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cinderellimouse's Guestbook

hiedibear75Sep 29, 2008

Hey glad to know you're OK. I'm shocked that with 10 weeks to go you're not counting down the days to get her outta there. \;\) Starts getting cramped in there don't it? \:P Well I don't know about how much "gossip" you missed out on........but YOU were missed. \:cool\: In the U.S. we have the Historical Society and they do the same thing......everything has to at least LOOK from the same era. \;\) Anyway glad you're in a dry home now. \:rah\: So have you gotten the nursery set up yet? \:confused\: Oh & since this is your 1st 10 weeks will probably translate to more like 11 or 11&1/2 weeks right? \:ph34r\: Glad you're back to being able to chat with us again. \:rah\: You & Georgia Ruby TC. \:wub\:

KarieSep 20, 2008

CINDERS??? WHERE ARE YOU??? (K knocks on Cinders TSR door) Heeelooo??? Anyone home?? Come out, come out where ever you are(to the tune of what Glenda the Good Witch of the West sings to the Munchkins)......Oh my...there are cobwebs in here...where the heck are you Cinders? We/I miss you...\:\(

KarieSep 9, 2008

How's Cinders and Flat Bob? I hope all is well with you. I heard through the grapevine that you moved. We are in need of details about the fire? OMGosh what are you doing over there?? \:P

midland_04Aug 30, 2008

Cinderellimouse, Hey!! I know you aren't on a whole lot, but hadn't seen any entries from you in a bit... I haven't had much of a chance to get over here and post in yours either. I had the house painting, which still isn't done... needs to be touched up and trim finished. And I've been putting on a new roof the last week. Side one done, side 2 to go. I got the first half done from start to finish in 2 days. I had some minor repairs I had to do before I could start. The first half also had a porch attached, so I think I can get the other half done in a day and a half. So hopefully I'll be back soon. I have been getting on around 11:30-12:00am my time to check and keep up on messages, I just haven't been hopping around much and visiting as I usually do. So if you get a chance to reply, or leave a message, feel free... I will get it, even if I don't answer back right off the bat... I am still here, just not as much. LOL \:D Hope to hear from you soon. Midland_04 \:cool\:

TrailRunner782Aug 27, 2008

Hey Cinders! I haven't been on much lately, but I wanted to say hi! How's the baby?? You must be getting close! Hope you're doing well and hope to hear from you soon! \:\)

hiedibear75Aug 25, 2008

Hey you gotta stop give crass-Atlantic heart-attacks! \:eek\: Wow fire? Flooding from rain? Good grief pregancy wasn't exciting enough with OUT all that? \;\) LOL \:P When your computer is up and running and you've got a minute stop by and say "hi". \:wub\:

LaurieRAug 23, 2008

I haven't heard from you in ages!! Are you ok? How is the baby? I hope all is well with you and yours!\:D \:wub\:

WarrayfinsonAug 23, 2008

I just wanted to stop by and say I love your creations. Your a very talented artist and I can tel up you put a lot of effort into each creatio you do. But ,um, just a question on the Sleeping Beauty hair, which mesh is it excually? It takes me to the main menu and so I don't know which mesh it is. Thank you for creating great things for the sims. You totally ROCK! Keep Creating!! \:D \;\) \:wub\:

twinkletoeAug 22, 2008

How's it going?\:D How are ya doin?\:wub\: Twinks

TrailRunner782Aug 18, 2008

Hey, just wanted to drop by and say hello!!! \:D

KarieAug 18, 2008

('s hiedibears birthday today!! 8/17)\;\)

twinkletoeAug 13, 2008

Thinking of you\:wub\: Twinks

qvisnAug 9, 2008

Hi Karen, im back from Wales and we had a great time exploring, it was raining torrents most of the time but it didnt keepo us in. We had a couple of hours here and there in the sun but not long enough for Dave to fish. Didnt have to use much welsh as most of the people i met were from Liverpool, have put some pics in my blog for you to see.\:D Hope the princess is fine\:wub\:

sallyhailsAug 1, 2008

Just thought I'd let you know I've posted some pictures in my blog of the changes in the countryside since the Kareef came if you're interested, take a look \;\) Sally\:P

tambriahAug 1, 2008

your welcome

midland_04Aug 1, 2008

cinderellimouse, I defrag every 2 weeks to a month, otherwise it takes me over night also... mine takes about 45 minutes when I keep it up that regularly... so maybe you should bump up how often you defrag your system. Midland_04 \:cool\:

samcactus101Jul 31, 2008

Oops\:ph34r\: Sorry, guess i misunderstood those gb entries\:P \:P \:D \:Dbut Wow! 21 weeks already? time sure pass fast! Well, i'm gonna congratulate you anyways in case i'm late\:D so CONGRATULATIONS!! its a girl\:rah\:lol! Anyways, tc. i'll chat with you soon!

shadow66Jul 30, 2008

I figured the 'Mum' bit on my profile gave that away! \:P I've got 2, both girls! I chose a few things that were unisex - you know, with like cute teddies/bunnies etc in pastel colours - just so they had something to wear, and I got loads of stuff from family and friends once they were born, so it was just as well I didn't go too mad! \:P - they outgrow them way too quick at that age! \:P 900GB is hard drive storage, not RAM - and my poor old computer has seen much better days - I'm dubious about Sims 3 as well - that will probably give it a fatal heart attack! \:eek\: I've been thinking about upgrading, but that's as far as it's got at the moment! \:P \:D

qvisnJul 30, 2008

I will take lots of pics, i cant wait.\:D

TrailRunner782Jul 30, 2008

Hey! You're welcome for the comments! \:D I love the hair, I just made my fairy tale sim.hehehe Congrats on finding out she's a girl!! Those are beautiful names, I think you're good with either of them. \:D And I just know that you and Pete are going to spoil her rotten.hehe \;\) I will keep you updated on my classes. It seems to be getting better a little at a time. Each time I go in, I figure out a little bit more. Like the kid who throws himself into walls... I just asked him if he could help me set up and keep me company, by the end of the class he was sitting on my lap while we played duck duck goose.hehe They're really cute, but I'm finding it easier with the older ones because I can just give them a soccer ball (or football as you call it hehe) and they're good for hours!

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