crazysims2girl101 (4457041)
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simmothyJul 03, 2012
Hi crazysim girl Thanks for interest in my house. So glad you like it. All you have to do is add the house to your download basket. When you log in at any computer, you can download from there. Have fun
zodapopMay 28, 2012
I am not sure exactly how to tell you how to do this thoroughly, since I have never had windows 7 or a laptop. It doesn't show up in downloads unless you saved it to there.(Some browsers automatically do that, though.) If you don't save it to there, the file will be on the list of what you have downloaded, on your web browser. Once you find it, you will need to open it with winrar or 7zip. If you already have one of them installed, depending on what browser you use, you will need to double click it, right click then select open, or something similar. It will normally open with winrar or 7zip. This is what I usually do on my desktop computer, I extract the files to my documents/ea games/the sims 2/downloads, with winrar. I suppose you have a similar directory on your laptop? I hope this helps you. Have a nice week.