rebelxgirl (1195020)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (2870 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Contempto Adirondack Set 19
Published Jul 24, 2007
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About Me
I'm just here to freeload and download the creativity of others for my own pleasure. But it is GREATLY appreciated.
Also lookout for my recolors!
My Latest Updates Show All
check one, two, check checkWritten May 07, 2009
I just wanted to take some time to THANK everyone who has been downloading and commenting while I was away. I appreciate the fact that you take time to thank me and whatnot. My papa built me a computer over the winter just for simming (since my crappy lappy doesn't like all those high graphics). Thanks to him I'm able to play sims again and work on recolors. I just submitted 20+... ...More
Break...Written Jul 10, 2007
I'm going to take a short break from submitting for a couple of weeks. I've spent most of my free time making recolors that I haven't played The Sims in almost 3 months. I moved everything to a computer with more space since my game has grown and it severly needs to be sorted and organized. When I get back I'll have tons of stuff to add and everything (for the most part) will be in sets since a... ...More
mini site.Written Jun 04, 2007
I just turned this thing into a mini site today. Hopefully I'll make it look pretty soon. Until then, thanks for all the positive feedback and be sure to bookmark me as an artist. Big update of clothes and items coming soon! RXG ...More
My Guestbook Show All
IchosethisnameApr 20, 2013
Would it be possible for you to condense all of your crib bedding recolors into a single set? I'd appreciate it!
littlerorotxJul 31, 2010
i am so loving your recolors on the maxis items. it makes it so much fun decorating my homes. Now they have a new fresh look to their homes. Keep up the good work and looking forward to more from you.
somyliMar 31, 2010
Thank-you for the recolors.