cynashuggie (3620249)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (8 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Smeared Plaid
Published Mar 12, 2012
About Me
I love Sims! I currently play Sims4 on my PC and I believe I am addicted to building houses. I have a goal to build a town/world and custom build each house on it. May even share those once I am done I recently started designing Patterns and Custom variations of furniture on Sims.
My Latest Updates Show All
First Lot!Written Mar 16, 2012
I designed my first lot that I will be sharing. Now, I am sure that anyone who reads this will think that this post means it is the first house/lot I have ever designed. No. Haha. More like the Hundredth... haha.... Anyway... It is designed after the house I currently live in!!! YAY!!! ...More
Designing!!!!Written Mar 15, 2012
I have been bitten by the "Design" bug. While I am addicted to buying empty lots for my Sims and building homes on them, I never share these nice homes because I can't remember everything I put in them. That being said, I am going to design a home with basic wall coverings and basic floor coverings. I will also use a kitchen set done by either EA games or a TSR Artist who allows... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
BEOOct 13, 2012
You are welcome! Thank you for comment!
KrissJun 20, 2012
Hi! Thanks for the nice comment on the Onda Living Set.
SIMcredible!Jun 07, 2012
Hello We are glad you enjoy our creations Wish you are having a beautiful day! Happy simming