TeaHouseMoon (2047835)
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About Me
Hello. My name is Maja, but i don't use this name in virtual life, I just prefer something little bit interesting I love and hate Sims at the same time. Love - because I can forget about the real life. Hate - because I can't stop forgetting about the real life. That's all. Thanks for visiting my site! Oh, and I forgot. I want to thank you very very much for being in a featured screenshot. It's a honour for me and I was really surprised ^_^
Tea ♥
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BBKZAug 27, 2008
Hej Maja Dzieki serdeczne za komentarz przy jednej z moich fotek (z pania nurkowa, hihi). Ta kobieta w bieliznie to kochanka meza tej simki-nurka. Na potrzeby urozmaicenia tej historii (i po to, by urodzila w domu, bo miastowi nie urodza, poki nie sa przypisani do danej parceli) przylaczylam kochanke do tego domu. Byla po raz kolejny z wizyta u Tybalta, zaczela rodzic, a tu wchodzi zona Tybalta - Rozmarynka. Dopiero, gdy po skonczonej grze przegladalam fotki, to skapnelam sie, ze Rozmarynka jest przebrana za nurka i fotka wyglada zarowno komicznie (dla nas) i tragicznie (dla Rozmarynki)... Hihihi... Sama jestem ciekawa, jak dalej ich losy sie potocza Hihihi... Dziekuje raz jeszcze. Pozdrawiam BasieK
BBKZJun 18, 2008
Hej Dziekuje za komentarz przy fotce, na ktorej moja simka gra w "Nie obudz lamy" Dopiero te kilka dni temu zauwazylam, ze simowie bardzo sie ekscytuja podczas tej zabawy. Chca chyba zdekoncentrowac przeciwnika i mu jakos przeszkodzic. To by sie nawet zgadzalo, bo z tego co widze, to gra ta przypomina nasze polskie "bierki" Dzieki raz jeszcze za poswiecenie tej fotce chwile czasu. Zycze przyjemnego dnia Barbara
DirtdevillJun 16, 2008
Hi, TeaHouseMoon! Thank you for having a look at my "Who runs with scissors screenie. It's very much appriciated! He who runs with scissors is a nice creation of 2006, made by MaxoidMonkey, wich you can download at the official E.A.com. Your Sims wil be very atracted to this scissor. They'll pick it up and ran around with it. If they don't do it by theirselves, there's an option wich allouds you to tell them that they have to pick it up. It's very funny to watch them when they are running around. They look absolutley funny and running arround like crazy monkey's!! But watch out.. Sometimes they wil snip theirselves and then they wil die!! The suprising thing is that some of them do, and some of them don't die. I'm not sure, but I think it depends on how much body skills they have. However, it's really worth to give it a try. If you don't like what happens, you just don't save your game. Hope you and your Sims do have a lot of fun with the scissors, just like me! Wish you a wonderful weekend and a Happy Simming! Grtz, Dirtdevill