. The fortune-teller NPC delivers it, and you get 3 wishes - you just choose the option to 'rub' it like in Aladin, and the genie appears and you choose what you want to wish for from the menu \:D It's only the genie that has the purple skin - you can't access it for your sims (not that I know of anyway! \:P ). There are various coloured skins available in the community (not just here) if you wanted them \:D Sorry again for taking so long! Take care \:D

hiedibear75Jul 27, 2008

I'd say most likely was a low end graphics card......they're the usual culprits in instances like that.\:\( You may be able to have it upgraded for not all THAT much or try changing the specs on your computer but I don't know how that's done. \:confused\: Well I'm done with building the hospital I needed.......later today I'll be sitting down to actually create the story.\;\) Well take care and good luck.\:wub\:

hiedibear75Jul 26, 2008

It wasn't a million it was $1,263.78 which would be (1 thousand, 2 hundred, sixty three dollars, and 78 cents). \:D Although it's still a ton of money.\:\) Well I was working on the pictures for the how he'd earn the money.\;\) That's what was being so difficult.\:mad\: Oh well......#17 is shaping up nicely.....I'm just about done with the building part which was 75% of the chapter right there.\:P I enjoyed your comments as always. \:rah\: Take care.\:wub\:

hiedibear75Jul 26, 2008

Bon Voyage is the expansion that lets the sims walk to a nearby lot.\:D Hope you like #16 cuz I'm already hard at work on #17.\:cool\:

shadow66Jul 26, 2008

They both had weird names, and the surnames were the same (can't remember offhand - tho I'm pretty sure it's the 'proper' name for Big Foot \:P ), so I presume they are related - just like all the aliens \:P (spent ages trying to get 2 aliens to fall in love before I realised they couldn't! \:o ) \:D

emmalou21Jul 25, 2008

Thanks for your comment on the family home, if you need help or anything, just pm me and i'd be happy to help \:\) have a nice day

hiedibear75Jul 25, 2008

Do what with Free Time(Q) Oh & chapter #16 JUST got published.\;\) They didn't exactly do what I had HOPED they'd do.....but oh well. Hope you still like it.\:D Hope to see your wonderful comments. \:cool\: Take care.\:wub\: Oh & PS when you get a new expansion don't forget to save your EA folder so you don't loose your Simmies and hoods.\;\)

shadow66Jul 24, 2008

I have used the cheat once in a while, but I didn't for 'Bigfoot' - they just made friends with him while on holiday, then invited him to move in - and he did, and became part of the family (same with the second one) \:cool\: Both the 'Big Feet' are male, so adoption would be the only way \:P - would be cool if they could have their own furry baby though! \:D \:D

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