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Karie's Guestbook

midland_04Aug 18, 2008

Karie, Psssstt.... thanks for the heads up! \:D LOL Have a wonderful night! Midland_04 \:cool\:

Elena.Aug 8, 2008

Hey Karie! Where on Earth are you \:o Are you on vacation yet or is it only from the 23rd? I'm leaving in a couple of hours and I hope I will have a blast at grandma's. It's the seaside after all, what's not fun about that? I'll be back on the 20th, but I am wired there too so no worries. Please keep me posted on Arianna! I do hope she is ok. I am really worried with the latest \:\( She is such a sweet baby, doesn't deserve all that fuss \:\( I hope you will bring her tons of health when you visit \:D Hugs and kisses \:wub\:

hiedibear75Aug 5, 2008

Laurie MADE ME change him back. \:rolleyes:

hiedibear75Aug 5, 2008

Use the aspiration orb on Telle. \:rolleyes: Read Laurie's for more details. \:mad\: L8R. \:wub\:

LaurieRAug 4, 2008

SUNSCREEN!!! It's this stuff in a bottle and it helps to keep retards like you from frying!\:mad\: Maybe one day you will figure this out. Did you spend all the money you made?! You don't need to buy a bunch of stuff for my kids. They will love you for it but it really isn't necessary. Yes, I know. 20 days. 20 days until I torture you in person. I can't wait!!! Are you ready for your hospital stay?? Look out Vandy here we come!!! Don't forget your laptop. Dork.\:P \:D

LaurieRAug 2, 2008

I didn't answer because I wasn't home. I was out spending the last of our money on school stuff. Yippee! NOT. Bear just had to have a $25.00 pair of shoes!! I don't even spend that much on mine!! It was easier to buy them then to deal with the crying fit. I bought 2 pairs for Cody for less than that. I wish Arianna could wear shoes. I want to buy little girl shoes. They are so CUTE!!!! Oh well, I will talk to you later.\:P

hiedibear75Jul 31, 2008

You'll have to do the challenge thingy with us more often........it was fun.\:rah\: Love ya. \:wub\:

cinderellimouseJul 30, 2008

Thanks for the congrats! \:D I think Ruby is winning the public vote!!! LOL! I should do a poll, "What shall I name my little girl? Ruby, Georgia or Twinkle Fairy Dust?" Hee hee! \:D I did thayt ball thing by flicking it directly up and then clicking as it fell back past my mouse-cursor-thing. It took me a while though! \:D

hiedibear75Jul 30, 2008

Hey. \:\) I had so much fun doing a challenge TOGETHER I thought I'd reserect that one with the 3 ho-bag sisters that each needed to have 3 kids from different fathers. \:cool\: You can give it the "ole college try" ifn ya yunt ta. \;\) I put Lydia, Hanna, & Kenzie Hooker on a 3x4 1st one to have 3 kids gets the house everone else moves out with their child(ren) and starts over @ $20,000 again.\:D Not too hard. \;\) Well SIM with U when U get home from that place with a time clock. \:wub\: Hey at least I didn't say that 4 letter word. \;\) :P

LaurieRJul 29, 2008

You are such a freak. The only person I know who wants the food but despises the store designed to provide it!! Weirdo. YIKES!! Do you think you made enough comments on my pictures today? Good gravy. Well, I had something to read anyway!\:D

cinderellimouseJul 28, 2008

Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for commenting on my alien screenie!!! I can't believe it was on the front page and I missed it! Serves me right for not visiting the site enough! \:D I liked the e-mail you sent with the ball on the string... I couldn't do it at first and thought it was a trick but then I got the hang of it and was doing it for ages!!! LOL! \:D Well... I had my scan and it turns out Flat Bob is a girl!!! So it's either Ruby or Georgia from now on! And I've been feeling her move too!!! She was beating me up before so I had to put music on for her and she's stopped now. \:D

hiedibear75Jul 28, 2008

It's OK. \:D I know you're always busy.\;\) You'll get around to it when ya do.\:wub\:

hiedibear75Jul 28, 2008

Hey turkey.\:P Well I'm about to shut down TSR & turn on Sims. \:D So now is your chance to catch up on your Matt & Jenny reading OR play WITH me instead of Pogo.\;\) By-ee.\:wub\:

Elena.Jul 26, 2008

Oh no it's not from my sandals which are actually flip-flops. I thought of something like that before, but you know flip-flops are not exactly allergy "manufacturers"...I'm thinking it was the dust, you know from our redecorating. They had to paint the walls - tapestry off and then clear the walls and that made a lot of dust, maybe it's from that! Yeah 22 is old...remember the guy I liked? He is 19 \:rolleyes: I don't have an age problem, but I do feel uncomfortable to be like almost 4 years older that him. Maybe if he was 21..but in this case he just graduated from highschool in july and I finished college already - right now our views are very different! Anyway, I hope I shall be ok for my b-day! \;\) BTW how's Arianna? \:D Hugs and kisses!\:wub\:

hiedibear75Jul 25, 2008

Too late! \:P I already got #16 published.\:D So read them when you get home.\;\) You know......BEFORE you Pogo. \:P \;\) It was fun playing Telle Scope together tonight.\:rah\: \:wub\:

Elena.Jul 24, 2008

I am so glad for Laurie and Arianna, I hope troubles will end soon. She is such a beautiful little baby girl. \:wub\: \:wub\: As far as I am concerned I will be 22 in about 9 days and I am really freaking out \:rolleyes: I am just plain old. I am very tired and don't feel like doing anything, I could sleep all day long and don't get bothered by that! I could use a vacation though \:D I have some sort of allergies on my poor little cute feet and it's itchy. It's not contagious thank God or my family and friends would have it too and I wouldn't like that. I don't know what caused it, but I hope it goes away real soon or I will scratch my skin away \:\( How have you been? Hugs and kisses!! \:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\:

hiedibear75Jul 24, 2008

You'd better get to reading #15......before I get #16 out. \:P LOL \:cool\: SIM U around.\:wub\:

midland_04Jul 21, 2008

Karie, No problem, I'm glad you liked the add-on pack! Thanks for your great comments on it. \:D I hope you and your sims enjoy it as much as I enjoyed making them. Have a wonderful evening! Midland_04 \:cool\:

hiedibear75Jul 20, 2008

I'm stopping by to let you know #14 is out now.\:D I'm gonna start work on #15 soon.\:cool\: I have to keep their fans happy ya know.\:wub\: So anywho......take a look and with any luck next 48-72hrs will produce another Matt & Jenny.\:cool\: Have fun @ your Mom's......C U L8R 2nite.\:cool\:

Elena.Jul 18, 2008

My driving is not going. I WANT to drive and GO places and TURN THE MUSIC LOUD and all that cool stuff. But it ain't gonna` happen soon. \:D\:D\:D Yeah I am unique \:D \:D \:D I will eventually get a diesel engine car because I feel terribly insecure with the gas one and I can't do a lot of stuff with it. ARGH if I knew it would be such a pain I would have done my school on gas. I am so so glad Arianna is ok! Pfiux! That poor little angel! I hope all the fuss will be over soon, she grew up to be such a beautiful little girl \:o How about you? When will you be vacationing? \:P What have you done lately? Hugs and kisses \:wub\:

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