weirdling (2936989)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (163 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Published Sep 2, 2013
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About Me
I am a total geek in general. I am a D&D playing, science fiction reading, old movie watching nerd. Also really good with cameras.
More about me~
A few years ago we bought a very old home (built in 1900) and I have been in the process of restoring it. It is a never ending project and I don't believe that it will ever be completely finished... but it sure is fun to try.
My family and friends call me a "Jack of all Trades" and my past work history and varied interests reflect that. Over the past several years I have worked as a librarian, nurses aid, dish washer, videographer, barisita, waitress, parapsychologist, did voiceover work for commercials, ect. Currently I am a stay at home Mom since my youngest has needed the extra attention due to a diagnosis of asperger's syndrome. I needed to work with him full time to help him overcome some of the difficulties that come with the disorder. He is doing much better now (he should be, two years of me working with him every day ought to have some effect) so my time as being a "homewife" is subject to change without notice.:0)
I have several hobbies, but just to list a few: Beadwork (of all different types) , photography, videography, gardening, reading (everything except romance novels), sewing.
Faith: Pagan
Links: If you would like to see two of my Sims3 Machinima's they are found here: and
I also can be found on EA's Sims3 site at: and on Facebook:!/weirdling
My Latest Updates Show All
Blog 27Written Aug 31, 2013
Heh. Guess my summer has been a bit busier than I expected. At last some of my work that I created forever ago is now slowly being uploaded onto the site. Very slowly, but I am getting there. I have several picture packs to get through and a few houses... and perhaps a pet or two. ...More
Blog 26Written Mar 18, 2013
My personal life is not quite as "messy" as I reported in November, I am happy to say. So that means I can possibly start putting up new things on TSR. :) Some of these things have been made for quite some time now... it's just a matter of taking pctures of all of it and loading them up when I have the time. This spring and summer is going to be a busy one, though... filled with a lot of... ...More
Blog 25Written Nov 26, 2012
Well, I am back. So far I have been putting up content that was made early this past summer but here pretty soon I will be uploading more recently created content. My personal life is still pretty messy and I could still be prone to disappear without warning. (Just as a possible heads up kind of thing.) It has been one heck of a year so far for me, and I can only hope that it... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
ziggy28Mar 14, 2014
Hiya, I have replied to your private message
ziapinaJan 04, 2014
Hi dear weirdling, wish you a Happy New Year 2014!
VectoryFloorJan 14, 2013
Sorry it took a while to answer but still thanks for your kind comment on Goblindancer House! xoxo VF