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kanzen's Blog

I can has ProMz?

...few years back I was designing a friend's gown...hours back, my moderator was handing out a letter, notifying our own upcoming prom...minutes ago, I was designing my own. oh, and by the way, I'm going to turn 16 in about 30 minutes I think, lol. Boy, does time fly.

...yep, you read right folks. after years of designing for others, you'll see the infamous kanzenatsume in her own design dress - feckin' finally. and there's a little secret to this dress - it's not a dress! But hell, it looks like one. A very classy victorian french....pff! giving too much details~! You'll see soon enough my lovelies.

...IF. If I reach ultimate satisfaction that is. Heh, you know me. What doesn't please me, goes straight into the trash.


...ASIDE from the prom hooplah, I'll be making a BELFRAN doujinshi, completely based on MeLoNiSM / MeLoNnAiSE's ever glorious fanfic "His Royal Highness Owns a Frog" { http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5446208/1/His_Royal_Highness_Owns_a_Frog }. I command you all to read it.

...I've also been cosplaying (but not posting the photos here lol, sorry) a lot lately since I've finally got a group. You can find our photos at our site: { http://vongolafamiglia.webs.com/apps/photos/ }


...Wells, that's it. You all better watch out for that dress design I mentioned. I need all your oppinions, from comments, critiques, color suggestions - all that jazz.

...oh, did I mention that I have to graduate in 3 months? I didn't? Well now I did. And I'm both excited and terrified. I mean seriously, 2 HS years in 3 months?! WTH am I, a god?! lol...probably hahaha

I LOVE YOU ...*censored*

Yep, I was Cosplaying again...

...yeah you guessed it. And if you didn't well you'll find out soon enough.


as everyone felt the lack of an AWESOMESAUCE presence in the storytelling section, everyone concluded that Zen was either`being enslaved by her relatives or she was away on cosplay.


and in fact she was BOTH being enslaved and away on cosplay LoL...anyone missed me? :D

waiting in line~ [sai, eula, me, pat]


baby Reborn~! awwwwww


Free Hugs with Pein from Naruto =D


bow down to the princess =D [Vongola 10th Tsuna & Princess Uni (me ;3)]


the rest are over here: http://vongolafamiglia.webs.com/apps/photos/album?albumid=7587454

kay kay! I'll go work on my stories now...I think lol

HELP! Break it or Fix it?!

*cough* ((pls take note that this has homosexual relationship issues content - no homophobic hypocrites allowed, thanks)) *cough*

Firstly, you can all call me Zen =] and well, Zen has a tinie lil problem. I've been in a relationship with a friend, let's call her Hibari (her last name), and so far, I'm not really that happy. No matter what effort I do to make things work for us, I always end up getting hurt.

When I arrange a date, a certain friend of hers always pops out - ALWAYS. Then few minutes later, they'll act like THEY're on a date and forget all about me.

Next is, she's friends with an enemy of mine. I really should be considerate and let her have time with that friend, but still. When she's with that friend, its as if she forgets about me...or even her other friends.

Third is when she said she'll help me shop for Christmas gifts, and then bailed out on the last minute coz she saw her own group of friends

Another one is when she went to the mall with this guy (also a friend of mine, which HURTS) secretly. She told me that she's still in school, while that guy texsted me that he's on the train when in truth is that they're together.

And now tonight, she never texted me a kind "hello, how are you?" but had the time to group message about her "happiness" of being allowed to go to some concert with her friends >_>

The list goes on...

I know that I should be considerate and let her be with her friends but she barely spends time with me...hell, we didn't even have a decent convo today.


If you're gonna ask how we end up...well that's a long story. But tell you what. I already had a long term crush on her. And that faithful night, when we got trapped at school...she chose to stay by my side over anyone else for the whole night - despite the fact that her "friends" are there. That's when I decided that I might as well give it a shot.

But now...it's more than choosing them over me...it's like I don't exist. D= sad~

Well any advice? ^^"

OMG babies!

Hi there everyone =]


I just wanna say that my aunt finally gave birth! She was my grandmother's first born but she was the last to get hitched lol. I actually thought she was gonna die from giving birth coz she was sooo old XDD But eh...enough of the happy stuff!


Her giving birth means one more baby! As if she and her incompetent husband aren't enough to be taken care of, plus my baby sister - this baby shows up! Don't get me wrong - I LOVE BABIES...but too much hardwork isn't my thing. Sure I can bathe a kid, change diapers, do the dishes, cook and whatnot but taking care of two babies and THREE ADULTS (my aunt's husband's cousin included) is a real chore!

