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emmalou21Jul 24, 2008

Thanks for your lovely comment on "Crayton prison". If it doesn work for you, i will happily make you one exactly the same but suitable for your exps \:\) thanks \:rah\:

hiedibear75Jul 24, 2008

Well it turned out that what I wanted them to do wasn't going to they did their own thing. I think I still got an AOK chapter though at least. \:D It's uploaded but it'll still take another day or so to be approved. \;\) Hope it was still worth the wait.\:\) I'll be looking forward to hearing your comments.\:rah\: Take care. \:wub\:

hiedibear75Jul 24, 2008

Another BV feature you'll love (since shadow66 brought it up) is they can "walk to community lot", they can't go from their suburban area to downtown but if you have a community lot nearby they can walk.\;\) Yes #16 is taking me a bit longer.......the picture thing is taking forever;I don't want to give it away......I'm trying to have Matt earn an income while sitting down.\:cool\: Getting the camera positioned just right is taking forever. \:rolleyes: I sure hope you and all their other fans like it.\:D I'm also doing some prep for a BIG chapter coming in the near future.\;\) Well have a terrific day.\:wub\:

shadow66Jul 24, 2008

Yeah, you should if you can - BV adds quite a few new things to the game that can be beneficial to your sims when they get home as well - I especially like the tai-chi as it gives them all important energy! (which my sims always seem to lack!! :P). One of my families brought 'Big Foot' home with them, then their neighbours went on holiday and they also brought 'Big Foot' home with them, so I had 2 'Big Foots' (or should that be 'Big Feet'!) wandering round my neighbourhood \:D That was funny - particularly when one of them got a job and had to wear a uniform! \:P I won't spoil it any more for you! \;\) \:P

hiedibear75Jul 23, 2008

No problem.\;\) Not only am I blond but thanks to "Sizzler Syndrome" I'm prone to frequent bouts of inter-cranial flatulence (brain farts). \:P \:cool\: Just to let you know #16 may take me a little longer to make. \:confused\: But I'll let you know when it's finished.\:\) Have a great day.\:wub\:

shadow66Jul 23, 2008

Oh, nearly forget - Re: BV - if you're having trouble running it, you can also alter the 'game options' for the graphics which does help - tuning down things like 'shadows' and 'distance' helps take the load off the graphics card & processor \:D Also you can adjust your actual graphics card settings - I had to put mine down a notch coz it kept overheating and locking up my computer after about half an hour \:mad\: - that was with a different game, but it also helped Sims run smoother when it's a big lot with lots of people \:D

shadow66Jul 23, 2008

I've never seen 'Happy Holiday Stuff' over here \:\( Do you have the items booklet that comes with the packs for it? If so, could you please, please have a look and see if the 'Poinsettia' plant is in it - I know it shows it in the 'Festive Stuff' booklet \:\)

Shortie020891Jul 22, 2008

Thanks for the comment \:D I should be uploading loads more houses during august, so keep checking back\;\) happy simming \;\) x

hiedibear75Jul 22, 2008

Cut & paste doesn't work in the Sims & the only editing I can do from outside the game is to change the title. \:\( Oh & #15 IS available & I'm already working towards #16.\:cool\:

hiedibear75Jul 22, 2008

Well just so you know.....I play on a laptop.\:\) The more you have the better and faster it is the better. Most players are using 2gigs of RAM. The video card can make things run choppy or not at all depending on what you've got. Yes you can order the game and\or the graphics card online (not sure which one you meant) but you'd still have to find or pay for someone to put it in......& you have to know what kind yours needs.\:confused\: It's all depending on what kind of other components are in your computer so you really have to know the ins and outs of your PC.\;\) The Sony VIO I play on only has a 1.86GHz & 1gig of you & your friend should both be able to run it all unless you've got less PC than me (I doubt it). \;\) I'd HIGHLY suggest turning off all background tasks before you play your game. Turn OFF your internet so that you can't get any viruses, then you need to disable ALL tasks that are NOT necessary......that will free up a lot of RAM (1 major issue for most PC's playing lots of EPs & SPs).\:cool\: I hope that helps your guys' games run better. I can tell you how I shut down everything I don't need: I disable internet so that I can't get on and likewise nothing can access my computer whilst I'm playing, hit ctrl+alt+delete , I then click "hide all microsoft programs" (this makes it so you wont turn off anything vital to your computer) , THEN I click "disable all" (this is where you free your computer for concentrating on Sims).\:cool\: I do NOT turn it off I go & play my game with it less choked up. IMPORTANT!!! After you're done with your sims you'll need to shut down and start up your computer again BEFORE you re-enable your internet! If you forget to re-enable your tasks including your anti-viral software you'll open your PC for every virus and worm on the net. \:eek\: Hope this helps you make your games more playable. \:cool\: Tell me if you have problems.\:\) Take care.\:wub\:

hiedibear75Jul 22, 2008

For every picture used there were probably 3-7 shots that didn't work. \:mad\: I also have to do a lot of cheat codes to position the Sims as if they were objects and then position the camera at just the right angle.\;\) It's a real project sometimes. It's very nice to know that all that work is paying off.\:wub\: Thanks for another wonderful comment, and I uploaded #15.\:cool\:

