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cinderellimouse's Guestbook

LaurieROct 24, 2008

I was so HAPPY to see another entry from you!!\:wub\: Arianna's tube has been moved to her small bowel instead of her belly. They are hoping this will keep her from barfing and give her adequate nutrition. I can't believe you want to be the size of a hippo. I was always glad to be rid of the baby belly. I did not have a problem with heatburn!! Thank goodness!\;\) \:D

hiedibear75Oct 24, 2008

Women in the U.S. DO get maternity leave, it's just no where near as long as you ladies in the UK. \:cool\: If there are other circumstances such as a lady got put on bed-rest she couldn't be fired over that NEED. And in the U.S. what maternity, sick, or vacation benefits are all depending on where you work, who you work for, and what you do. I had my 1st daughter Dec. 10th 1991 but for that Halloween I got a BIG orange T-shirt and some fabric paints and painted on a jack-o-lantern right over my big fat prego belly. \:P LOL I had the perfect pumpkin sized tummy since I was 8 mo pregnant on that day. Anyway I will look forward to seeing more of you around. I'm glad you're at least back on the net and back to talk with us again......we all missed ya. \:wub\:

LaurieROct 20, 2008

I am pretty sure they aren't changing out her parts!! I wish she were bionic. There would be less trips to the hospital. She is doing ok right now. We are having problems with her tummy. She isn't able to eat the amount of food she is supposed to. So, I have to watch her very carefully right now. I am hoping to hear from her doctor today. He was on vacation last week. I am hoping they find a solution to this problem. Other than that she is fine! How are you doing? Are you feeling ready to pop yet? I always hated the end of the pregnancy. Felt like a freakin' balloon but filled with led!!\;\) \:D I am glad to know you haven't forgotten about me. Thanks for popping over to say hi!!!\:wub\: \:D

hiedibear75Oct 20, 2008

You're lucky! \:eek\: In the U.S. women only get 6-10wks usually and often it is partial pay or none at all. \:\( Oh & if you do want to take more time off than that.....don't expect your position to be there when you do want to come back.......3-6 months tops for expecting to still have a job to return to. \;\) So does this mean you'll have plenty of time to chat and nose around TSR? \:cool\: Oh & don't forget to finish the nursery. \:P TC. \:wub\:

TrailRunner782Oct 20, 2008

Hey Cinderelli! Good to hear from you! I'm glad everything is going well, when I hadn't heard from you I was a little worried something was going wrong. I'm glad Georgia Ruby is healthy! That's such a cute name! When is she due? I have been going nuts on my end... I've been going to school full time and working so I haven't had nearly enough time to visit TSR or do many creations, I miss it so much! I also have a boyfriend now, I can't remember if I told you or not. It's so nice to have someone to bug!hehe How is the new place? Hopefully it wasn't a negative reason why you had to move. And happy birthday too!! You're getting old like me

qvisnOct 19, 2008

In Luton they get you in and out as fast as they can, if all goes well it should be 6 hours. Im glad you got your new boots, you need them at this time of year. I will PM you about the other thing with Jane.\:D

twinkletoeOct 19, 2008

Oh no I'm sorry I didn't know when your birtday was. Please forgive me and I hope you had a good one. We are minutes away from leaving our house and headining to Disneyland. I'll write more when we come back. We'll be back Saturday. \:wub\: Twinks

qvisnOct 18, 2008

WHAT!!!!! did i miss your birthday, OMG, im so sorry Karen, i hope you had a lovely day, please let me know what you did and did Pete spoil you. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

