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sandybvv's Guestbook

S.CainsJun 6, 2007

Well I think that's just silly! I don't see how your stories weren't appropriate. Maybe they should dedicate a site for older poeple's stories, that way we can all create more realistic and exciting stories rather than focusing on creating happy families. I support your decision but will miss your contributions. And I can't say I won't be annoyed if they start deleting mine. \:D \:rah\: Thanks for telling me \:D

drewsolteszMay 31, 2007

Hello once again! Just wanted to thank you for the support on my stories, and to let you know the conclusion of "I...Monster" is now posted! Cheers!

clcewest441May 29, 2007

Hi again \;\) I just saw that 'Sylvia part 9' wasnt here anymore..\:\(

muaxxx2004May 25, 2007

hola....!!!!! como estas... yo no me considero "jovencita" me considero vieja... es que mayor eres mas responsabilidades y eso no va mucho conmigo..... jeje.... en vdd la historia era de que la madre de sandra era prima del padre de la chica protagonista.... pero la madre de sandra cambio su nombre para casarse con el padre de sandra... y al cambiarse el nombre, ellas nunca supieron que eran primas hasta que leen el testamento del padre de sandra, por que la mamà ya habia fallecido.... y cuando las llaman para decirselo y eso.... y luego sandra quedaba en un shock emocional y conmovedor... y terminaba casandose con el tipo de la armadura creo que era erick no me acuerdo... el punto es que las dos quedaban felizmente casadas....

muaxxx2004May 25, 2007

hola... en verdad me da igual si es en ingles o en español..... los dos los entiendo.... y creo que no leiste el mensaje anterior, ya que no hiciste ningun comentario respecto a eso....\:D cuidate mucho\:\)

S.CainsMay 24, 2007

Hi thankyou for reading 'How did it come to this?' I really appreciate your comments. Do you think Trisha looks like Jennifer? I thought she looked like Lilly? \:confused\: Anyway I hope you look out for the next part... I can tell you there is going to be a big (HUGE) surprise waiting! \:eek\: \:D \;\) And I don't know what Paul is up to yet... if he is even up to something \:wacko\: \;\)

clcewest441May 24, 2007

You are very much welcome \:wub\: \:wub\: Have a good day \:\) ~ emily

scarlet_whiteMay 24, 2007

About her being killed by her got me thinking, it has possibilities, although that would end up in the ghostly redemption stories, you know, where the ghost finally finds forgiveness or ends doing its unpending business and then moves on to the afterlife forever. She is a bit more complex, she is half demon, so her mom stabbing her did not killed her demon side, so that's why she is still alive and does a lot of wicked things. I thought of the stabment as a metaphor of sorts, of what? oh I don't want to spoil the surprise

scarlet_whiteMay 24, 2007

Hey, I am so glad I got a new reader, specially you, since you wrote Sylvia (hope I got the spelling right) and I am a fan of the series, and my niece have read I think halfway the series, there's so much she needs to catch on. Yeah that girl comes from the sims official page, in the sims excahnge, I downloaded the vampire girl from Blackrose025, under her vampire collection,just look for vampire collection, my ms scary has different lips, blood tears (at times) and different hair, but the rest came from that model, including the eyes

Female_ReddMay 24, 2007

Oh honey you told a beautiful story... You had so much feeling and emotion in this story that I couldn't wait to see what was going to happen next. I enjoyed it so much.. I hope you have a wonderful vacation.. And I hope to read more story from you in the future... Peace & Blessings

muaxxx2004May 23, 2007

hola, es que la chica que me escribio esta en la misma escuela que yo, mas bien, en la misma clase, jaja.... bueno, yo agregue la primera parte de mi historia, pero tuve que formatear mi computadora y perdi todo, pero es que todo y creo que no podre hacer esa segunda parte, esa historia era corta, y lo unico que me faltaba era una imagen para concluir, y no pude, que triste \:\( .... pero bueno que puedo hacer....\:D Pero ya estoy en otra historia, espero que te agrade ya que te tengo otra sorpresa.... y si estas intrigada por la anterior, resulta que la chica que tenia tu nombre era la prima de la principal, pero nadie sabia eso excepto ella, y ella le dice la verdad de todo a la principal para que ella lo supiera.... y al final ella la perdona por haberle mentido, y termina en que los principales quedaban juntos y la que tenia tu nombre era novia de uno que estaba vestido con una armadura y mas cosas locas.... y solo me faltaba ponerle la moraleja de la historia para postearla, pero se me daño antes de tiempo.... que triste.... P.D. Gracias por preocuparte en mis finales.... y si me fueron muy bien.... \:D cuidate mucho!!!!

AnniKaynaMay 23, 2007

\:cool\: believe me, Im dying to know what happens as well...!!! \:D but I guess Ill have to wait [...unless you want to write me a PM...!!! :P] now Ill go to bed, I cant wait to read the next chapter...!!! compliments again for your great job,I enjoyed greatly reading the whole Sylvia serie!!! \:wub\: \:ph34r\: have a nice day \;\)

sweetcharmingMay 21, 2007

Thank you so much for reading and commenting the final chapter of my "The half-breed - A vampire story"!\:\) I really appreciate your positiv feedback and I'm so glad that you enjoyed it! I already think about my next story, but I'm very busy at the moment, so it's going to take some time until I can start with the next one.Thanks again and have a nice day!\:\)

simonitaMay 18, 2007

thanks for the sweet comment on my story, I promisse the story is to be continued...\:D

cariadbachMay 15, 2007

\:\) Hi, thanks for taking the time to read Alacasam. Glad you enjoyed. Have a nice day\:D

drewsolteszMay 14, 2007

Thanks for reading and commenting on "The Best Years" I really do appreciate it!!\:\) I am so pleased you liked it!\:wub\:

S.CainsMay 9, 2007

Thanks for reading my 'History...' series. i promise you she didn't kill herself, i will reveal all in different stories from Marcus, Paul, Jennifer, Trisha and Angelique. So I guess you'll just have to wait for them to find out what happened to Lilly. \;\) \:D

muaxxx2004May 8, 2007

hi sandra, how are you...? well, I see that you know the surprise, jeje.... well, I'm glad that you like it... XD.... Maybe I have another surprise, I'm thinking to post it after this week, because I have final exams.....\:\( .....see you later

aas5085May 8, 2007

thanks for the comment on part 2 of love in this crazy mixed up world!! i should be uploading part 3 w/in the next few days!!

sweetcharmingMay 8, 2007

Hi! Thank you so much for commenting the second chapter of my "The half-breed - A vampire story"! I truly appreciate that and I'm glad that you enjoyed it\:D Thanks again and have a nice day! \:\)

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