kthxbai1221 (3440213)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (10 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

\"Nobilitas\" Men\'s...
Published Nov 17, 2010
My Latest Community Uploads
About Me
Hey there, fellow Simmer. I'm... well, just another individual on the internet. I'm rather a private person, so no name/country info for ya (actually I randomly chose a country from the list, so the flag is a lie), but I'm much friendlier than this description probably shows me as, really.
I used to be here only for the downloads, hence the mock username, but I've started uploading content since I've realized that I ain't gonna get any shiny stuff unless I get involved in this community. I play Sims 2, have Sims 1 and probably gonna get Sims 3 at some point in the future. I usually upload screenshots and have recently started uploading clothing recolors. Expect some object recolors too in the near future. I'm new to creating CC, so it'll take a while until I start making meshes and such. Anyway... I hope you enjoy my stuff.
My Latest Updates Show All
I'm not dead.Written Feb 09, 2011
To those who bookmarked me (whom I now have to tell Thank you very much! ) and not only, I've been off for a couple of months, but I'll make up for my absence and upload some new stuff soon. Right now I'm working on the preview pictures-- oh, the preview pictures!-- so check back in a few days, when I'm done with all that. ...More
Policy - Please ReadWritten Nov 14, 2010
You may upload my creations, or recolors thereof, anywhere except paysites (if you're a FA here, make it free please). Also, spread them like viruses for all I care about, just don't claim them as your own-- I don't want to be accused of plagiarism for my own creations and risk losing one of my precious little accounts. Thanks in advance. ...More
My Guestbook Show All
TwilightDreamerNov 05, 2010
Thank you for your comment on my screenshot
theangeliquemonteNov 01, 2010
You're welcome =)
I used "skeleton family (forgot version but latest) " for my screenie,they will appear as outfit so download also includes invisible eyes,skintone and head
theangeliquemonteNov 01, 2010
hi!Thanks for commenting on my screenshot! You can find skeletons at modthesims.info (just search for skeleton and dont forget to register to download files)