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luckyoyo's Guestbook

topaz27Sep 25, 2010

Hi Dee \:wub\: It's so good to be back \;\) hubby and I had a great time visiting my family and thankfully they are all keeping well \:\) thank you for calling by while I was away, that was so sweet of you \:wub\: how are things going for you now, I do hope all is well, and I hope your getting to have some good simming time \:D I am so looking forward to getting back into my game, it feels like years since I saw my little simmies \:D wishing you a wonderful weekend Dee, do take good care, Lots of hugs Topaz \:wub\:

fabrizioammolloSep 25, 2010

Hi Dee! You are very welcome. The shot is really good \:wub\:, thanks for sharing. Have a great week-end, F.

maxi kingSep 24, 2010

\:wub\:Hi Dee!We had a wonderful day yesterday but it should rain today and the rest of the weekend!I hope you more lucky with the whether!Have a wonderful weekend too!TC Irmtraut\:wub\:

maxi kingSep 20, 2010

\:wub\:Hi Dee!I'm going mad with doing Pictures!LOL Hey how are you doing?I see you don't have as much time now with being back at work,miss you a bit you know!Anyway,I hope you having a wonderful day!TC Irmtraut\:wub\:

dsrhnrySep 18, 2010

hugs sis, on my way down to read your email now. hope you are feeling ok. hugs you tight. be safe my sweet sis. xoxo

maxi kingSep 18, 2010

\:wub\:Hi Dee!Yeh,my first two will be out tomorrow!I'm doing fine!The whether looks ok but I bet it will start later to rain and it's not warm at all!I gess you will have to get used to work again,I hope you soon will sleep better again!Have a wonderful day my friend!TC Irmtraut\:wub\:

maxi kingSep 17, 2010

\:wub\:Hi Dee!I done it,my first picture!But I can't do my own pictures in the frames,it will not work for some reason,I gess they too big!I downloaded a test-version of the program,can use it for a month!I have to see after that!Have a nice day!TC Irmtraut\:wub\:

maxi kingSep 16, 2010

\:wub\:Hi Dee!How was your first working day?I hope not too bad!I solved the problem and the workshop is working now!Wich grafic program do you use?I normaly use paint net but I don't know if it works with that,well have to see!Anyway have a wonderful and sunny day!It is windy here but no rain in the moment!TC Irmtraut\:wub\:

dsrhnrySep 15, 2010

just checking in on my face sim sister. i loved the pics, i don't know i missed them the first time i checked your site out. hehe, i am kinda nosy and love to check out the entire site of someone. my prayers are with you always sister, and know that you are always on my mind. I hope work goes by quickly for you tonight. hugs............crissy

maxi kingSep 15, 2010

\:wub\:Hi Dee!Thank you for the link!I've downloaded the Workshop but I got a lokate problem,I have to solve!I don't have my game on drive C,so it can't find it,I remember now why I didn#t used it as it came out,I had the same problem on my Laptop!Oh well,have to see!So how are you?Are you back in work soon?Is the whether like our?Cold,wet and windy?Well have a wonderful day!TC my friend! Irmtraut\:wub\:

maxi kingSep 14, 2010

\:wub\:Hi Dee!Oh well we having rain!And it's not warm at all,summer is gone for good now!Hey how do you do pictures for sims3,I would love to try that out but don't know what I need or to do!Anyway have a wonderful day without rain!TC Irmtraut\:wub\:

martoeleSep 13, 2010

Hi Dee! Thank you so much for commenting the shot of my creepy vamp. \:D

maxi kingSep 13, 2010

\:wub\:Morning Dee!How are you doing?Thank you for the poll,I gess I should do a new one as well!What did I read there,you play a sim with no sence of family?I bet he looks beautiful that all the girl want him!LOL!Have a wonderful day!TC Irmtraut\:wub\:

maxi kingSep 11, 2010

\:wub\:Hi Dee!I'm glad you enjoyed my story!Thank you for your lovely comment!I did took some pic's of my family I play with,so I thought doing a small one ther but not much happend playing them,well the dad died but thats all!\;\)It was'nt raining yesterday but it wasn't that warn eigher!Well have a wonderful and relaxing weekend!TC my friend! Irmtraut\:wub\:

maxi kingSep 9, 2010

\:wub\:Hi Dee!How are you today?We all fine here but it started to rain again!Well they say it will get warm and sunny on the weekend!That would be nice!Have a wonderful day my friend!TC Irmtraut\:wub\:

maxi kingSep 8, 2010

\:wub\:Hi Dee!I'm glad your cat forgave you!\:cool\:It's been nice the view last day's here,it doesn't look so nice this morning,have to see how it goes!They said we should get rain the next view day's!\:\(I know what you mean,I do some pattern and they look nice and then in the game they don't!I normaly look only on the wall and later in Game then on other things and normaly when I think people love it,they don't and the other way round!Anyway,have a wonderful day my friend!TC Irmtraut\:wub\:

maxi kingSep 7, 2010

\:wub\:Hi Dee!Yeh,it's not working some day's!Other it is ok!The kids go out early over here,so I got the mornings for myself,that is if I don't have to get spare parts or so,I sit down and come here then after that I di some patter wich normaly don't take long!Then comes everyting else!I don't have much time to play in the moment at all!Hey,my vet told me to put the tablets crumbelt in liversauges,they love it and they not mad at you as well!Try it out!I know what you mean with reinstalling all the stuff but you can put all in the downloads and then install all at once at the launsher.Anyway it looks lovely outsite but it's still cold,will be better later and I have the washing in the mashine,so I put it out when it's ready!Have a wonderful day my friend!TC Irmtraut\:wub\:

maxi kingSep 5, 2010

\:wub\:Hi Dee,my friend!My story is out!\:DHave a wonderful day!Hugs Irmtraut\:wub\:

dsrhnrySep 5, 2010

oh thank you so much. i would love to share experince like we have.  its an amazing gift as far as i'm concerned, makes me feel so free to accept life and death. i'm not afraid anymore. talk to you soon. take your time hon, i understand if your busy.

haiduongSep 4, 2010

Hello Dee, thanks for your reply even if I asked you since a while :P! And yes! of course I want to know how you got a baby gost! \:D Even if I don't really play with the Sims 3 these days but as soon as I start to play again, I will try your trick!

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