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sandybvv's Guestbook

S.CainsJun 22, 2007

Thanks for telling me. I am going to take a look at it right now!

Female_ReddJun 21, 2007

Hey honey.... Thanks I will check it out....\:wub\:

S.CainsJun 16, 2007

Hi, it's cool that you have a blog now and I am glad you contacted me. I would really appreciate it if you did tell me when it is out. Thanks Sam

AnniKaynaJun 14, 2007

\:P Hi Sandra... It great to know that you created a blog to upload your stories!!! Im really glad to know that. Ill definately read your new story as soon as I can, and Ill make sure to leave a comment as well... \:wub\: have a nice day Annika \:D

Female_ReddJun 14, 2007

\:wub\: \:wub\: \:rah\: Oh wow please do... I'm going to bookmark you blog right now... Oh I can't wait... I love your story for real... Honey you are the best.. And email me anytime... Thanks for letting me know that you have it up and running....\:rah\: \:wub\: \:wub\:

clcewest441Jun 14, 2007

K, I'll look out soon for your new story on your website. (nice job by the way). Bye =) ~ emily \:wub\:\:wub\:

clcewest441Jun 14, 2007

Waa I miss your stories so much \:\(

josh1092Jun 12, 2007

Hi Sandy. I think TSR will end up with storys with no plots because of this. I mean im 11 and I found the stories nice and interesting. Popsewini didn't mind either and she's another fan of some of those stories. I think they are going to do the same to Jubilant and other talented story writers like your self. I am really mad and hope you do find a place to make any sort of story you like.\:D And im getting my new kitten on Friday. Hope to email you. Josh\:wub\:

cariadbachJun 9, 2007

So sorry to hear about the deletion of your stories. You will be sadly missed here on TSR .I have been away for a few days and came back to see all these changes. Let me know if you take your stories to another site. You will always have my support - Jane\:\)

muaxxx2004Jun 8, 2007

hola sandra, en verdad, nunca me imagine que por esas cosas te eliminaran parte de tus historias, digo son casos de la vida que pasan, y ultimamente es casi normal hablar de esos problemas con los chicos, pero bueno, que se le va a hacer, yo tengo unas ideas ahi, pero te lo digo en un email mas tarde... cuidate!!!1

clcewest441Jun 7, 2007

That is really ashame about your stories. \:\( I'm very sad to see that. TSR can be a little crazy sometimes. It seems like we're losing all the great story writers!! \:\( Keep writing stories, not just on TSR. You really are a talented writer. \;\) ~ emily \:wub\: \:wub\: PS~~ I didn't think your stories were PG13, they were absolutley fine! And again, i'm very sorry to hear about your stories \:\( \:\( \:\( \:\( \:\( \:\(

AnniKaynaJun 7, 2007

\:\( I am very very sorry! you're not the only one to whom happened something like that. It seems that TSR is losing all the best writers - and I dont think Im wrong saying that it will lose very soon many other members. I dont feel to use this site anymore,since I can not read your stories anymore... anyway! I really appreciated all your stories, I think that you are really talented, and I hope you'll keep writing...!!! Im glad I have been - at least a bit - helpfu with my comment, I can ensure you: it has been a pleasure leave them! \;\) PS_I agree with you: the PG13 standards are a bit pointless... \:D take care, and have a great day :P *Annika*

Shannen124Jun 7, 2007

I will miss the stories you write. You should become a famous author. \:D That si so stupid/silly that they deleted you stories!!!!!

Female_ReddJun 7, 2007

\:wub\: \:wub\: You are the sweetest really. I really enjoyed you stores... You can always do a group on yahoo or MSN to put you stories there if that is any help to you... And my email address is It was nice to meet you and thank you for allowing to step into your creative mind. It was nice to meet you as well.... I hope to talk to you again soon....\:D \;\) \:cool\:

tesasimsJun 7, 2007

\:\( I am sad to see you go you are one of the best writers on TSR, well is there loss. My email address is, let me know if when you have your own website. Thank you for sharing your stories \:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\: \:rah\:

josh1092Jun 6, 2007

I know the staff are stupid sometimes. Your kinda retiring then I guess lol. Dont worry if you make a site and keep in touch with me all make sure to save it to my faves.\:D

S.CainsJun 6, 2007

Oh and I have just thought, that children see these things everywhere, it's everyday situations, everyone knows about murder everyone knows about rape. I don't understand why it has now become a big issue, when we see it everywhere? I will stop rambling on now, i think you understand what I am saying \;\) \:D

S.CainsJun 6, 2007

I have seen what you have written on your profile, and I now see that some of my stories will now be deleted also... I find it stupid that we are not allowed to convey murder, I mean we are allowed to kill our sims but not in our stories? It doesn't make sense, anyway I hope to see where you post your stories soon, as it seems that I too will soon not be contributing to this site. \:\(

GFitzJun 6, 2007

Thank you for letting me know your email address. I feel so bad but grateful I was able to read your stories. They were so good. I don't know how much longer I will be here either. Although I am fairly new to the storytelling here, my writing style is adult and I won't change it to cater to the pre-teen set. I have also been in touch with Leah and now after all this, I am convinced my next story will not get posted here. A blog is in my future as well. Good luck and I will be in touch!

monmelJun 6, 2007

Hi! I am so glad I have read all your stories befor they were deleted. \:rah\: They are all very good. Take care and Happy simming \:rah\: Monmel

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