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cinderellimouse's Guestbook

Herzen & BlasenJul 28, 2008

Aw!!! Congratulation for your little princess \:wub\:

Herzen & BlasenJul 28, 2008

Hi Cinder!!! Are you on line, right now?

LaurieRJul 28, 2008

Well, I vote for Georgia. I think it is prettier than Ruby. Just my opinion! CONGRATS!!! Isn't it so exciting? I loved it when I found out I was finally getting my girl. Unfortunately, no. When her hips are done and cast is off she will have her cleft palate repair, and then at some point she will probably need surgery for her club foot and the amputation of her left foot. Then, I'm not sure if there are any more for a while. I suppose some of that will depend on her check-ups for her heart. As long as things are ok there she won't need one for a while. I have no idea when they will do surgery on her ears or if there will be surgery for her jaw. We have a long way to go! I am just LOVING all the hospital stays! NOT!!\;\) \:D

hiedibear75Jul 28, 2008

Glad to hear that you and Flat Bobbette are doing well.\:wub\: I can't wait to read your comments on #16.\;\) I'm already working on #17 as we speak.\:D I had to sit in the desk for an extra 45 minutes. \:mad\: I'm a shorty.....only 5'2. \:cool\: Well I've only had cesarean sections but Laurie has had both and she said she'd rather the old fashion way; but they don't do them for the fun of it.......if the Dr.s say you need it then it's what best for FT. Aren't little girls so much more fun to buy for? \:wub\: Well I'm off to get a bit more done on #17 then off to bed for a good days rest.\:ph34r\:

hiedibear75Jul 25, 2008

Thanks for your comment on #15.\:wub\: Oh & #16 is out now too. \:D Hope you like it. \:cool\: Take care.\:wub\:

twinkletoeJul 24, 2008

Still waiting...... Hoping you'll get a chance to come on here today. Excited to hear the news\:wub\: Twinks

Bury me deep inside your heartJul 24, 2008

Hi Cinder \:\) How was your scanner? Could you see the sex of your baby? \:wub\: Anyway, I hope you are well, Hugs. Maru \:\)

hiedibear75Jul 23, 2008

Heya Cinders. \:wub\: So how have you been feeling? \:confused\: I wanted to let you know that chapter#15 is now published. \:D I'm working on #16 but it's slow going. \:wacko\:

twinkletoeJul 22, 2008

Midland got his minisite\:D Go check it out.\:D

qvisnJul 22, 2008

When you get time, Go and take a look at shadow66 blog, the bit about, when your getting old, i promise you will laugh\:P

twinkletoeJul 22, 2008

Tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap.....waiting .....two more days.......tap tap tap tap tap boy my fingers are getting tired of waiting......two more days.......tap tap tap tap tap\:D

hiedibear75Jul 21, 2008

So how's our favorite mummy-to-be doing these days? I've been busy doing Sims stuff. Well I've been putting the word out there......#15 is uploaded.\:D Hope you'll stop by & tell me what you think of it.\:\) Take care.\:wub\:

LaurieRJul 20, 2008

I just saw that you signed my blog. She didn't do as well with this one. We were only supposed to stay Wednesday night but we didn't get to leave until late Friday. She is ok now though. I am keeping her on motrin and tylenol. That is helping. She won't remember a majority of the big surgeries but unfortunately, some will come later when she is older. She WILL remember those. That sucks. How is FB doing?\:D

hiedibear75Jul 20, 2008

I got #14 published and awaiting your reading pleasure. \:D Hope you enjoy it.\:wub\:

LaurieRJul 19, 2008

Wow!! How exciting!! You MUST tell me what the baby is. I HAVE to know! (I'm nosy)\;\) I just got home from the hospital. Arianna had a rough time with this surgery but now she is O.K. Thank goodness. I am glad to be home. Take care of F.B.\:D

twinkletoeJul 18, 2008

How fun that you got both Kitchen and Bath and Ikea\:D I hope you are having a good time with them and that you actually have time to play. \;\) I'll bet that you are super excited about your next appointment\:D I'll be looking forward to hearing all about it\:wub\: Twinks

cariadbachJul 18, 2008

\:\) Glad to hear that all is ok with you and yours\:D I use Paint shop Pro for my pictures. I have been lazy for a few weeks though , been too busy on facebook\:P Thanks for downloading a couple of my recolours and for taking the time to leave a comment, much appreciated. Have a good week-end , see you\:D

TrailRunner782Jul 17, 2008

Hey Cinder! I'm so glad you liked my murals so much, all the comments gave me a smile, they were really sweet! Hopefully I'll be able to keep up and make more. I just took on a second job as a youth fitness instructor at my gym, so that's going to be taking up quite a bit of my time. I'm teaching from 3-12 years old, sometimes in the same class...eek! And I have one little boy who likes to take his pants\:o I'm not really sure how I'm going to fix that one because when you discipline him, he throws himself into walls! It will be fun though, this is what I'm going to school for (kinda). Just wondering how you're doing with the heat out there? It was 91 here today and humid, hopefully it hasn't been that bad out there. \:\)

Bury me deep inside your heartJul 17, 2008

Hi Karen \:\) Congrats for the Frontpage!!! \:rah\: I have the same problems that Augu had to log in. I'm very \:mad\: for that!!! How are you? Greetings. \:\) Maru \;\)

Herzen & BlasenJul 17, 2008

Hi Cinder!!! \:\) The guy in my pictures is Alex Evans (model emo boy), If you want to see pictures of us, tell me when you stay on line here so I can put a picture for a while for you,so you will can meet to me and Hitman (Augu) & Maru, too. How do you & the baby feeling lately ? I hope you are well! See you & hugs. Ayu \:\)

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