theangeliquemonte (3179482)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (2 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Published Jul 20, 2010
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (349 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Published Jan 2, 2011
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Useful stuff 2-Clothing tut 1 pt2Written Jan 16, 2011
Here's long awaited second part of clothing tutorial.I decided to write a third part about photoskinning since this time i'll use even more pics. we go. any search engine you fancy.I love google.And enter fabrics textures,textures of fabrics or something like this and use images search 2.then,pick ones you fancy and save them to your pc 3.Go to bodyshop. Objects/New... ...More
Another updateWritten Jan 04, 2011
Ok,so things turn out quite bad recently- making accessories isnt totally "mine" are of creating i HAVE TO transfer like 21 GB of data that i have on my pcall not counting game files and program ASAP to get new pc.(So i must trasnafer data tomorrow/the day after tomorrow) Which leads that i'll only upload: gothic clothing set (tomorrow) Zazie's simself(day after... ...More
Necklaces!Written Dec 30, 2010
I've found an alpha-editable mesh at stuff for sims 2 ( ) and i already created 1 recolour =) when i'll make enought recolours for a set of necklaces i'll upload them ;) i hate 2 things about mesh thought-since its alpha editable it is really FLAT and i dont like the way necklace looks at it's back: anyways,it still looks great in... ...More
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Carina_BthAug 17, 2013
Hi! I want to ask you, what body package/hack or I don't know what exists to get rid of the sharp edges of the shoulders, hands (in special) and other parts.
Thank you in advance!
Cassidy simsMay 23, 2013
I really like your design and I want to ask you if you turn started to form in TS2.
i�m sorry my bad english
luckyoyoMar 13, 2012
Hi, Thank you for taking my Poll, I wish you a wonderful Tuesday.