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Jennifer_R's Guestbook

topaz27May 30, 2010

Hi Jen, Just wanted to call in and say Wow, what a beautiful banner and avatar you have, they look wonderful \:\) glad you got to enjot the game too, it is awesome to just play it and take in everything, it truely is amazing, I do hope you love the new EP too, it's so exciting when your waiting for a new EP, I do miss that part now with TS2 \:mad\:  wishing you a great week ahead, hugs Topaz \:wub\:

mysteryjack1May 30, 2010

Oh, and nice new banner!

mysteryjack1May 30, 2010

At least I don't have to have one of those external braces like on those TV shows. And I'm going to have to give up Pepsi! Then again, that will probably benefit my health \:D Have a great day!

IllandryaMay 30, 2010

You know, I didn't even notice that it was pink *lol* The weather here yesterday was awful too and although today has been mostly sunny, it's also been blowing a gale outside. I'm SUPPOSED to be studying, but really, it was the sort of weather where you do something to cheer yourself up, not stick your nose in an accounting textbook *lol* I've just wasted a perfectly good weekend where I could have had my assignment done and dusted and pretty much all I've done is play Sims ... ooooops \:o ... although, I must say it is AMAZING how much housework you can accomplish when you have an assignment to do. I don't think the house has been this organised in months!

IllandryaMay 30, 2010

Hi Jen! ... I must say I am LOVING the new look \:\) ... thanks for commenting on all my screenies, I just adored that shot of Nikholy when I was taking it for Nephrim's chapter so had to share and Vasiily *lol* ... he decided to play football with Reosin on the roof while everyone else was having their photo taken. Hope you are enjoying your weekend \:D

PenelopeTMay 29, 2010

Thank you for the terrific comments on my latest screenshots, Jen! \:\) By the way, your new banner and avatar look AWESOME! \:rah\: \:wub\:

mysteryjack1May 29, 2010

Two years? You must be brave! I have to go to the hospital to have them, and I'm quite worried! But it's ages away, by a season or two \:D

PenelopeTMay 28, 2010

Happy weekend, Jen! I hope that your week was well and that you're not working too hard on the new projects. \:\) I was just thinking about you while popping around the site and figured I'd stop in and wish you a wonderful weekend. \:wub\:

IllandryaMay 28, 2010

Hi Jen! I'm glad you enjoyed Fred's little cameo \:\) Even before I knew where this story was going, I knew I wanted a cameo with Fred and teed it up months ago with her, then just had to wait for the right moment to drop it in. Yes, I feel sorry for poor Simon and it's only going to get worse, for Veronika, genius as she is, is absolutely clueless ! Amazing, in Merindylen you quoted one of my favourite lines for the chapter. I thought it summed up Nephrim and his love for Ekraine perfectly. Although you will have to wait for a new Veronika story as I haven't written it yet, you don't have to wait for the next Merindylen story as it is already published! This one is on Deyon - a little darker than some of the other characters, but I hope he is no less sympathetic because of his demons.

topaz27May 28, 2010

Hi Jen, Sending you lots of fun wishes for the weekend \;\) hope you get to have lots of free time now to explore your game and have some fun, last weekend I played my game, which was really odd, because I never get the chance due to searching out downloads and working with all my files and folders etc, anyhow, I was so amazed at just how beautiful the game was, I just watched my simmies cook a meal and eat it and then they cleared up and went and watched some TV, and it looked so lovely, EA did such a fantastic job creating this game, so I am now hoping to play the game more often, as I have not explored hardly anything yet, and I am talking about TS2 \:rolleyes: I did install TS3 again and gave it another go, with loads of downloads of clothes etc, but still I don't like it, TS2 is just so much nicer in everyway, so I will be staying with my little simmies 2, I just love them too much \:D well have lots of fun Jen \:\) hugs Topaz \:wub\:

IllandryaMay 27, 2010

Hi Jen! Just a quick visit to let you know that there are new chapters of both Merindylen and Veronika available to read \:\)

maxi kingMay 27, 2010

\:wub\:Hi Jennifer!I'm back!Thank you for your nice comment on my pic!Have a great day!TC Irmtraut\:wub\:

martoeleMay 27, 2010

Hi Jen! Thank you very much my dear for reading and commenting the first part of Tender Loving Care. I am really very pleased with you nice words... \:wub\:  I've written de 2nd part but I still have to look for the screenies. Besides that, I have to continue with The Hunter Twins-Travelling. I haven't written that so far but have a very exact idea of what it will going to be. \:\)  Now take care and hugs from Margo. \:\)

agapi rMay 27, 2010

Hi, thank you for your comment on my latest picture, I´m glad that you liked it\:\) Have a nice day

IllandryaMay 26, 2010

Hi Jen! Thanks for your comments on my screenshots. I just had to take the pic of the ghost who had fainted, it was so funny *lol* I think he ran out of steam becuase he was haunting everything in the graveyard that could be haunted.

flody888May 26, 2010

Hi Jennifer!! Thanks for the great comments on my screenshots! \:\) Thanks for noticing Courtney too. Even though she has basegame hair and my legacy's big nose, I'm really proud of how she turned out. \:\) Have a super week! \:D

simsjeanieMay 26, 2010

Good afternoon, dear Jen, here I am with a cup of Latte Macchiato and a cheese cake. I wasn't here at TSR for eight days - so many invitations I went to and guests who came to stay here. Now all the overnight guests have left I should do some cleaning - but first I wanted to visit TSR. Thank you for those macademia cookies - I enjoyed them, there are alredy gone and I didn't share them with anyone ... \:o I will go and try with this banner site as soon as I've got some hours to do that. I'm too dull to just have a look - I have to sit down and have some time to try or I will fail ... Eight days are a long time and I have to have a close look at all the downloads - I don't want to miss a piece of lovely clutter! \;\) Have a great day today and lots of hugs and kisses from Jeanie. \:wub\:

fredbrennyMay 26, 2010

Hi (((Jenn)))... Thanks for commenting on my screenies. It is too funny with those Sims tip-toeing around. I once got stuck in a blackberry bush too when I was a kid ...OUCH!   hahaha

IllandryaMay 26, 2010

Hi Jen! Thank you so much for your lovely comment on Vasiily's chapter. As for the screenies - they are hard enough for modern stories, but medieval stories are positively torture! I only have two or three male outfits to choose from and even changing the colours isn't really enough to distinguish them. Not to mention that the boots just don't seem to fit with the pants and it looks really funny seeing Kings and Knights wearing sneakers *lol*

martoeleMay 26, 2010

Good morning Jen! Thank you for having a look at my gallery and the nice comments. \:\)  Have a great day! Hugs. Margo.

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