dddrake (709559)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (1647 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Ilustara Table Lamp
Published Jan 11, 2007
About Me
Well, friends and fans, I have decided that I am putting away my tools and retiring from recoloring/creating for The Sims 2. I have enjoyed my time in the community and sincerely thank all of you who have taken the time to comment on my work or to take the time to rate my work. Peace and happy simming. **** You all are making it hard to retire! You keep leaving me such nice comments that I feel like I am abandoning you all. So I think I am just going to semi-retire and upload content as the want strikes me to change something in my own game.
My Guestbook Show All
somyliMar 29, 2010
Thank-you so much for the recolors.
WickedMayesJuggaletteNov 13, 2009
Thank you so much for all your recolors, I got so sick of the Maxis colored quickly.
hiedibear75Aug 31, 2009
Wow bummer you have not been around. Well since you've been gone I had a laptop fry then my desktop wasn't able to have any cc for a while. BUT I'm back in the swing of things & I just HAD TO come back & get your recolors! They're as indespensible as the recolors from MoMama & Tabbylou's Mission Match. Well hope is OK with you & you just have chosen not Sim for what ever reason. Thanks again for the wonderful items you made.......the Sims 2 comunity is better off for having had you in it.