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caridina's Guestbook

spitzmagicMay 15, 2010

(((((Sonja)))) Morning girlfriend, thank you for commenting on my screenie. ((((BIG HUGGS)))) all the way from Texas \:wub\:

fredbrennyMay 14, 2010

(((Thanks dear Sonja))))  All the comments on my screenies WOW! That was nice to read! I am working today (I usually don't on Friday, but I swopped days with my collegue, therefor I was off work last Monday)And just 15 more minutes and I can go home! Husband will be gone all weekend, that gives me room and time to PLAY without feeling a little hnt of guild...hahahaha  See you soon girlfriend! I read up on the new EP as well. I especially like it that we can do the laundry too now...LOL and the motor cycle... I am definitely getting Fred one of those, so Barb can be in her wake on her small Vespa...LOL \:D \:D It sure looks very good. Just 3 more weeks! Bye hon! See ya laterrrrr

martoeleMay 14, 2010

Hello Sonja! I'm pleased to hear that you are doing well and that your hair starts growing again. \:\)  Yes, it's normal that you are tired. That's the problem with the chemo-cure; it has so many side-effects. \:\(  Yes, I would love to hear what you think of my new stories. I will be waiting your comments. Many hugs. Margo (not Martha but never mind.) \:D

spitzmagicMay 14, 2010

((((Sonja)))) good morning to you, oh wait I guess it might be good afternoon my dear friend. Thank you for all the wonderful comments I woke up to this morning. Ah the big red bird, it doesn't do anything it just sits above the ground. I think it is re-colorable though. I just placed mine in the corner of my lot. It's a neat looking bird. That cute little fox is what you LOL well not us but the simmies get LOL get when they master the Thief career. Have a wonderful girlfriend BIG HUGGS for ya much \:wub\: Barb

paramitiMay 12, 2010

Sonja!!! \:\) hope that video didnt scare you too Does scare me too much each time i watch it..i stil cannot watch it makes me jump ..eeeeek!! yes i was too busy with RL to be doing sims ..but now i am doing..i will have paintings soon..i will let you know when they come out..i will miss you not being on facebook \:\( talk soon ..paramiti~ xxoo

flody888May 12, 2010

Molly is so lucky! She has an island retreat, an old French house, a new! I think I know what rug you're talking about. I might have it somewhere but I never know what to do with stuff after I've downloaded it. That's why I like looking at screenshots and the lovely houses, rooms that talented people like you make. \:\) Thanks for the beautiful decor and ideas and have a super week! \:\)

simsjeanieMay 12, 2010

Good evening dear Sonja, just dropping in with some cake I've left from this afternoon tea. Strawberries with cream and (I have to look for the word at Mr Leo ... it's\:\) rhubarb. My friends who wanted to visit will visit from Friday to Sunday instead of today - the weekend will be busy and we have a lot of program. So now I have a little time to spend with my sims! \:rah\: Glad to hear that you found something surprising in the garden ... \;\) Hope to see more of Molly's life soon! As the weather isn't nice I took some deep breaths from the tin with Canarian sunshine Margo sent me ... \:D - and it was great! Lots of hugs and kisses from Jeanie. \:wub\:

fredbrennyMay 12, 2010

(((Sonja))) So good to hear from you. How are you? How is the chemo working out now? This is your seventh.....\:\( Hope this will get rid of what might be left after your op. And I hope you will fully recover. Meanwhile it is probably causing you to be tired and not feeling to good. I admire your strength and your everlasting good sense of humor. Talk to you soon girlfriend! Be well!

paramitiMay 10, 2010

hahaha i just watched that video i sent you again!! oh my gosh it Still scares me hahahaha its pretty scary to me..hope you like it xxoo

paramitiMay 10, 2010

Sonja!!! how are you?? \:wub\: well i am back here for a while and i wanted to many from TSR are coming to facebook..will you be coming to facebook..i really Really wish you will be there as well!! i want you to watch this scary video my husband sent it to me on facebook..dont be scared just watch it.. i think you will appreciate it..

