Megiie243 (2163581)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (3 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Tinkerbelle Top
Published Sep 17, 2008
About Me
Hey im Megiie243 i havnt been makin clothes for very long but im sure all get the hang of it ! If u hav any requests i would be glad to hav a go and make them !
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7hir7eenFeb 23, 2009
Hello! Be sure to grab the mesh needed for these shirts, it's located here Go to the Downloads tab and click on the file called "" and download it and put it into your Sims Download folder. Have a nice day
pretty_babySep 20, 2008
Congrats YOu uploaded them!!!! very well done Keep creating and practicing and perfecting your art Hope things are swell x Sarah
pretty_babySep 10, 2008
Okay thats easy....Now when you upload your creation...DONT upload it from the projects folder...You must remember the name you gave your creation and upload it from the saved sims folder....C:My DocumentsEA GamesThe Sims 2SavedSims...And no renaming the file like they said, Keep it as it is....Did you click the link??? "You can upload a corrected file by following the link below"....