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Karie's Guestbook

LaurieRJun 27, 2008

Of course it was PINK!! I made it for Hiedi. She requested, I made it. See, I can do something!! It is only simple recolors though. I don't know how to do all that fancy texturing and stuff. Maybe someday I will figure it out. Don't count on it though.\:D

hiedibear75Jun 26, 2008

Oh you mean the whole playing innocent or the teasing.\;\) \:P Ya ya I know........to know you is to want to give you a swift kick in the butt. Now squat down so I can pop a wheelie. \:ph34r\: I'd say try the challenges yourself........but as if Pogo wasn't enough now there's spore. \:rolleyes: Oh I made 2 Huskies; the one you saw and also a curly tail version.......Sim dogs with curly tails don't wag as much, kinda like real life but I didn't know if people would like it or not.....so both.\:D I'll Sim ya L8R. \:wub\:

LaurieRJun 24, 2008

Sucker! You are so bad. It is probably a good thing you are broke. You don't want to be spending all your hard earned money on my kids. Not that I would mind.\;\) \:D

Elena.Jun 24, 2008

HAHAH! I AM DONE, FINISHED! \:D \:D \:D \:D I will have my results maybe tomorrow or by the end of the week! \:cool\: You have no idea how good it feels! \:D \:D \:D \:D I am feeling so good. I feel like listening to music again, watching TV *that is a biiig thing\:D*, dancing, going on long walks with my friends and partying \:P and I feel such a creative flow coming my way \:wub\: Also, summer is here!!!\:wub\: \:wub\: What more can I ask for? Grandma is feeling just great, she is happy for me because she was very worried. Her arm is ok, hurts sometimes when she does a lot of stuff. In the end she is still grandma and has all the indications and all the advice in the world - she knows best and everything \:D \:D \:P You said it is hot there, well here too! We had 104 ºF yesterday! \:eek\: Hugs and kisses! \:wub\:

Elena.Jun 22, 2008

Heeeey! \:wub\: Oh Karie, I wouldn't have time to be online as much as I would like to put all aside and chat. My graduation exams start tomorrow \:eek\: and I am scared \:\( We don't know exactly how will it be but at least we know they start tomorrow \:D We had stuff to learn and it isn't easy I'm tellin` ya. \:rolleyes: Wish me luck and keep your fingers crossed so that they will be easy on me \:P I'll let you know what happened \:ph34r\:

LaurieRJun 22, 2008

It is 12:41 and we got home about 10 minutes. Arianna seems to think that was a nap and is now awake. NOT SLEEPING!! I am going to bed in spite of her.\:D

Angela! Jun 19, 2008

Hi! You have fantastic stories! Your pets are so cute.Take care\;\) ~Angela~.

VictoriaGraceJun 18, 2008

Hi Karie, Thank you for your comment on my "Part of the Family" wall hangings. I've had several people request other kinds of dogs but I am sorry to say that there weren't any other dogs in portrait style except what I have already done. If I come across more portraits that are of high quality, I'll reproduce them here. \:\) Enjoy your game, and lot building, I see you're an aspiring lot artist as well! Keep up the good work! \:wub\: Victoria

DirtdevillJun 17, 2008

Hi, Karie!\:D I'm so sory for my late responce. There were some nasty errors wich wouldend allow me to post or sign guestbooks. But.. better late than never, so today I stoped by to thank you for your nice comments on my "He who runs with scissors". It's very much appriciated!!! Thank you for letting me smile!! \:D Grtz, Dirtdevill

LaurieRJun 17, 2008

Part of sharing in the fun is the poopies!!\;\) You don't get to change only wet ones. That isn't fair.\:rolleyes: You have to share in ALL the joy that is Arianna. So there.\:D

ShinoKCRJun 17, 2008

Hi Karrie! I like what you did with your Minisite! Thank you for your awesome comment in the Bluechildrenset. Huggles Renate

LaurieRJun 16, 2008

You don't deserve a PJ day. You rude thing you!\:P Just wait until I get you here!!! You're in for it then! Oh, Arianna will be in her bodycast for sure when you are here. Her hip surgery is scheduled for July 28. YIKES!! I am not looking forward to changing diapers around this thing.\:eek\: I will be sure to teach you so you can share in the fun!!!\:P \;\) \:D

cariadbachJun 16, 2008

\:\) Hi, Just dropping by to thank you for downloading my Little Boy Blue set. Its comments like yours that make it all worth while\:D Hope you have that PJ day soon, they are the best\:P

ctrbl46Jun 15, 2008

Thanks for the info, I will keep it in mind next time I go to the cooking contest house...\:\)

LaurieRJun 15, 2008

What the heck??!!! I haven't said a mean word to you all day!!!\:eek\:

cinderellimouseJun 9, 2008

Thanks for commenting on my picture of Flat Bob!!! \;\) I'm just saying 'he' but I don't know what sex FB is yet. If it's a girl she's going to be a bit confused!!! I might have to send her 'down to the farm' LOL!!! \:D

twinkletoeJun 8, 2008

I'm glad she gave you a call. I sure hope she gets some rest. Was anyone driving home with her? Laurie needs a break.\:wub\:

twinkletoeJun 7, 2008

The one from Pope John Paul was a gift to my daughter at her baptism. The two from Pope Benedict we got from a close friend who is studing to be a priest in Rome (one for each kid). Basically he bought the roseries and then went to mass and put them in a stack with things other people bought to be blessed. Then they get blessed and you pick them up. Pretty cool I think the last two are made of rose petals and they smell so good! I guess you could figure out from all of this what religion we pratice.\:D

twinkletoeJun 7, 2008

Glad she is ok. But if she has a fever I actually hope they keep him to keep Laurie from having to run her back into the hospital over the weekend. Sometimes they send people home to soon. Thanks for keeping me posted.

hiedibear75Jun 6, 2008

I went and saw that EA has some new screens up for Apartment Life EP! Yipee.....I'm in Simmer Heaven.\:wub\:

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