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qvisn's Guestbook

KarieDec 18, 2008

I hope you like it!! I may have accidentally left in the easy computer..it was a mistake. I was trying to make it a maxis only house. If you did get the easy computer, have fun with it! It's an awesome cheat!! Oh, and if Merry Mas is dressed in a kimono when you open the lot...I don't know why...she was dressed up in her Christmas outfit when I left the lot and I never even USE the kimono!!\:confused\:

DirtdevillDec 18, 2008

Hi, Shirley!\:D Wow, your Ministe looks great! I love the red roses, they are so beautiful! \:wub\: My best wishes for 2009!! I hope that Christmas may be very special to you and yours, with all the Magic this wonderful season can bring!\:wub\: Huggs, Dirtdevill

WackyBirdDec 17, 2008

Thank you so much Qvisn i hope you have a wonderful Christmas. \:D \;\) \:P \:wub\: \:rah\:

maxi kingDec 17, 2008

\:wub\: I wish you a merry christmas and a lovely 2009!\:wub\: I love your new style!\:rah\:

QuengelDec 17, 2008

Thank you for your kind wishes, too \:wub\: *and GIANT hugs back* \:P \:D \:wub\:

Ame-CDec 16, 2008

You guessed right, mommy's one and only true love, she is an avid photographer, did you see her donkeys and Table Mountain photograph. \;\)

Ame-CDec 16, 2008

Gorgeous banner!!!\:rah\: I have loaded some new pictures on my site have a look!!! \;\)

cinderellimouseDec 16, 2008

New profile? I like it!!! Nice and Christmassy. \:D

eviDec 16, 2008

Hi Shirley\:wub\: From my heart I wish you the joy of family, the happiness of friends, and the love of Christmas \:rah\: I also wish for a healthier world next year where we all will be happy.\:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\:

QuengelDec 16, 2008

~*~ I wish you & yours a MERRY Chistmas & a happy, HEALTHY New Year! \:\) \:wub\: ~*~

KarieDec 16, 2008

Oh now, don't go thinking that I am a brat! I am never ever ever ever ever a brat! Oh..yeah..it is close to Christmas huh? Ok. I admit it. I AM a brat (and proud of it!!).\:P

hiedibear75Dec 15, 2008

I might join the facebook crowd....ya never know. \;\) I like black. \:cool\: And roses are my favorite flower. \:wub\:

hiedibear75Dec 15, 2008

He he he he I uploaded some pictures just for you. \:D

DOTDec 15, 2008

.:¨:.~Happy Holidays to you and yours! ~.:¨:.~ Wishing Peace And Chocolate For The World!~.:¨:.

hiedibear75Dec 15, 2008

We've got badgers, foxes, squirrels, mountain goats, and wild cattle here too. \:P Small world. \:\) OK so you haven't any unusual animals that we don't.....but ya sure have an interesting rock formation (referring to Stone Henge). \;\) So was it you that was on facebook with Karie? \:confused\: It's kinda neat how we've found ways to meet outside of TSR. \:cool\: Well I'll see ya around. \:\) I've been going through my files with cleanpak and trying to do some "house cleaning". \;\) Take care. \:wub\:

hiedibear75Dec 15, 2008

They make OK pets once the stink gland is removed. There is a lady on You Tube from Canada who has a pet skunk. I don't mind the skunks actually. \;\) Generally they're more afraid of us than we are of them and they're nice enough to have an aroma that precedes them. \;\) So unless you OR your friend have a dog that's too stupid to back away from it.....they're fine. \:D Raccoons and coyotes are the ones that scare me. \;\) I don't know what sorts of animals are native to England that aren't in other places......my British zoology knowledge is a bit scarce. \;\) Well SMELL ya later. \:P \;\) \:wub\:

Ame-CDec 15, 2008

So I have to say " I send a hug from UV and I" even though it is from me\:D \:D \:D \:D \:D \:P \:P \:P \:P \:P

hiedibear75Dec 15, 2008

When I was 13 I got sprayed by one. \:eek\: \:puke\: I was spending the night at a friend's house; her Dad asked us to go out and bring her dog Freckles in. We found her....and she was barking and wouldn't come to us, so we went over to get her. We knew there was a skunk nearby but didn't know it was THAT close......around the side of the house. \:wacko\: So just as we turned the corner the skunk turned around and sprayed the dog, my friend Becky, and myself. \:eek\: Oh my God did we stink! \:puke\: I know why the Sims' hygiene bar goes so low....it's pretty accurate. \;\) They're stinky but not dangerous. \;\) The raccoons on the other hand.....those suckers can be pretty vicious. \:eek\: SMELL ya later. \:P \;\) \:wub\:

hiedibear75Dec 15, 2008

Now you wouldn't be insinuating that I'M a stinker too now would ya? \;\) Do you guys have skunks too or are they just an American animal? \:confused\: Well "smell ya later".....stinker. \:P \:wub\:

Ame-CDec 14, 2008

Sorry, that should read UV and me, I'll have to work on improving my English!!\;\)

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