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sallyhails's Guestbook

Ame-CJun 27, 2008

Hi Sally me again, I went on so much about that topic a forgot to thank you for bookmarking U-V. Thank you for being so kind, she is truly spoiled by everyone. Take care. Amelda.\;\) \:D

WackyBirdJun 27, 2008

Hi Sally, Thank you so much for helping me. I don't have enough kudos yet cause i bought myself a colour scheme two weeks ago. Thanks again for all your help.\:D \:D \:D \:rah\: \:rah\: \:D \:D \:D \;\) \:D

twinkletoeJun 27, 2008

My dad is here with us. He is asleep on the furton and I'm about ready to curl up on the floor. I hope he will be ok tonight I need some sleep and my hubby has to work tomarrow. You are proable having your weekend. Have the rains kept up? I'll be here for a few minutes and then I'm off to sleep while he is sleeping as if he wakes I'm bound to wake as well.\:wub\: Twinks

Ame-CJun 26, 2008

Hi Sally, I love your funky flowers kids bedroom, really pretty. \:rah\:

qvisnJun 26, 2008

Hi Sally,Hope you have recovered now from your hubby's scare. Can you bookmark Ultra-Violet as she wants to buy a banner for her page, she needs 3000.\:D

DragonessGirlJun 26, 2008

Well, it is having some graphics probelms with FT, everything is a bit blurry, but otherwise it's really good. My fmaily got it specifically to play the sims on. They love me so much! I think Zimbabwe needs a more lasting solution than a hamburger to every child, although that might relieve the immediate starvation, however the politial situation is untenable and no real improvement will be seen unless Mugabe steps down. I'm not really enjoying the job, I'm just looking at the bright side of a bad situation. There are a lot of unfriendly people out there. I think they are good people, they're just very stressed. But there's a lot more of them than of the good people, who stop and say yes, I'll listen, or we already support Save the Children, or I think you're doing a good job. How's Martin? //Dragoness

twinkletoeJun 26, 2008

Glad to hear he is home\:D Off to bed early no simming for me. I was at the store and trying to decide which to buy Ikea or Kitchen and Bath. Then I remembered that I would have no time to play as my dad has surgery tomarrow at 6:15 so I need to go to bed early and he will proable be staying at my house for the next week to month\:eek\: Not much play time for me unless my dad does ok. I'll be ready for a sim break I think\:wub\: Twinks

qvisnJun 26, 2008

\:eek\: Crikey! sounds like you had a real scare, you must have felt sick thinking what what may have happened, still it didnt so you can stop worrying now and dont leave him to go on your sims this weekend, tomorrow that is i think. take care,chat soon.\:D

cinderellimouseJun 25, 2008

Oh... and I've come home covered in ink today! LOL!!! \:D

cinderellimouseJun 25, 2008

I've P.M'd you where I work... didn't want to say in the guestbooks. \:D I can't believe you were in the army!!! Was it the British army? And I thought my job was hard!!!\:eek\: \:eek\: \:eek\: Where were you posted and was it ever scarey???

DragonessGirlJun 25, 2008

Hi! I'm working as a face-2-face recruiter for Save the Children around town. It's quite hard work, people can be terribly short and unpleasant at times. And I meet the strangest people! THere was one who offered to buy hamburgers to all the children of Zombabwe! Somehow, I don't think a lack of hamburgers is the major problem there. Regarding politics, well, we in Europe generally focus on European news, so I guess the Omanis are justified in focusing on the Middle East. THe conflict in Israel/Palestine is very hard, and I hope I will see a solution in my lifetime, although it is doubtful. I think you can use SimPE to make copies of Sims. Sorry I haven't written before, the job has been stealing all my energy. Term starts in October, so I'll most likely go at the end of September. I got a laptop as a graduation present, so no more worries about my old pc. Yipee! Only problem is I have to restart all my families and download stash. Ah, well. Might just have to cash in another free download day. //Dragoness

cariadbachJun 25, 2008

\:rah\: Good News\:rah\:

cariadbachJun 25, 2008

\:\) Have been doing some guestbook hopping . Hope Martin is home safe and sound by now\:wub\: I have just come back from a couple of interesting days in Nottingham. Went to see Eric Clapton in concert. He was brilliant. I can still hear him in my head. I had never been to Nottingham before , so spent all day yesterday having a good look around. How are the rains , have you been to stand out in yet or are you waiting for Martin to come back then you can do a little dance in it together\:P Hope all is well, take care\:D

twinkletoeJun 25, 2008

Wow that was really interesting to read. You will have get me pictures and I have shown the kids the ones you have already in your blog and given them lessons on the things you have told me. We took a ballon out and a flashlight and talked about when it is night for us it is day for others and told them about you. I hope they put Martin on a different plane\:eek\: That would make me crazy. I hope you are not to worried. By they way I did not finish my challenge I was finishing a book instead. Sometimes I find I have to take a break from something to get a fresh start. Well it is time to head off to bed, but let me know when you hear from your hubby and he is safe at home so I won't worry about the two of you. \:wub\: Twinks

twinkletoeJun 25, 2008

They did very good on sales for an hour and half they earned $13.42 US. Do you think lightning struck the plan? That happened to Mike once. Do you get lightning with your rains?

twinkletoeJun 25, 2008

I think we chould petition to move maintenace time\;\) It appears to affect our guest books\;\)

twinkletoeJun 25, 2008

The kids had a lemonaide stand today it was very cute. I just wished they could have had the stand from the sims. My daughter stood on my white wicker chair waving a flag to get customers\;\) It was very cute. Did you finish the challenge?

qvisnJun 24, 2008

Im fine, been doing nothing much interesting, after decorating one of the girls rooms it took forever to clean up. how does the whole house get affected while only doing one room\:eek\: Hav'nt created much but have been doing house makeovers in the forums, its so time consuming. What are you doing?\:P

twinkletoeJun 24, 2008

See ya tomarrow. Don't sim so hard that you wear yourself out\;\)

twinkletoeJun 24, 2008

Good morning to you. My daughter has a girlfriend sleeping over and my hubby and I have to get up early tomarrow. I wanted to check in with you while Martin was gone and see what you were simming today. I'll only be on her for a little while. If I miss ya I'll check in tomarrow\;\)

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