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qvisn's Guestbook

KarieNov 27, 2008

All is well here. I actually played sims all by my lonesome this past weekend. I had loaded it all up to play with LaurieR and Heidi. We had a BIG old Sim Fest planned. It fizzled out BIG time. Laurie decided to fall and hurt her knee and go to the emergency room and rain was in our future and that always makes Heidibear feel ever so wonderful, NOT\:mad\: . So there I was...all by my lonesome, playing sims all alone..But I had a great time! Got some interesting screenshots out of it too!\:D

cinderellimouseNov 27, 2008

The waiting is quite hard, knowing that they might pop out any minute!!! \:eek\: Let me know when the baby arrives! \:wub\:

cinderellimouseNov 26, 2008

Congrats on your downloads! \:D \:rah\: I've already been eyeing up the doorframes for child gates! A friend is donating one of those fold-away playpens too which will come in verrrry handy! I'm getting a bit obsessed actually, I was cooking tea today (yep, I'm actually cooking EDIBLE meals without burning the kitchen down) and I was thinking of how hot the oven gets and little hands \:confused\: and then I started eyeing the doorframe, I'll have a gate in every doorway at this rate! Now I know what my mum means when she blames me for her grey hair... I'll be joining her soon! \:wacko\:

LaurieRNov 26, 2008

Well hello!! I haven't heard from you in forever! How are you doing these days? Arianna is doing great right now! Thanks for the hugs.\:wub\:

cinderellimouseNov 24, 2008

Oh! Nearly forgot... thanks for commenting on my bigfoot screenshot! \:D I still love that bigfoot! \:wub\:

cinderellimouseNov 24, 2008

Yippie!!! Wish Martina good luck! \:D \:rah\: Yep, I've had a horrible cold for about a week... it's on it's way out now and I've actually got enough energy to get off the settee and do some tidying. I felt so weak that I was worrying about going into labour and having no strength! \:D

Ame-CNov 21, 2008

Go girl!!\:rah\: \:D

Ame-CNov 20, 2008

Yes, a big family all together for Christmas is wonderful, since my mom passed away 2 years ago we feel lost. We will probably still be at the coast this Christmas or spend it with my parents-in-law. Maybe you can take a break after Christmas and go somewhere nice with your hubby. Sometimes we have to compromise to make them happy too.\;\) \;\) \;\)

Ame-CNov 19, 2008

Nice to hear from you, I thought you are on AWOL. \:D I made a new friend here, did you notice in my GB, she is South African also, and she speaks local. What are your plans for christmas??\:wub\:

Ame-CNov 19, 2008

I will have to give Heidi a hiding not showing respect to her elders, does she knows who she is talking to?? Bad Heidi!! \:mad\:

hiedibear75Nov 18, 2008

I saw that! \:mad\: "nah nah ne nah nah \:ph34r\: ". \;\) Turd. \:P Then go and PM me your condolences. \:confused\: You're as bad as some roommate of mine you might know. \:rolleyes: LOL \:P I can bypass it by going to pets and clicking my page before I sign in. \:P I'm hoping it is solved......right now it's working so I'll just keep my fingers crossed that it's resolved. \;\) \:cool\: Thanksgiving is coming up you know........TURKEY! \:ph34r\: :P

hiedibear75Nov 17, 2008

Gosh darn it! \:mad\: I've lost contact with my mini-site! \:wacko\: I can't get to it.....no matter what way I try. \:\( Although obviously I can sign everyone's GB I can't see what anyone types back. \:\( \:\( \:\( My social bar is going to go down. \:wacko\: If anyone wants to talk to me I can only see what is in my PM. \:confused\: I told TSR about it.....let's see if anything happens and how soon. \;\) Well TC. \:wub\:

Ame-CNov 16, 2008

Hi Shirley, it would be lovely to meet with you if I ever have the chance to go to England, but when that would be I am not sure. We are busy scanning all our photo's and old videos into our computers at the moment and looking at UV when she was in pre-school bring back so much memories. She has grown so much the last year into a beautiful young lady and will turn 16 her next birthday. Has your grandchild arrived yet?? Yes, my hubby said he had to run into Morrisons to buy a few things and had a quick lunch there. He has spent a lot of time on trains to get back to London as his company's offices is in Fleet. You will probably know where that is. You would not believe, he skyped me on the train from there to my house and I could see him in the train and the little sheep in the fields that he passed. It was the National express east coast train from York to London. Chat soon. Amelda.\:wub\: \:wub\:

maxi kingNov 15, 2008

\:wub\: Thank you so much for the lovely comment on my story!!\:wub\: I do know its the UK but here in Germany we always say England,I know its not right and I forgot to write UK,I'm sorry should now better!Shame on me\;\) \;\)

Ame-CNov 14, 2008

Hi Shirley, the last few weeks were hectic, my hubby has returned form Europe this morning, where he was the last 2 weeks. We are leaving on our annual summer holiday next week. At this point I don't even want to think about relocating. We will probably have to wait till January next year before we will have an idea on the feasibility of relocating. Our currency is low in comparison to the dollar and we are use to a high standard of living here. There is so much to consider! But for now I am going on holiday for 3 weeks enjoying sun, sea, beach and my family. I will pop in from time to time though, UV always travel with her laptop and internet. My hubby said he had some sunshine when he was in London last week. He has spent the weekend with his sister in Ripon near Harrowgate, and he had fish and chips at Morrisons. We will talk soon again. Take care. \:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\:

damnanoirNov 14, 2008

eheheh XD 'cause there were people outside the house XD he was a bit stressed 'cause off it XD

cariadbachNov 14, 2008

\:\) Came to have a little nosy around , see what mischief you have been up to\;\) Now I'm off to clean the bathrooms\:rolleyes:

ProwlerTyloNov 14, 2008

Your welcome, take care. \:\)

cinderellimouseNov 13, 2008

Thanks for commenting on my blog and my screenie! \:D You'll have to try out the bad witch, it's quite funny! I know it's hard to be mean to sims but some of them deserve it!!! It's good to get revenge on the pesky sims that knock over your trash can! \:mad\: \:D

stephanie1225Nov 13, 2008

Thanks for the nice comment on my screen shot \:D

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