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cinderellimouse's Guestbook

hiedibear75Nov 17, 2008

Sorry. \:o I wouldn't think any sort of residue would be very good for the baby. \;\) I hadn't heard about there being anything toxic. \:confused\: Yes ask the mid-wife.......sore boobs are common and I'm sure she has heard of what works. \:\) Of course deodorant is also potentially toxic as is nutrasweet. \;\) I'm having issues. \:\( Of the computing sort. \:wacko\: I can't view my page. \:\( All I get is a white screen. \:wacko\: Which means communicating with everyone is going to get a lot harder. \:rolleyes: I hope they get it sorted out soon......before I loose my mind. \:cool\: Hope you're enjoying your maternity leave. \:rah\:

LaurieRNov 16, 2008

HEY! How is maternity leave treating you? Yes, Arianna and I are home but I don't know the meaning of rest. All THREE of my kids have been sick. Cody got sick on my first night home and now Alex and Arianna are sick. It's been great.\:eek\: I am SO TIRED!! I am ready to go to bed now. Unfortunately, I have to get Arianna's meds ready and add food to her bag before I can lay down. Sometimes, I just want to crawl into bed.\;\) Oh well, a mothers work is never done! Just you wait!\;\) \:D \:wub\:

twinkletoeNov 14, 2008

Yikes Hey Heidi I know the bag balm for cows isn't supposed to be toxic but it does has some ingredients that I wouldn't consider safe. Maybe I'm too green and I've belonged to too many mothers groups. No offense I hope. If you do use it Cinders I would make sure that there is no residue on before nursing. Having babies not to long ago the only thing recomended to me by the Dr.'s was Lansino (spelling?) made of Lanolin. Check with your midwife to see what they say everyone has their opinions as I'm sure you figured out by now. I'm thinking I'm on the mend and I'm very excited about the idea except my son now has a runny nose. Chat at ya soon. Twinks

hiedibear75Nov 14, 2008

Holy cow you're gonna make me need a nap. \:P LOL Well sounds a lot more fun than work. \:D I managed to breastfeed all of mine for at least a little while......though Kirstin my 2nd baby never got to drink.....from the tap so to speak........she was premature and so she couldn't eat properly and had to be fed with a tube up her nose (unlike Arianna Kirstin they knew would eventually get healthy and strong enough to eat on her own so it's TOTALLY different) but I dried up before we got her to drinking a bottle. \:\( But I nursed the others. \:\) Which my daughters are totally grossed out by the thought's pretty funny to me. \:ph34r\: It may sound odd BUT get the utter ointment used for cows.....stuff is terrific for sore human utters as well. \;\) Yeah the head is the hardest part so if you get one with a (normal yet) small VERY grateful. \:D I had all mine C-section but that's because of my back and pelvis. \;\) Laurie has done it both ways and she said the "natural" way was way easier to recover good thing you don't have to go the C-section route. \:rah\: Well TC. \:wub\: Looking forward to seeing the belly AND the baby's room. \:D How far are you from Shepfield (sp?) there is a huge spinal cord recovery center there & I'm sure that they would know what hospitals or Dr.s in your area take those types of donations. \:D

qvisnNov 14, 2008

Thanks for the very funny comment on my WHAT!!! pic, im glad you enjoyed it.\:D Love to bump\:wub\:

hiedibear75Nov 11, 2008

Hello. \:cool\: I was wondering if you would do a favor for someone? \:confused\: Wheels89 is looking to get some I'm trying to get as many members to bookmark them as possible. \:D BlackGarden is making a bunch of ramps and this is a big deal for anyone who uses a chair in the real world. \;\) Well thanks in advance. \:rah\: So how are you enjoying "vacation"? \;\)

twinkletoeNov 11, 2008

Yippee maternity leave\:rah\: How exciting to be so close. Sorry I haven't been around much. Right after we got back from Disney I got very sick with Broncitis. The worst I've ever had. Can't even walk up the stairs without feeling like I can't breath. I went into the Dr's for the third time today. More medicine's for me. Really scary to have the constant weizing and lack of air. But I'm hopefull that I will get better this week. How is that little bump doing? I take pride in her exsistance in this world\;\) \:wub\: Twinks

simsuperstars333Nov 10, 2008

Thanks,thanks ,thanks!\:D the sites were brilliant! I found what I was looking for and MUCH, MUCH more!!!!!!!!!!! \:P

zabka1971Nov 10, 2008

Yes, I found it after I realised I was looking at the wrong site. \:o Thanks!

hiedibear75Nov 10, 2008

That's a downright funny poll. \:P LOL I considered the last one. \;\) \:ph34r\: 4 out of 5 of mine I'd say are good witches. \:\) You're going to have a very exciting and yet exhausting little \ HUGE part of your life. \:wub\: So have you decided all those things like drugs \ no drugs? Bottle \ mommy? Oh if you haven't a use for it or decided to do something with it.......the hospital might be one that takes cord blood donations. \:confused\: The cord blood has stem cells in it. \:cool\: I hope you're enjoying sleeping in and not having to rush through breakfast. \;\) So since you've got a mini-site & since you've got all this time on your about some pics of the baby's room? \:D We want a blog! \:rah\: We want a blog! \:rah\: We want a blog! \:rah\: So how about it? \:D Well I hope you have a wonderful week. \:wub\:

qvisnNov 9, 2008

\:rah\: Time off, Time off, Time off\:rah\: I bet your bump is huge now, Martinas is, i put a pic on facebook in the birthday album today, i will put more on but explorer keeps stopping me, dont know how to cure it yet but i will find a way.\:mad\: Im glad you got your witch, i hav'nt used a bad one yet.\:P

mightyfaithgirlNov 9, 2008

You have great creations and screenshots! And I like your username! \:rah\:

qvisnOct 31, 2008

Glad you liked the tip on AL furniture, you will need it. Witches can be found at the library, sunny days, good witch and bad weather brings the bad witch. I had fun turning Bigfoot into a warlock and taking the pics, didnt even get front page for all my efforts. LOL\:P

hollandgirlOct 29, 2008

thanks for letting me know! \:\)

twinkletoeOct 29, 2008

We are back from Disney and it was truly wonderful. The kids had an amazing time and we are all tired out from it all. We even got to trick or treat in the California Adventure part of the park. It was the best party I'd ever been to. How are you doing these days?\:wub\: Twinks

skyblue7377Oct 29, 2008

you are most certainly welcome...huge hugs

qvisnOct 29, 2008

You have the right Jane if you got the little green dragon. please feel free to look at the pics, thats what they are there for. Halloween ? we dont do parties these days but get sweets in for the kids.if they dont come, we eat them, LOL Just came back from the inlaws,26 miles in a blizzard, Brrrr.\:P

hiedibear75Oct 28, 2008

I'm not even going to look at the blog about your favorite sites. \:eek\: My DL folder is huge enough as it is. :P

WarrayfinsonOct 28, 2008

Your welcome and thanks!\:D I love all your creations, the talented artist you are! Keep Creating!!\:D \;\)

qvisnOct 24, 2008

Your email was very funny, i had a giggle. Have requested to add you as friend in the other place, you will see when you go there, i told Jane to look out for you too.x\:D

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