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caridina's Guestbook

flody888May 20, 2010

Hi caridina! I love Molly's studio! Thanks for posting the daytime look too! I knew it would be light and airy and sunny! And yet, how great that she has the nighttime view too, when she's burning the midnight oil and has no distractions except her artistic inspiration! Beautiful set up and decor of her room!!!

my_bullittMay 19, 2010

Hi Sonja!  Thank you for all your screenie comments!!  \:wub\:   On the snake charmer one, I have seen her get bitten, and it gives her a mood drop from snake bite haha! But I have also seen a mood elevator from getting a snake kiss!  Too cute!

bzanna2May 19, 2010

Hello! Thank you so much for commenting on my screenshot. Those little gnomes are so much fun! \:D

spitzmagicMay 19, 2010

(((((Sonja)))) thank you so much for all your comments on my screens and stuff \:wub\: I so happy that you did. \:\) Well, the weather here in Texas is a bit warm and getting warmer. It would'nt be quite so bad if the humidity level would stay low, but then this is Texas you never know what you are going to get. Have a wonderfu week Sonja love ya lots \:wub\:

martoeleMay 18, 2010

Thank you very much dear Sonja for your nice comment on parts 3 and 4 of His Father's Son. I'm glad that you enjoyed it. At this moment I'm busy with The Hunter Twins but I surely will write something more about Cynthia and her children. Many hugs from Margo.

fredbrennyMay 18, 2010

(((Sonja))), Thanks for commenting on the tree house, I hope you will like that one! I also hope you are doing good and that you are feeling much better. I wish the temperatures would rise a bit here in Holland. It is still much to cold!!!!!

happygirlMay 18, 2010

Hi! Thanks for your comment on my screenshot Help! Please Help Me! \:\) I'm so glad you like it. i hope you always be happy! \:wub\:

flody888May 18, 2010

I thought I found it (I cheated and used the Eye of Horus thingy) but I think I have to go back and look again. I always miss things the first few times. \:D  Thanks for inspiring me to look! \:D

DT456May 17, 2010

Objekt och hus är mitt område... \:D Jag har inte så mycket läxor på fritiden... \;\)

DT456May 17, 2010

OMG! \:\) Och vilken typ är jag då?!? \:D\:D

DT456May 17, 2010

Låter komplicerat... \:D Hur många gravar finns det? \:o Va kan det va? Cirka 24 dagar kvar.. ;D

flody888May 17, 2010

Oh, no, sorry! I referred to Egypt after you mentioned the garden was in France. I was thinking how stupid I was to think of a different country when you already said France. Besides, 'Tuatha' is Celtic and France is way more Celtic than Egypt. \:D You didn't do anything wrong. I was having a Homer moment. \:D

flody888May 17, 2010

oh, doh! You already told me it was in France. \:D OK, now I think I know for sure where it is! \:D

simsjeanieMay 17, 2010

Good morning, dear Sonja, here I am, still undressed but with a cup of lovely Latte Macchiato. Want to thank you for your reply about the gardens. I hoped that it would be like that! Now I know I will get Penelope a nice garden, so she has all she needs at China. And I want to have her a house in France, too. You won't believe it - but she wasn't in Egypt yet. She has to go there because of a challenge she's got in France. I hope I'll have some time this week to visit Penelope. But I don't know where to go first - to Egypt or to France. I would like to visit that island. And I want to get a glance of the Eiffelturm. I've only seen it on pics till now. Btw - I loved to watch the cellar beneath the Bounty. It's great!!! Have a nice day and have a nice walk today! And lots of hugs and kisses from Jeanie. \:wub\: *sending some lovely sunshine to Sweden*

flody888May 17, 2010

Hello!! Thank you for NOT telling me b/c I like to try on my own first. \:D I've been almost everywhere in Egypt but I'm guessing France esp that spot where I can't figure out how anyone gets there... \:confused\: But don't tell me! \;\) Thank you and have a wonderful week!!!!

DT456May 17, 2010

Ohh... Häftigt! Vi får väl se om min stackars dator klarar pressen... \:D Konstigt nog fick jag lite internet då och då... \:D Så du har nästan klarat ut alla gravar? \:o Jag har bara gjort en grav som inte är riktigt klar än... \:D\:D

simsjeanieMay 16, 2010

Good afternoon, dear Sonja, here I am again, all the guest are gone now, but we had three wonderful days together. Cooking and eating and lurking around and talking and on Saturday night we were out and visited a Cabaret - great! Now I've found you comments on Penelope's house in China and I enjoyed to read them. Thank you so much. \:wub\: First I bought one of the two houses behind the market, too. As you I thought that would be very comfortable to be near everything. But then I saw this lot and thought it would be so much nicer to live there. It's a small house on a small lot, but very good to play. First I tried the window that came with EA but they didn't look so good - then I tried others and when I came to Mutske's Belhooven Maroo I knew that they were the ones I wanted to have. They look so great. And the doors, too! \:wub\: Tell you, it was a lot of fun to build it, because I just used everything I liked - so there are a lot of the most lovely items created by the great creators of TSR. I would like to know if Penelope can grow plants in China, too. When she's on vacation her garden at home stays as she left it when she returns. But I have no clue yet how plants - vegetables and fruit - behave at the vacation spots. Do you know something about that? I think it would be so much more comfortable to visit the vacation spots without anything but Pangu's Axe because everything you need is waiting for you at your own house there. But I have to try, because this is my very first house at a vacation spot. I hope you are fine - leaving a plate with asparagus salad and baguette on your doorsteps and a bottle of Riesling (not made by Penelope but yummie!) Have a wonderful day whenever you read this and lots of hugs and kisses from Jeanie. \:wub\:

flody888May 16, 2010

Hi caridina! Oh, your comment makes me want to find this place so badly! \:confused\: well, I've got a family in Egypt right now so I'll be busy! \;\) Again, beautiful screenshot! \:\)

martoeleMay 15, 2010

Oh my goodness! You have been commenting all of my screenshots! That's a lot of work! \:D  Thank you dear Sonja that you spent such a lot of time on my minisite. Big hugs from Margo. \:\)

martoeleMay 15, 2010

Hi dear Sonja! I'm very pleased that you are reading the story of Cynthia's boy. Thank you very much! \:wub\:  Hugs. Margo.

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