simsjeanieMay 10, 2010

Good morning dear Sonja, wonderful to read your entry as a good morning! I didn't realize that's already eight weeks since your op ... time seems to run away. Some days I haven't even the time to visit TSR now and Penelope is waiting for me since weeks. I think it's the kittens' nursery ... they are so cute, you can't imagine. I was told to have stay with their mother for at least 12 weeks, better would be 16 weeks. That's rather hard. First each of my daughters wanted to have a kitten, but that changed. My first daughter is thinking of having a dog instead. My other daughter already has two cats and one of them is ill now. (Cats can get chancer, too.) So we agreed she can't add a new cat to her family it would be too much stress for the one who is ill now. Only my third daughter will have a little tomcat - she hopes he will animate the tomcat who is living with her - he's getting lazy and heavy and should move much more! \;\) We have other families who would like to have the little ones - but I'm a selfish woman. I won't give away the tiny ones who were born in my lap. Our house isn't too small and the backyard will be done "cat-safe", so they can go out but don't leave the lot. My husband and I enjoy watching them play and climb and jump - and so do their parents. They are around us all the day, playing and purring and prefer to have their nap on hubby's lap. They already know their names and are running to us when we call them ... we fell in love with them! And when you see the cat family ... Daddy cat and Mommy cat and all the tinies lay together and purr ... I won't part them - and it's not necessary. We have a lot of time now ... I know what you mean with Tessa - My first family I played with the sims3 is waiting for me for months now to visit them. But I don't forget them - just like to play Penelope. So I'm looking forward to see more pics of Molly! Let's have a look at her life! Tell you, my sims don't work! With all the gardening and the omniplant and collecting and so on they can earn so much more money than they ever can spend that they don't have to go to work ... For me it's much more interesting to play all the other features. Penelope has a additional income with her writing - that's really nice - and she likes it! (I visited her yesterday and her latest book - a romance - is named "The Island and Molly" - it was a bestseller and brought her a lot of money \:rah\: Yesterday I was lazy and busy with the sims for hours. I wanted to build a house in China and was too dull. Then I had Penelope visit China and then went to "edit town" and then I could build. I do hope that it won't vanish when Penelope returns to home. I've never tried that before. I would love to go on with that but I don't dare to start the sims3 now - first I have to do some preparation for the coming long weekend. When I sit down with the sims now I won't do that, I know it ... Lots of hugs and kisses my dear friend, all the almond cookies already gone, I love them! \:wub\:

DaeldaMay 9, 2010

Oh - and thanks for the comment on my family working in the garden Screenshot as well. It does take the whole family to work that big thing - but I enjoy it.

DaeldaMay 9, 2010

Thank you for your comment on my Display Room Basement Screenshot. I do like how my sunlit swimming pool windows turned out.

simsjeanieMay 8, 2010

Good morning dear Sonja, thank you so much for you sweet comment on Gardener's Delight! It's really no house to live in for a long time, but it's a perfect starter even for sims who are totally new because they can earn gardening skills at once. I've built it for my own newbies and thought why not share? Later I saw it's still too expensive because sims now have 16500 Simoleons now as starting budget. \:o Weird! Don't move Molly out of her house! I've a francien of my own, the Elisane - it's gorgeous !  She's a great builder with a lot of love for details ... Today the sun is shining again and brought back some energy for me. I'll do something in my house today. Next thursday old friends will arrive and stay over weekend and I have to prepare a lot - do some cooking before so I have more time to spend with them and - most of all - tidy up my guest room. Everything I didn't know where to place it when the handymen were here I put in that room. And so it's still messed up ... \:o I'm getting old - though I wasn't lazy at all the past weeks it seems as if I'll never come to an end. I do hope that we can sit in the backyard, it's so beautiful in spring when it's warm! So a lot of hugs and kisses and a plate with applepie still warm I baked today. (Hope we'll have some fresh strawberries soon as I love strawberry cake with cream!) \:wub\:

simsjeanieMay 7, 2010

Good afternoon dear Sonja, just dropping in with some lovely Latte Macchiato and muffins fresh out the oven. I believe that the lot is wonderful to play - I liked it the first time I saw it. And I saw that you added a lot of lovely clutter!!! \:wub\: Have a nice walk today - though here it's grey and raining - and a wonderful weekend! How are you? Better now? Can you already sit down with the pc and the sims without aches? I do hope so! Lots of hugs and kisses and looking forward to seeing more pics of you lovely Molly! \:wub\:

badangel^^^May 7, 2010

Hi, caridina \:wub\: Thank you for your sweet comment on View from their future home. I'll make sure she's really happy there, but first I have to build a little cosy house. I hope you have a really great day! \:wub\:

mutskeMay 6, 2010

Hi There, Thanks for your nice comment on my window sills, there will be a part 2 for the missing windows. Have fun building \:wub\:

DT456May 6, 2010

Heheh... \:D Jag har inte gjort nått nytt set för det är ingen idé. I morgon ska jag ut och resa till mitt sommarställe. Där ska jag och pappa renovera huset med några andra personer, men idag ska jag hinna med ett klädset för barn! \;\)

DT456May 5, 2010

Okej! Här snöa det igår, men nu har solen värmt bort det. Pheew, det var ju typ 20+ i skolan idag. Höll på att törstas ihjäl.. \:D

DT456May 5, 2010

Hej Sonja! \:\) Vad gör du?! \:D Har det snöa nått hos dig? \:o

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