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Karie's Guestbook

hiedibear75Sep 1, 2008

I know and I'm sorry I even brought it up. I don't care what you tell me about it really. \;\) It's just frustrating.......I've got scared lips from having to bite them so much........and then you went & told me thing after thing (yes I know it was my own fault for getting tied up with my stupid story \;\) ). LOL \:P Any way I know you work full time and it's very unfair. \:wub\: I know it's ONLY work and things around the house preventing you form Siming. That's why you NEVER make fun of me for only using my computer for Sims. \:cool\: Well enjoy the vacation. \:rah\:

hiedibear75Aug 31, 2008

OMG EA has really come up with some helpful stuff with the AL! \:rah\: Moving things up & down A#1 but the children being able to walk to school if they miss the bus is awesome. \:cool\: Well enjoy.......oh & I found something cute BUT I DON'T want to be accused of "ruining the surprise" if you see. \;\)

twinkletoeAug 29, 2008

How do you like AL?

qvisnAug 29, 2008

OK. i will stick to fmily only, probably best, i dont know if i will get it done today as im going away for a week, but i wont be too long.\:P

Elena.Aug 29, 2008

U BET! I was this excited only when OFB came out \:D \:D I must admit I like it very much. Not only it has a lot of new clothing items, but they included elders as well and they got new items too! \;\) Also renting is so much fun \:P and MAGIC..ihaa! I haven't seen a witch either but I'm extremely eager to see one and eventually I will * I hope so \:P * I suppose you are having a blast there \:D and I am glad. vacations rock. I am starting to think about a job too. Even if I don't know what I will do \:rolleyes: Hugs and kisses for everyone there! \:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\:

hiedibear75Aug 29, 2008

Mom offered to buy me a pogo subscription but it'd just get wasted cuz I'm always Siming. Remember when we were bowling? You'd have to practically pull me off my Sims to get me to bowl with everyone. \;\) \:P Well Sims may suffer but at least EA won't care......pogo IS EA. \:D No I haven't found a witch yet. actually you've told me about a butt loud of stuff I hadn't gotten to find yet. But that's OK it's not like I'd bite your head off for telling me about stuff and ruining surprises. \;\) \:P Well have fun. \:\)

hiedibear75Aug 28, 2008

You'd pick Pogo over Sims? \:eek\: I had such high hopes for you to. \:\( Just kidding and giving you a hard time. \;\) \:P Have you used the secret bookcase\doorway yet? Well I knew I'd love the ceilings but I had no idea about moving objects up & down on walls.......what an awesome idea they came up with huh? Well TC have fun. \:wub\: I would say enjoy sleeping in.....but......ah......well Laurie put a stop to that. \:ph34r\: It's still beter than 5:30.......oh wait 7:30 her time IS 5:30 our time.......well at least you'll still be on your sleeping scheduel. \;\) \:P \:wub\:

hiedibear75Aug 28, 2008

R U happy now? \:P I'm done writing Matt & Jenny (for NOW \:D ) and am copying to install AL. \;\) I'll be playing it all night long. \:ph34r\: TC & have fun playing AL. \:cool\:

zvaellaAug 27, 2008

Hi Karie! \:wub\: A little over a month a go you left me a very nice comment on my wood cream walls, and I wanted to thank you, even if it is late (I'm a little slow at this!\:o ) Have a nice day and happy simming!\:D \:cool\:

Elena.Aug 26, 2008

Hey dear friend! I am missing you! BUT I do hope you're enjoying your vacation and time with Laurie and Arianna and everyone else. I am glad she is ok so far. Prayers and love do help \:wub\: Remember: have fun and take some pictures, especially of that beautiful little Rose \:wub\: hugs and kisses! OH BY THE WAY: I am nuts, i can't wait for Ap Life!!!!! \:D \:D \:D

hiedibear75Aug 26, 2008

HEY! \:mad\: If the hearing-aid fits. \;\) \:P \:cool\: Glad Arianna isn't going to spend the whole time screaming......though Laurie probably would have welcomed the company......you know what they say "misery loves company". \;\) \:P Well no cellphone means hard to do a 3 way Simfest. \:confused\: Well I guess it WAS a good though. \;\)

shadow66Aug 26, 2008

I'm a very generous person - I like to share - especially my 'suffering'!! \;\) \:P You couldn't stay on a bit longer could you - say 6 months or so? \:cool\: \:D then maybe Laurie will get it all out of her system and start being sweet again! \:P Hope you have fun, despite all the suffering - you'll have to learn to drink faster when there's kids about! \:D Take care! \:wub\:

qvisnAug 25, 2008

Im glad the op went ok and they let her go home, you can play with her more there.\:D mind it doesnt make you broody though\:P will have to make you a family, do you want them housed or just the family, have not ever made something like this before.\:P

hiedibear75Aug 25, 2008

Nothin but Sims for computer entertainment for 2 WHOLE weeks.......heh heh heh heh! \:ph34r\: LOL \:P Don't 4get some of those hugs & kisses for the baby & the boys are from US! \:mad\: \;\) \:P TC & happy SIMING. \:cool\: \:wub\:

qvisnAug 25, 2008

Cinders is ok, apart from a fire in her builing, flooding when it rains and shes moving monday, when her PC is up and running she will be in touch, poor baby, bump is fine and huge\:D

qvisnAug 23, 2008

How do you sharte a family in your game, is it on the same PC, may sound silly but i had to ask.\:o

qvisnAug 23, 2008

Worried, wheres cinders, do you know why she hasnt been around for ages? let me know if you know shes alright.\:D

hiedibear75Aug 23, 2008

Yeah um......if I'd have found it with my face......my crutch or an arm rest to my wheelchair would be finding it's way up your butt! \:mad\: The poop on my hand was bad enough......THANK YOU! \:rolleyes: Enjoy your trip........and if Dale has anything more to "say" about it.......he can spend some time checked in to the "Bathroom Motel". \:ph34r\: Have fun on your trip & give the boys at least a few hugs from me.......and don't you dare forget to give Sweet Cheeks a bunch of kisses for me(I expect to see you back in CA with chapped lips) . \:P Bye & have fun. \:wub\:

hiedibear75Aug 22, 2008

Hey want to know a REAL FAST way to forget ALL ABOUT a "URGENT" potty need? Put your hand in CAT POOP!!! \:puke\: \:mad\: I need those to get around with ya know. \:rolleyes: \:wacko\: Nothing like going on HAND & KNEES to wash that crap off......literally. :rolleys: You might want to pack Dale in your suitcase for safe keeping. \;\) LOL :P

hiedibear75Aug 18, 2008

Thanks for helping to put the happy in the birthday. \:wub\:

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