hiedibear75Jul 22, 2008

The things that are most important to knowing if your PC can handle the games are:your graphics card, processor (what speed is it), RAM, and hard-drive space. \:cool\: If your video card or processor are too slow although it IS a FIXABLE problem it does cost some money. I would also recommend you turn off your internet then temporarily disable any programs not necessary for Sims. When you turn the computer on again after shutting down the programs will be back on.\;\) Ending necessary tasks will help ease the demand on your computer and it may make it run smoother. Also the more meshes and other custom content you put in the more it demands of your computer.\;\) Hope this helps you somewhat.\:confused\: Take care.\:wub\:

hiedibear75Jul 22, 2008

Well there are a lot of nifty items that came with BV. One of the things I like about it especially for my poor Sims is we now can dig for treasure, this can be a rock (3 different kinds of rocks $25,$50,$75 when you sell it back) bones are worth $55, and they can find any maxis decorative object, a map (these are used for discovering secret lots on vacation) as well as a treasure chest although rare is worth $3,000 $4,000 or $5,000......sorry I can't remember the price. I like having my Sims know tai chi it helps their comfort and a few other moods + earns them body points. I played Sims 1 prior to Sims 2 and missed taking them on we can do that too. They've got little suitcases of memories they got while on "holiday" (as you British would say). The other nifty thing is they can now take pictures of anything with a little camera that EVERY Sim has, once you have a picture you go to the computer and order pictures either in an album or my fav the picture frame you can place on a wall OR (drum roll please) on a desk as we would have a photo of our spouses or children on our desks.\:D I think the ONLY thing I haven't liked about the BV expansion was.........that blasted sea chantey! ARGH It does get a bit old hearing them do it so much......Maxis just needed to make the Sims not obsess over things like the computer AND sea chantey to start the list.\:P It came with a couple of new careers. Anyway........I have ALL the EPs AND SPs.\:rah\: Each EP or SP adds some new items that even if you don't use IT someone else may come along and make a really cool mesh or remake of something & the only way to have IT is to have the EP or SP the person used to make IT with in the 1st place. I know it's kinda hard cuz you can't just go out & buy it.......but it may be something to hint about, oh say around your birthday or Christmas.....or perhaps if your grades were exceptionally good.\;\) \:cool\:

shadow66Jul 21, 2008

Thank you for such a sweet compliment \:D I've tried the 'open air' approach - it was ok til all the neighbours decided to help themselves to the fridge and all the amenities (they were queueing up for the toilet!) - my poor Sims ended up going into desperation mode \:eek\: It was kinda funny tho! \:P

LazySimmerJul 20, 2008

I appreciate your comments, It is for people like you that I build my homes, I am so glad you like them! Thanks again!\:\)

shadow66Jul 20, 2008

Yep, you can't beat good old fish & chips - very 'British' (I must be spending too much time talking to hiedi \:o \:P ) Glad you like my creations - it's great to know that people do - that's what keeps me motivated, along with the fact that I quite like more variety for my Sims (though they have been rather neglected lately \:\( ) Enjoy the downloads! \:D

hiedibear75Jul 20, 2008

I don't know how big your hard-drive is but that or getting some new RAM usually isn't all that expensive for a desktop.......upgrading laptops are another story. \:wacko\: I live in southern California.......I'm about as South AND about as West as you can get in the US.\;\) Chapter #14 is published & I'll be working on #15 and hopefully have it done in a few days.\;\) I picked up some hacks to allow me to MAKE THEM show emotions on their face like any other action........I'm hoping it will add more realism to the story. \:cool\: Take care.\:wub\:

hiedibear75Jul 19, 2008

Apartment Life isn't' out yet, I didn't use any stuff paks to my knowledge; not having Bon Voyage is a problem though. Whenever you get a new Expansion Pak it changes the way your game saves things (you can have a lot in your game with less expansions but NOT more expansions than you.\:o Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.\:o I'm glad you like it though. \:D Hope you can get the expansions soon......maybe a gift for terrific grades(Q)\:confused\: Oh well that lot will be a free-bie so when ever you DO get the'll be here waiting for you and all the other nice Britts I've met.\:cool\: Take care.\:wub\:

hiedibear75Jul 19, 2008

It's a community lot, a coffee shop in reality but Sims don't drink tea. LOL \:D If you have all the expansions I do it's all yours.\:cool\:

hiedibear75Jul 19, 2008

Well I'm starting to feel slightly better then I was.\:cool\: I don't know that I'll get any chapters done this weekend but I might at least be able to start working on #14. \;\) Amy may come around at some point or as we Americans would say "wake up & smell the coffee".\:D It's possible that she may decide that loosing her one & only daughter would be worse then getting to know Matt. \:\) They'll get married fairly soon. The Sims themselves both have a "marry ______" locked in in their want slots.\;\) \:D I can't remember which chapter\episode they got engaged in (sorry my memory is about as bad as Matt's LOL)

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