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hiedibear75's Blog


lisa9999 is a very sweet playerartist with a very sweet dog named Diana. Since Lisa approved of the pix of Diana here is the FINISHED collage for Diana which has been uploaded & is now just waiting for TSR to let her wag her way onto everyone's hard-drive.

My 1st

Well I'm great at coming up with ideas but not so great at getting them made into something. I've been taking a look at some tutorials and with some help from some very sweet friends of mine......hopefully will have me creating custom content instead of just lots, pets, and stories. So here are my attempts at wallpapers. 4 sets with 4 papers each. Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 These are some of the 1st attempts of wallpaper making.

How to get a wheelchair into a tiny car......a MINI.

How do you get a wheelchair into a small space? My wheelchair is 23.5lbs with OUT the wheels , arm rests , or wheelchair cushion. We have a VERY small car......a MINIcooper! To make matters worse for space......we like having our music LOUD so we have a HUGE speaker. If the MINI is a rockin don't come a knockin cuz we can't hear you. :P The speaker is about 150lbs solid oak and Mike (my friend and caregiver) pushes it back a bit. Still not enough room you say? 1st off many modern wheelchairs fold MUCH smaller than they used to. This is how to fold up my chair. Pulling the string releases the back so it will fold down. Push the big button in the center of my wheel and it release the "hub" from the axle so the large bulkier wheels used to push with can be easily removed with NO tools. Once it's in pieces it can be easily placed into small trunks OR MINIcoopers. So that's how MY wheelchair folds. There are wheelchairs out there that fold up even smaller (so small it can fit in overhead compartment for carry-on luggage in most airplanes and are even lighter then mine less than 20lbs.

Holy cow!!!

I want to thank each and everyone who has downloaded and especially left a comment or thanked me. I've gotten 10,000+ downloads. Considering I only am able to make lots and pets......I'm quite proud of myself if I do say so myself. It was fun creating them & I'm just glad they were so well liked.

Matt & Jenny

I finally got what I think is somewhat close to what Matt & Jenny looked like. I didn't get the house exactly.....but close. Jenny's hair is a bit different because I couldn't find the exact mesh again......and I'm leery of adding too many meshes. Aside from their clothes I think I got THEM pretty darn close if I do say so myself (took several attempts to get her face looking like "Jenny"). :D (knock on wood) The only computer problem I currently have is that I do NOT have a question mark key; so "(Q)" = "question mark". Here are all 3.....Matt, Jenny, and Lumbar Matt's service dog. Here is a close up of Matt & Jenny so everyone can see what their faces look like better. I got the house kinda sorta close. There ARE......SOME differences. I'd really like to know what everyone thinks. I don't know that I can get it any closer......but I'd still like to hear everyone's opinion.

PLEASE tell me!

I have been making lots for about 6mo. now and recently started making pets. Two of my "real life" friends have had some problems getting my lots to show up. If ANYONE has had ANY trouble........please please please......I NEED to know so that IF there is a problem I can try & fix it (if it is a glitch I may not be able too).

Thank you.

I've started making pets.

LaurieR helped me to package the pets up, and as equally important kept telling me I should try it. :) <3

I've made 6 now.....2 dogs & 4 cats. :D

hiedibear75 Industries (HB inc.)

Normally I LIKE that I "never make the same house twice".....but I'm making an exception for THIS one. My Sims have been so ga ga for this house plan I wanted to share it with everyone else. Each will have the same floor plan just have different walls, floors, windows, furnishings, and decor.......but from an architectural stand point.....same house just different color schemes. 4 bed 3 bath with a NON-attached garage. It's been a hit in my game both with my Sims AND the head master.....I hope for the same in everyone else's. This is the ROSE home I believe......The floor plan is the important part as there'll be 10 different ones to choose from. The yards may have different trees, different papers and floors, furnishings; all making it so that along with there being a variety of colors to choose from your sims will have a couple different prices to choose from as well. ALL 10 are now up......hope everyone likes them.

a bit more about the bear

I'm the bear........TSR knows me as hiedibear75. I've got 4 wonderful kids.......I see them as often as I can, which is never often enough. I'm a kid at heart; I like cartoons (but NOT all toons....only some). I like crude stuff like South Park, and Crank Yankers was a really funny show. I'm crude sometimes but sweet. I like cutsie stuff like fairies, unicorns, Hello Kitty and I of course love just about anything Disney. I'm into music ALL kinds; Tim McGraw, to Slipknot, Rob Zombie, Marilyn Manson, then turn around & listen to Sean Paul, Shakira, you name it I'll listen to it......well almost......I do have taste ya know. My favorite color in the world is pink! I like skulls though......and most of that tends to be black & red.....but that's AOK with me. I love all animals but my absolute favs are dolphins, cats, dogs, horses, and of course bears and butterflies. I've collected teddy bears since I was a kid and I've still got some of them.....some are more then 20yrs old now. I've always been kinda cuddly so I guess bear fits me. My best-friend Mike helps take care of me. He started calling me butterfly because I'm "fragile and have to be picked up and handled very delicately.....just like a butterfly". I Sim to keep my sanity. Staying home all the time with "nothing but free time" only sounds good; trust me, it's got some big drawbacks. I like movies; mainly comedy, horror fan(but not ghosts.....I do believe in spooks.....not vampires or zombies). I can't believe I didn't put this in earlier.....I L-O-V-E nature! <3 I'm anti-pollution and big on ecology. If we don't take care of Mother Earth she'll stop taking care of us......and when that happens like all the animal species we have caused to go extinct.....we will be too.

hiedibear's cave of Sim hints.

I know we learn something new ever time we play our games. I've been playing for quite a few years now. :) BIG thing 4 me......I eat, sleep & breath Sims pretty much 24/7. I love playing with ALL aspects of the game when ever possible; some more than others obviously. Each comment from me (or just about) will be another helpful hint/tip either that I've learned just by playing or by reading the strategy guides made by "Prima".......I HIGHLY recommend that even "seasoned players" purchase and read them.......you'll be amazed at what you'll learn. (click "comments" to see the comment a.k.a. tip. Also checking in on forums IS another good way of getting "tips of the trade" and learning from the "uh-oh's" of other players.:D

Latest Headlines

Diana My 1st How to get a wheelchair into a... Holy cow!!! Matt & Jenny PLEASE tell me! I've started making pets. hiedibear75 Industries (HB inc.) a bit more about the bear hiedibear's cave of Sim hints.
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