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Jennifer_R's Guestbook

kamilka257Jun 3, 2010

Nice suggestion about that title! Thank you! However, I'd have to think it over, because I just write what I think in the very moment I'm creating the story, I don't know what's gonna happen to my sims next time, so it's gonna be hard to think of a title \:\) Anyway, I promise to be careful while creating the story - I'll pay attention to change the category to "TS3" \:\) Thank you very much for being interested in my storytelling \;\) Best wishes, kisses and hugs from sunny Poland \;\)))

maxi kingJun 3, 2010

\:wub\:Hi Jennifer!Thank you for your wonderful comment on my new story!I'm afaid to tell you but my laptop broke shortly after the pic's was taken,so I lost them even before she had the baby!\:\(And then just after I uploaded the pic's here the internet broke down,so it took nearly two month to finish it!\:\(I now have to play sims on the PC till my laptop get fixed!\;\)Anyway have a great day!TC Irmtraut\:wub\:

simromiJun 3, 2010

Hi Jennifer,  Thanks for leaving such a nice comment on my Boy's Athletic set.  \:wub\:  I am glad you like it.  Enjoy and Happy Simming. \:rah\:   Terri

shaml_sim Jun 3, 2010

Oh, and love your new banner and avatar \:wub\: They're beautiful!

shaml_sim Jun 3, 2010

Hi Jen! *waves* Thanks for popping around, it's great to hear from you \:D My week is going quite well, thanks...I hope yours is too, though I'm sure it couldn't hurt if it went a little faster \;\) I've just been starting to pack and do a good clean of our unit cos we're going to be moving next Wednesday...very exciting! I'm very happy that I've finished all my studies, it's the best feeling not having anything on the back of my mind, though I am applying for lots of jobs. Haven't been to any interviews yet but fingers crossed something will come up soon. Um...but otherwise I'm really looking forward to Ambitions coming out - like you are, of course! \:\) I don't know if I'll be able to get it as soon as it comes out but hopefully it won't be too long before I can get my tax return and then I'll definitely be purchasing it. Well, I hope you're having a great day and I'm positive the weekend will soon be upon us!!

PenelopeTJun 3, 2010

Oh Jen, I forgot to say that there are a ton of much needed new patterns as well! \:\)

PenelopeTJun 3, 2010

Hey there Jen, THANK YOU for all of the awesome comments on my latest lot and on all of my screenshots too! \:\) I can't wait to hear what you think of the new EP. I love it! My Twinbrook neighborhood will be getting a makeover soon, but right now I am really enjoying the gameplay. EA really did a great job this time. There is lots of new realistic everday 'clutter' items to decorate with....finally. There is a channel controller for makeup....finally. The laundry aspect is really fun....just make sure you buy a hamper for your Simmies to put the dirty clothes in, so you won't have a bunch of piles. Ah, I could go on and on, but there would be too much to \:D Hope you have a great rest of the week. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts! ~ Pene

PralinesimsJun 2, 2010

\:\) Hello\:rah\: thank you for commenting my screenshot\:D im glad you like it\:\) i wish you a awesome day *HUGS*

kamilka257Jun 2, 2010

Thank you very much for the advice! Now I'm reading it twice before submitting, changing every "oh, shit" for "Oh, shooot" \;\) I hope to have both of the new chapters published soon. Oh, and I'm sorry, because I put the second chapter in sims 2 or sims 1 by mistake, shall I give you a link to it? Best wishes and thank you for your interest \:\)) Kisses and hugs :*

Midnight222Jun 2, 2010

Hi Jen! The weekend was definately cool with a breeze blowing through off the bay brrrrrr. Today its a little deceptive .... it looks sunny feels a little warm then BAM cold winds blows through you! It would get quite cold where you are near the Nongs! We have been having a little frost down here and the trees are finally changing colour and losing their leaves.   Im slowly getting used to firefox .... keep going to close the whole window instead of just the tab though but Im sure it will sink in eventually \:D     I too managed to get some simming in .... built a new home that I just need to test out before uploading. I see some pics of the new ambitions have been making their way to the screenshots section .... Im really looking forward to this EP and cant wait for it to be released on Thur!   I hope your horse and dog are doing well, give your horse an apple from me and your dog a nice rawhide bone! Hope you and your family are well. Best wishes, Kaz

frau MullerJun 1, 2010

Thanks for your comment \:\)

YrS92Jun 1, 2010

Hi Jen\:rah\: Thank you so much for commenting the Gardener's Dream, I'm glad you like the story\:wub\: The next chapter won't be out until the weekend though... I have my school musical's premiere today(and no, mum, I'm not hyperactive) and the Ambitions will probably keep me glued on the computer for couple days\:D But I try to start working on it soon, as Black Salsify is so eager to take up the stage... Have a great day, hugs, Senja

kamilka257Jun 1, 2010

Oh, I'm definitely writing more \;\) There are 2 more chapters already published and I also sent another one, maybe it'll appear here soon \;\) Thank you for reading :>

martoeleJun 1, 2010

Hi Jen! I'm so pleased with your nice words on chapter V of THT. \:\)  Very soon the train will reach it's last station and then Jane and Val still have to cross an ocean before arriving at New Simland. \:D  Thank you very much for your comments and for the indexpage  congratulations. \:cool\:  Take care and happy simming!

IllandryaMay 31, 2010

Hi Jen! So glad you liked Deyon's chapter. But I must say I'm intrigued and can't wait until google lets you post! It's strange, I can post on other people's blogs no troubles, but it always asks me who I am when I try to post on my own *lol* Thanks for your comment on my screenie. Is it a story? No, probably not, although I've toyed with the idea. I've got too much else on my plate at the moment.

fadsadMay 31, 2010

Hey Jen! Two words: THANK YOU! I owe you the success to my story, I wouldn't have been able to upload it without your help! Can't tell you how much I appreciate  your help!!!!! Thank You! \:\) \:wub\:

fredbrennyMay 30, 2010

(((Jenn))) Lovely to get all your wonderful comments on my screenies...Thanks!!!! \:wub\:

caridinaMay 30, 2010

Hi Jennifer! Thanks for your sweet comment on my pic of the Old lighthouse. I'm glad you like it \:wub\: I think I never stop fascinating over that view.

martoeleMay 30, 2010

Hi Jen! You're so right! I was surprised when I saw him looking that way. Fortunately I was in time to take a shot of it! \:D  That's a fantastic new banner you've got there! \:wub\:

YrS92May 30, 2010

Hi Jen\:\) Loving you new avatar and banner\:wub\: Anyways, there's a new chapter of Gardener's Dream out, I'd love to hear what you think about it\:\) Have a great day, hugs, Senja

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