It's actually a miracle that I'm able to write a blog this long lol but this won't last...any minute they'll be screaming my name along with whatever order they wanna throw in >_<


And to makes things worse, I don't feel like writing All I Need anymore. I already wrote 5 chapters but I don't seem to have the mood to shoot them. I'm probably overworked or because of some homophobic hypocrite that showed up. I mean come on man! There's this rule with the decent sane world - DON'T LIKE; DON'T READ AND GTFO! 'Cause if gay/homosexual things aren't your thing then you better avoid stuff with that content and just move along - not read it and say its disgusting - for God's sake!


*pant* *pant* *pant*

Well, that was a wonderfully long blog entry...more like a rant haha

I'll see you guys whenever~


my Muse; my Love

HI HI Mina-san! (Everyone)

It's been a while since I updated anything LOL gomen-ne (sorry) I've been loaded with school work and my household chores were doubled, I'm also the unpaid shopkeeper of our net cafe from 4pm to 10 pm and if unlucky...1am LOL

But...there's something else that's keeping me busy, and it's someONE special ^^


Every artist needs a muse ne? I found one, and the best part of it is that she's also my significant other YATA! (yay) 


I'll be updating very soon during sem-break or Christmas break, thank you for your patience!

...hey, being in a relationship actually is GOOD MATERIAL for my story, since I write gay love, what better material exists than a gay love relationship of your own?


OH KAMI-SAMA (God) Arigato gozaimasu! (Thank you Very Much)


-the finally loved, kanzen =3

Story Posting Troubles

Due to certain circumstances, my first submission for the first chapter of "All I Need" was rejected. After revamping it and making sure it's "clean" I reposted it (deleted the old one and repost a new one) two days ago.

Seeing new stories being posted at the Storytelling section for the past days mae me wonder if they're taking their time approving mine or there's some sort of posting glitch.

In my head I was all "Geez, if they're gonna reject it then they should just reject it and tell me what's wrong rather than make me wait for days." 'Cause I really can't post up the next one since if it is a glitch then there's a possibility that the next chapter might get posted BEFORE the first one. So I really need to have the first one posted first.

I already PMed a mod - Saoz-san to resubmit it if needed yesterday (If there was a glitch or something other than me having to wait again for a couple more days) so hopefully it should be posted up soon...hopefully.

Until then, there won't be any updates due to the reason above. We really can't let things get mixed up now, ne?

Boys' Love genre...in Sims?

I've been writing Lorelei which has Girls' Love in it for quite some time and a thought came to me. I AM a die-hard fan of yaoi/shounen-ai/boys' love/gay stuff and been dying to write a sim story with that genre.

Only...I'm quite worried if it will be accepted around a rating-concious place like this. I don't plan on making it explict but some scenes are never avoidable! A few intimate poses here and there and over romantic confessions of love and...stuff like that...

I won't stop Lorelei though, its just that I want to try this one out, if it works out then okay but...if it doesn't well...I might move it to somewhere safe ahahaha.


Please share me your thoughts ^^

Cosplay Photos & Haruhi Dance Video

haven't been on in a long while o3o and haven't uploaded anything either. but anyways, here's me, practicing the hare hare yukai dance that my group will be doing next con =3

lotsa mistakes, humping dog and...dead toenails (PAIN!) but I'll still do my best lol


yeah, please tell me what you think.

My mom said its a lil ungraceful and I agree, it needs more hella work since I've only been practicing for a total of about 8 hours, and that's not enough.


I tried again, and perfected it, will post that video some time later.

The cosplay pics are at my deviantart as usual: kanzenatsume.deviantart.com but here are some if you're too lazy to go there lol


I'll work on Lorelei soon after the Con Season =3 thanks for your support

Away on Cosplay

uwahh I'm so excited XD tomorrow's going to be my first public cosplay on a catwalk - since I'm always doing private/casual shoots with friends. But now, its with the general public *squeee* my costume's completely experimental and I don't know if it would raise a bit of approval from the audience but eh, lets just do it for the lolz.


so I'll be away for a while - again, but I'll be back soon. Please check out my gallery: kanzenatsume.deviantart.com for photos ^^


ja ne!

Lorelei on its way~

Hi guys XD I'm so sorry for my long absense

I've been writing tons of chapters but haven't been shooting them in sims, thing is I lost my BV CD o_O and...lol, it was in its case the whole time! OH crap, what was I thinking?!

Anyways...I'll make the shoots for the next chapter TODAY. I promise! If I don't, please form an angry mob with fire and pitchforks lmao XD...please don't...I promise I'll shoot it today so it should be on site tomorrow =]


Also...ekkk!!! CosplayMania's on Sunday I can't wait XD I'll share photos at Zen's Corner so dun worry~!


Have a splendid day everyone ^3^



Latest Headlines

I can has ProMz? Yep, I was Cosplaying again... HELP! Break it or Fix it?! OMG babies! my Muse; my Love Story Posting Troubles Boys' Love genre...in Sims? Cosplay Photos & Haruhi Dance Video Away on Cosplay Lorelei on its way~
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