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sallyhails's Guestbook

justtschibiJun 23, 2008

Thank you for your sweet comment on my teen clothes \:\) I'm glad that you like it \:\)

Wolfsim68Jun 23, 2008

Hey Sal! Thank you so much for the lovely comment on the Modern Oriental. I hope your family likes it! Love & Hugs \:wub\: Shaz

twinkletoeJun 23, 2008

It was so funny I posted to you instead of Cinder about a site so if you saw a question from me for a moment and then it dissapeared you are not going insane. As I imediately removed the post when I realized I posted to you instead of Cinder. She was looking for a site that had houses and was on Parsiminous and I thought I might know what she was talking about. I guess that just goes to show that I'm a little tired. I'm off to check my GB again and then off to bed. Keep yourself busy today.\;\)

twinkletoeJun 23, 2008

I had no luck with the abduction today. But I only played for an hour. We worked around the house after services and then the kids had Vacation Bible School tonight and then showers and bed(which was 9:30\:eek\: ) Oh I forgot that we also went to a friends house to clip the wings on her chickens so they wouldn't get out of the coup anymore because the dog was getting them (they used to have 7,they now have 4) I also pulled up all my old tupperware from my basement so I could sell it in a garage sale with the kids toys and clothes as they are trying to save money for Disneyland. You'll have to tell me if you finish the challenge. I'm not going to be able and stay on here much longer because we were up so late last night and we are really tired and Mike has a meeting tomarrow morning and I have a friend coming over. My friend and I are going to take all my dishes out of my kitchen cupboards and get rid of what I am not using. So I sould say good night to you and I hope you finish that challenge\:D Talk to ya tomarrow\:wub\: Twinks

twinkletoeJun 23, 2008

Wow it sounds as if you are having a big day already. Does it seem really weird to have the rain and have it look like a desert still? I wonder how quick it will turn green? You'll have to make it on your calender and see how fast the grass grows. Don't ya love it when you prove the hubby wrong(about the Kareef). What are your plans with Martin gone and how's the challenge coming along?

cinderellimouseJun 22, 2008

Hi Sally! Ooh! I just saw a nice chair on your front page... must check that out in a minute!!! \:D Just to save you guestbook hopping here's what I wrote in Twinks' guestbook_______________I'm a V.M.... that stands for Visual Merchandiser. I hate trying to describe what I do because people think it's really easy but it's one of the hardest jobs in retail!!! I've been tired for years because of my job! But it's fun and every day is different, and I'm damn good at it so I enjoy it. Basically, I work in a big store and I have to install window schemes, merchandise product, plan and implement floor moves.... there's nice bits like dressing mannequins, painting and changing displays and there's tough bits like drilling, moving heavy equiptment and BUILDING WALLS!!! That's where my nickname Cinderella comes from... because I get all the hard jobs in work and I often end the day covered in paint/dust/ceiling tile!!! LOL!!! If you're painting and decorating you know who to call!!! Unfortunatly I've had to temporarily stop doing V.M and go back to the shop floor because it's too risky a job to do when I'm preggers... too much heavy lifting and things requiring ladders (oh yeah, you can add electrician to my c.v as I have to change all the lights too). I'm soooooooo bored on the shop floor!!! I'm used to running round like a headless chicken and now I just stand there on the fitting room for hours on end. RAAAAAAHHHHHH!!! And I don't get to go on fun trips to help set up new stores, I was suppost to go to Belfast in Ireland last week and I'm GUTTED that I couldn't go. They kept forgetting to take my name off the list as well and it was like rubbing salt in the wound. Later in the year they're setting up a new store in New York and I would have LOVED to go to that!!!__________ so now you know!!! Was it what you thought? I hope you weren't thinking of anything rude? LOL!!! \:D

twinkletoeJun 22, 2008

You can still get up there. I just had a peak at the hall of fame and you are on page one. So if you get them done I'll bet you would still be on page one if you hurry. So that will be new challenge (to stay on the first page). Also I just had a look at the nursery\:wub\: Love it!!\:wub\: Well the movie is over and we are both a little tired as it is 1:00 am for us. Off to bed we go. I'll check in tomarrow to see how you are doing while Martin is gone. \:wub\: Twinks

twinkletoeJun 22, 2008

Well it sounds like you have been very busy lately. I was filling Mike in on our conversation and he laughed at me and said he wants Martins email so they can comiserate and talk about what life was like before our wives found TSR.LOL\:D Is there any challenge you haven't done yet ie is the perfect parent your last one?

twinkletoeJun 22, 2008

LOL sometimes I think I go unconcous too only it's called zoning out.\:D I have one task left on my supernatural challenge and that is have Bud meet aliens. Are you doing the perfect parent challenge? What did you create?

twinkletoeJun 22, 2008

It was busy. First pulling weeds then the last tball game, then off to a friends spa party followed by a graduation party for my brothers wifes son (my nephew by marriage) Then we had to drop off some things to my in-laws followed by a trip to the store for bread. Then off to my dads house to get his mail as he is in California. Then we run into my other nephew (my brothers son by his first marriage) at my dads house mowing. We talk to him at my dads house then off to home to put the kids to bed at 8:30 \:eek\: Good thing it is a weekend. Were you busy today?

twinkletoeJun 22, 2008

LOL you sound like me only I will yield eventually\:D When Mike fesses up to being without the ever powerful woman superpowers.LOL It's ok if you need to go I'll be around the house for the next few nights so we could catch up then.

twinkletoeJun 22, 2008

Your right usually I'd be gone but hubby is watching Cliffhanger. Funny you should ask he just finished sealing the grout tonight and he says he is going to work on the finish work tomarrow. Is Martin at home with you today? What have you been up to?

twinkletoeJun 22, 2008

Howdy\:D How have you been? Are you around now?\:D

cariadbachJun 20, 2008

\:\) Hi Sally , just dropping by to see how you are. Have those rains arrived , if not they have come here by mistake\:P as we have had two days of torrential rain. John has gone off to golf , I am supposed to be choosing colours for re vamping the kitchen. I can always say I had to go on my computer for inspiration. John is always enthusiastic when we start on a project, but I don't think we have one room in our house that is actually finished \:D Are you allowed to decorate your place ? Well best go and do something , see you\:D

Ame-CJun 20, 2008

Thank you Sally, I was so surprised, my daughter created the girl with the beautiful eyes and allowed me to photoshop and upload. It was a team effort. \:rah\:

qvisnJun 19, 2008

I would love to see the puppies. I do a lot of pink as its very poular, im always being asked for it.\:D

qvisnJun 18, 2008

My dogs too, will you call one Sam.\:wub\:

qvisnJun 18, 2008

Im glad you like my pink wall and floors, thank a million. they go with the pink kitchen.\:D Im not really a pink lover but this one is so pretty in the game, i use it a lot.\:P \:wub\:

eviJun 18, 2008

Hello Sally! I really appreciate your comments on my creations. Thank you so much!\:wub\: ...See you around\;\)

DragonessGirlJun 16, 2008

Hello, how are you? It's been a while, I see you're back creating, yay! How's the weather and climate in Oman? Are you noticeably affected by global warming, is it an issue? What are the main political issues in Oman, the conflicts, what does media focus on? I meant this to be a normal, chatty sims-related post, but I just can't keep all my questions in. \:o How are your sims doing (especially Megan)? I'm doing okay, starting working tomorrow, I hope it goes well. //Dragoness

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