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sallyhails's Guestbook

twinkletoeJul 20, 2008

Love the black and white sets\:wub\: \:rah\: How are you?

twinkletoeJul 19, 2008

Just thinking about you\:D I hope you are off having some fun somewhere\;\)

cinderellimouseJul 16, 2008

I'm glad Pete didn't join the army... I think he'd be dead by now because he thinks he's Bruce Willis at the best of times so he would have gone steaming in to save the day by now and got himself seriously injured!!! \:wacko\: And there would be no Flat Bob!!! \:eek\: \:eek\: \:eek\: I've got my scan next wednesday so I'll let you know the sex if I can find out. I'm a bit worried they won't be able to tell because FB seems to move about constantly!!! I've not felt him move yet but on my first scan and when we were trying to hear his heartbeat at the midwife's he was doing somersaults and jigging about. I think his mummy eats too much sugar!!! \:eek\:

hiedibear75Jul 15, 2008

I love the Arizona set.\:rah\: And of course I loved your recolors!!! \:wub\: It's kinda'd think with being able to take orders he'd have no trouble at all taking them from you.\:P Well I guess you'll just have to dawn some military clothes in your size. \:P LMAO Eh my Mom doesn't get the Sims either. \:rolleyes: But she'll pop balloons for hours on end on Pogo. \:D LOL Well when you get a chance I'd love to hear what you think of the stories.\:cool\: Hope to hear from you soon.\:\) Take care.\:wub\:

cariadbachJul 15, 2008

\:\) Morning Sally, surprisingly enough it has not rained in Wales since we came back\:P Back to washing ironing , mowing the lawn, it keeps me out of trouble. Off to Southport overnight tomorrow. Staying with some friends . The men are going to watch some of the open golf. The women are out to lunch and shopping Then on Saturday we have some friends coming to visit us with their little boy. The dad is in the army and is very organized and likes everything in its place , so I will have to do some serious housework on Friday\:eek\: This week does not leave me much time to go Simming , will have to catch up another time. Are you having fun- see you\:D

twinkletoeJul 15, 2008

That's below\;\) Hubby and kids are fine we are all busy.. I gave heidibear my latest lowdown of my activities. You'll have to go read. lol I'm wondering how you are enjoying Martin's disorganised fly by the seat of your pants vacation.\:D

hiedibear75Jul 14, 2008

Saw your comment in Twink's GB: That's kinda funny.\:confused\: Martin is in the military yet he doesn't want to be too organized and says YOU'RE bossy?!?!? \:confused\: Think he may be in the wrong line of work? \:P LMAO My cousins are in the U.S. military, and they're always complaining that the rest of us aren't organized ENOUGH! \:P LOL Have a great day.\:wub\:

SallisJul 14, 2008

Thank you for your little message in my geustbook. Have a great day. \:D

twinkletoeJul 14, 2008

I hope you have a wonderfull time with Martin on holiday. Do you have plans for anything fun? Are the rains still coming down?

estaticaJul 13, 2008

Hi sallyhails! Thank you so much for your nice comment on the Dilbert Modern Office Endtable - Pink recolour. I'm really happy you liked it and I hope you have fun playing with it \:\)

twinkletoeJul 13, 2008

Hello, So I played the challenge for a couple of hours and I finally got a puppy in the oven. How many sim days does it take till you get the pup? This challenge is hard for me, but thats ok because that is what makes it a challenge, duh\:P I'll bet it's good to have your hubby back\;\)

gheeghaaJul 12, 2008


DarkBorderRJul 12, 2008

Thank you for kind comment.\:wub\: \:wub\:

cariadbachJul 12, 2008

\:\) Just popping into say Hello. On my way back from a very sunny Spain. It will be hello wet and windy Wales tomorrow. Have been reading some guest books and saw that Martin is back after being away for a week, so I doubt whether you will be simming for a while\:wub\: \:P Take care have fun, see you\:\)

hiedibear75Jul 12, 2008

LOL \:D That's OK my roomie is day-glow too. She may not be British but sure would think she was judging by her skin tone. \:P LOL I'm lucky in that I have an olive complexion and so I tan fairly easily.\:P I take it hubby must spend a lot more time out doors than you. Say I was wondering how going out and about town is. Well on the note of your wimpy monsoon......look at it this way, at least you're not having to worry about the house flooding.\:cool\: Take care & I hope to hear from ya super soon.\:wub\:

twinkletoeJul 12, 2008

\:\( Sorry I missed you\:\( Ack I played and totally messed up and didn't save a bit of it\:mad\: So I'm guessing you will finish before me as now I'm back to the 15 minutes of play\:P Who knows when I will get back around to it as well. I hope to catch you around sometime soon.\:wub\: Twinks

twinkletoeJul 12, 2008

Well its about 9:00 am for you, so good morning\:D I'm off to sim for an hour\;\) \:\) I'll try to check in before or after maintenance. \:D

twinkletoeJul 11, 2008

Oops I meant to say taking not thaking\:o

twinkletoeJul 11, 2008

Wow you have come a long way\:rah\: You had some great ideas. I'm not so original. I haven't played since I first took a look at it\:\( Which is a bummer I've been too busy thaking care of everyone and the house. Oh well I hope to have some time tonight. I've never tinkered with a car that sounds fun.\;\)

gheeghaaJul 11, 2008

Will you mae a satellite dish like the Sky one.Tancs\:P \:P \:P \:P \:P \:P \:P \:P \:P \:P \:P \:P \:P \:P \:P \:P \:P \:P \:P \:P \:P \:P \:P

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