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luckyoyo's Guestbook

maxi kingNov 19, 2010

\:wub\:Hi Dee!Thats sound great,no cooking is always great,well I don't like cooking!\:oI wish you two a wonderful time and give your husband my best wishes to his birthday!\:rah\:It is cold here as well and they said it will snow next week were we live!I hope not! I want to see the sun!Anyway have a wonderful day!TC,hugs Irmtraut\:wub\:

maxi kingNov 16, 2010

\:wub\:Hi Dee!You done your page all winter like,looks great!The decorating is nearly finished but we getting everyday new idea's,so it will be a bit till it's really finished!\;\)But the only big thing is the new sofa,we still have to wait a bit till it will arrive but it already looks wonderful!But I must say we spend much more as we wanted!\;\)It is getting colder again but at least not so much rain,normaly we having an aweful wet november!I was doing some pattern this morning but only because I wanted it more as cleaning the windows,I do that in a minute!Anyway enjoy your time off and have a wonderful day my friend!TC Irmtraut\:wub\:

topaz27Nov 14, 2010

Hi Dee, I hope you have a wonderful time off work \:\) and I do hope you can get to enjoy some simming, perhaps you will find a way to over come your problems with TS3, I really do hope so \:wub\: wishing you a really great time, have fun \;\) take good care, lots of hugs, Topaz \:wub\:

paramitiNov 13, 2010

Hey Dee \:D Thank You for your verbal support and positive words in my blog comments..had a grrr rough month in october for whatEver Reason..Thank You A Lot!! \:wub\:

maxi kingNov 13, 2010

\:wub\:Hi Dee!I feel much better,it's nearly gone,thank you!I was all day busy yesterday with the diningroom,getting the old off and the new wallpaper on.I even wasn't online!I bet your kitchen cbinet will look great when you finished it!Hey,it's great to have some time of work but it would be even nicer with lovely whether!I wish you a wonderful whether-week my friend!Tc,hugs Irmtraut\:wub\:

maxi kingNov 10, 2010

\:wub\:Hi Dee!I wish you a wonderful day my friend!I got a bad cold and hope it will be gone soon!TC Irmtraut\:wub\:

francienNov 8, 2010

Hello Dee! thank you for your nice reply on my screenshot Harper..coming soon uh\:o still have to upload it I hope soon now! great you like the lot..have a great week \:rah\:

maxi kingNov 6, 2010

\:wub\:Hi Dee!I'm fine,thanks!We had late afternoon rain and it's raining now!\:\(I know,I moved my sim in a apartment and then out again,I don't like them!But I do love the wirlpools and the new dancing moves!But I didn't had much time to play!\:\(This afternoon we will go shopping for new wallpapers and a carpet for our livingroom!The old one is about 8 years old and it don't look good at all anymore,well with 4 kids,2 dogs and a cat I don't thought it would last that long!We getting a new sofa as well but we have to wait 4 weeks for it but it gives us time to get all nice!Anyway have a wonderful day my friend!TC Irmtraut\:wub\:

topaz27Nov 6, 2010

Just thought to let you know that PenelopeT has done 2 awesome lots for the new EP, 'Luxury Penthouse' and 'The Skyline Apartments', perhaps you may be intereseted in these, they really do look fantastic \:\) \:wub\:

topaz27Nov 6, 2010

Hi Dee, I'm so sorry to hear that you are not enjoying the new TS3 EP \:\( because I know the feeling and it's awful, that's how I felt from the very beginning of TS3, and I had been so excited about it and it took me quite some time to come to terms with it and settle back into my TS2 game, but after that I have never looked back, or should I say forward in this case \:D I just love everything about TS2 so much and still have so much to explore in this game, but having said that, I do really hope you start to enjoy TS3 again, because you did like it from the beginning and have also created such awesome things for it, so I do hope perhaps with some more exploring, you may find some better things in it \;\) the screenshots from it look amazing, well dear friend I am wishing you a great weekend and do hope you have some good fun simming no matter what  \:\) I look forward to hearing from you again soon \:wub\: do take lots of care, lots of hugs, Topaz \:wub\:  

maxi kingNov 3, 2010

\:wub\:Hi Dee!Yeh,I had my sim move in a apartment but I moved her out again!It was too small!Maybe I should try and do one of my own!\;\)I like playing it but I also don't have much time!Well have a wonderful day my friend!Hugs Irmtraut\:wub\:

francienOct 31, 2010

Hi Dee, my appoligizes for the O So late reply to your comment on my screenshot Harper coming soon..shame on me and I also didn't upload the house yet..coming soon is coming late\:o  Time fly's have no excuses only that life is busy. But I really appreciate you dropped such a nice reply and I thank you for that. Hope to upload the house soon. In the meantime I wish you a great week! \:wub\:

topaz27Oct 31, 2010

Happy Halloween Dee \:wub\:

PenelopeTOct 31, 2010

Hey Dee! Thanks so much for the nice comment on my 'Night before the wedding' screenshot. \:\)

maxi kingOct 31, 2010

\:wub\:Hi Dee!I feel for you!I was lucky,preordert it at amazon and it got to me on the comming out day!That was great!The apartments arn't big,my sim moved in a house then and only one sin in a building!I love the wirlpool and my sim is every night out!I think it's great so far but I didn't had that much time to play!If you patch the game you have the pool and building stuff,thats also great!I bet it will come on monday,you see!You could build a nice home while you waiting!Have a wonderful day my friend!TC Irmtraut\:wub\:

topaz27Oct 31, 2010

Awww Dee how terrible, it must be so difficult waiting for your new EP \:\( it would drive me crazy too, and from all the screenshots that I have saw of it, it really does look awesome, I do hope you get your copy soon \:\) did you pre order it from Amazon, because they tend to be quite good with getting orders out quickly \:confused\: anyhow I do hope it arrives tomorrow for you \;\) and I look forward to hearing all about it, and seeing some screenshots from you of it  \:\) hope you have great week ahead friend and of course a lovely day today too \:P lot of hugs, Topaz \:wub\:

topaz27Oct 29, 2010

Hi Dee, Did you get the new EP, 'Late Night' if so what do you think of it, I have seen lots of screenshots of it and it does look amazing, wish it was for TS2 \:\( well wishing you a lovely weekend \;\) lots of hugs, Topaz \:wub\:

maxi kingOct 29, 2010

\:wub\:Hi Dee!I got it yesterday,it's great but I didn't had as much time to play as I wanted,same today!At least the sun is out!The pictures here are great and I was in a club and met a vampire already,I love the wirlpool!Have a wonderful day my friend!Hugs Irmtraut\:wub\:

frau MullerOct 28, 2010

Hello, Dee! Thanks for a lovely comment on my screenshot! \;\)

maxi kingOct 28, 2010

\:wub\:Hi Dee!I hope you having a lovely and relaxing day!It is cold and wet here but they say it will get warmer this weekend!I just sitting here waiting for the new EP to come,can't wait!TC Irmtraut\:wub\:

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