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cinderellimouse's Guestbook

KarieDec 7, 2008

I send them downtown here and there, but my main ones that I don't really do all the stuff with is Open for Business and College, but I sure like the stuff that comes with! I like that it's there IF I want it!\:P

hiedibear75Dec 7, 2008

I don't know what you mean. \:confused\: Porn! \:puke\: And what's this about on MY PAGE? \:eek\: Or do you mean "hi my name is Amber"? \:confused\: If that's what you're talking about, that's just some sort of IM thingy or some such. \;\) My ex's family kept having me eat spicy foods trying to get me to go into labor. \;\) LOL \:P Oi the heartburn. \:rolleyes: Let us know if all that walking pays off in more than just keeping you in shape. \;\) TC. \:wub\:

qvisnDec 5, 2008

\:rah\: new baby is here, come to my blog.\:wub\:

hiedibear75Dec 3, 2008

So are you still pregnant? \:wub\:

KarieDec 2, 2008

I haven't even done any of it, Laurie said I made it to hard and difficult so she wont do it. I know Hiedi started it, but I don't know where she is or if she's even doing it anymore now. They are party I am sure one to talk, because half the things this game offers, I don't like to do (like college, business's etc). I just like that I CAN do all that stuff, lol and I have all the objects for it. \:P

DiddakoiGirlNov 29, 2008

You're welcome! \:D

qvisnNov 28, 2008

No baby yet for us, i hope it will be soon.\:wub\:

KarieNov 27, 2008

Is there a baby yet??? How are you doing? I miss you!\:wub\:

hiedibear75Nov 27, 2008

Just think.....pretty soon you'll BE a "mummy". \:wub\:

qvisnNov 26, 2008

Stair gates and grey hair go well together LOL. It looks like our new one os going to be late, typical. few more grey hairs, it never stops you know.\:P

qvisnNov 26, 2008

Thanks for the congrats, of course you can come, balloons or not. \:wub\:

hiedibear75Nov 26, 2008

Are you feeling any better? \:confused\: I hope you get over it quickly. \:wub\:

SIMcredible!Nov 25, 2008

You're welcome \:\) Have a beautiful day \:cool\:

hiedibear75Nov 25, 2008

Oh so I take it then you've never accidentally put some dirty dishes in the microwave and then put your TV dinner in the dishwasher then huh? \;\) So I'm betting your Mom is really looking forward to getting to doll up her new grand-daughter. \:D Well TC. \:wub\:

qvisnNov 24, 2008

You will need your energy thats for sure.\:P Martina was here today and Alfie run us all ragged, i think i need to get a stairgate again. Its not long since i had new cupboard doors in the kitchen, but we didnt put the child locks on this time, BIG MISTAKE ! make sure you get these jobs done early. LOL\:P \:wub\:

qvisnNov 24, 2008

Have you got this virus too, its horrid, my throat hurts. You have a while to get better before princess arrives anyway. Martina is due on wednesday and Alfie has this cold too, all he wants is to cuddle her and climb on her, she just could do without it at the moment, she looks like she will explode, she is so big now. bet you are too.\:P get better \:wub\:

hiedibear75Nov 22, 2008

It's OK. \:\) My oldest is 16.....for now, Susan turns 17 Dec. 10th. Kirstin (she was the premature 31.5 wks) she is 15 at least until late Jan. anyway. \;\) Stephanie is 14. My son just turned 11 on the 13th of November. Johnathan and Alex used to play together EVERY day when Laurie still lived here in California. We both have pictures of them playing together in nothing but a diaper and shirt. \:wub\: Both of them are ADHD and so they were actually the perfect match for eachother in a lot of ways. \:cool\: They visit me and spend the night here and there.....but their father got custody. My brain injury was one of the big reasons I lost; the time I swallowed earrings and tried to put pills in my ears......that got brought up. As did every other stupid thing my brain injury has ever done or caused. So it was better than I "bow out" than have my kids watching their father and his mother drag me though the the end the real loosers would have been the kids. \:\( But I did however make sure that I did NOT loose my legal custody of them.....which is what my ex-mother-in-law was trying to get. \:mad\: She actually got upset with my ex (her son) for NOT telling the judge he wanted my parental rights terminated. \:eek\: Yes my ex-mother-in-law IS something that sounds like "witch". \;\) I live with Mike and Karen and my Mother. Laurie, Karen (you know her as Karie) were all best friends and would Sim, scrapbook and play games together. So now Mike helps take care of me while Karie and mom are at work. \:cool\:

hiedibear75Nov 22, 2008

Yeah I'll 2nd what Laurie said. \:cool\: SOME newborns sleep through the night or shortly after......but NOT usually. \;\) Yes that's the place I meant. \:o It does sound interesting. \:\) I know that quite a few people from this website I go to specifically for those with spinal cord damage (whether it's from birth defect, accident, or illness); anyway there are quite a few people there that have been able to make some improvements from stem cell injections. \:rah\: I just figured.....if you weren't using it yourself......why let perfectly good stem cells go to waste? \:D Rest have to beat the cold pretty much "on your own" cold drugs for you Mrs. Mommy. \:ph34r\: Oh & if you REALLY behooves you to get rid of it BEFORE you have the baby. \:eek\: Although it's unlikely you'd need a cesarean section, IF YOU DID they'd have no choice and then a cold is a problem because it HURTS to COUGH, SNEEZE, LAUGH, and so you'd have a SUPER tough time of not having it "bake" and grow to something worse. \;\)

LaurieRNov 21, 2008

Rest rest rest!! Believe me.... rest while you can.\:D Pretty soon you will be catching naps every time the baby sleeps!!\;\) \:D

LaurieRNov 21, 2008

Your sleepless nights are coming. I would strongly suggest you get well before you bring her into the world! It is hard enough getting used to getting up and down all night and functioning during the day. Good luck to you! How much longer?\:D

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