LaurieROct 7, 2008

I think you have forgotten about me. How are you doing? I haven't heard from you in forever!! Are you and the baby well? When is that sweet little girl due? I can't remember. Pop over and say HI! I feel ignored.\;\) \:D

qvisnOct 5, 2008

Our men did worry about us, but we were fine, Jane said we should all carry a copy of the sims game so we know each other, I thought that was really funny, when she turned up with one in her bag that was hilarious. It poured of rain but we didnt care, i loved meeting her and Beth of course. maybe it will be sunny next can bring Ruby too.\:P

twinkletoeOct 4, 2008

She is fine now after the hospital she took about 10 days to get her strength back. I'm fine but I've been busy with the kids as always. I've stopped in here but I haven't been chatting much. How's the babe doing? \:D

qvisnOct 2, 2008

Forgot to say, have you read cariadbach's blog, she was bitten by a troll and went awol for a long time, but apart from being in spain for a few days, im glad to say she is back, we kept in touch by email and facebook. LOL\:P

qvisnOct 2, 2008

Martina's bump is doing fine, getting really big now, havnt heard about any names yet though. After a stressful time in hospital at Alfies birth, she is banning visitors and we have to wait until she gets home, i dont blame her as she will only be in for between 6 and 24 hours. I will let you know when we are going back to Wales, wont be until next summer but if you come to Luton to visit your friend that moved, its open house to you anytime. chat soon.\:wub\:

midland_04Oct 2, 2008

cinderellimouse, sorry to hear about the sudden move thing. that always sucks when it's sudden like that. Glad to hear your back... Hope to see u here a lot more. \:D Have a wonderful evening! Midland_04 \:cool\:

hiedibear75Oct 1, 2008

Lengthwise they take up just over the length of their head, neck, and body.......that's why the call having your arms and legs tucked in the "fetal position". :PD Try that pregnancy bit AND short. \;\) Well all that time off will give you ample time to finish the nursery and keep your feet propped up. \:\) So how long will you be on maternity? Women here get any where from 6 weeks unpaid leave to 6 mo paid maternity......just depends on the benefits their job has and also whether they'll HAVE TO work to the end or start maternity like you just prior to having the baby. \:cool\: So do you have all the EPs & SPs now? Oh & have you seen or heard about the new SP mansions and gardens yet? \:\) It'll have........FAIRIES!!! \:rah\: Well I don't have a there will always be lil ole me. \:D Well TC. \:wub\:

cariadbachOct 1, 2008

HOORAY , you are back , shall look forward to hearing all your news. Glad all is well\:wub\:

qvisnOct 1, 2008

I love Georgia Ruby by the way, too cute.\:wub\:

qvisnOct 1, 2008

\:rah\: Its so good to have you back and great news about the house, i cant wait to here all about it, how is that lovely bumb? probably very happy now mum is.\:D We went to Llandudno three times, its so beautiful, next time we go you can come as well, it poured of rain when we met under the clock at Bangor, umbrellas at the ready\:P we soon warmed up with bacon rolls and coffee. so good to hear from you.\:rah\: \:wub\:

twinkletoeSep 30, 2008

HOORAY!!!\:rah\: Good to have your bubbly Cinders smile back on the page. I'll catch up with you soon.\:wub\: Twinks

KarieSep 30, 2008

WOW! You made me anxious just hearing about all that!! I am glad you've gotten moved and that your doing well. I can't believe that you only have 10 weeks left! That is awesome! Do you have anymore ultrasound scans of Flat Bob? I think Georgia Ruby is a pretty name, but to me, she will always be Flat Bob!! I got to go back to see LaurieR for 2 weeks at the end of August & first week of September. It was a lot of fun..except I really miss her (But don't tell her that, it will go to her head!). Arianna is such a little baby doll. I can't believe how big her boys have gotten. My computer croaked a couple of weeks ago, so now I am using Hiedibears old computer and fortunately (knock on wood)my Sims are working just fine and dandy!! I started working out again today after work. I have been wanting too, but Laurie's kid shared a germ with me, and that took a while to get over, then asthma hell and well, I finally got my fat butt back in the gym tonight. I was looking forward to relaxing and simming, but a family game night was planned before I got home, so no sims for me tonight! Oh well.

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