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kanzen's Blog

Me?! On Broadway?! Holy S...sandwich!

...I feel pretty...

...Oh so pretty~

...I feel pretty and witty~



LOL XP So yeah, I auditioned for a school play called "Broadway Musical"...mainly concerning Westside Story. I actually had no idea what it was about and I did it for the lulz o3o...and well, I actually did pretty "well" IMO. I sing good - I know I do >_> buuuuttt like I said I did it for the lulz/experience and a part of me wanted to get a part and the other wants me to get rejected. Although the lady/directer kinda liked me...sorta o3o she remembered my number! (que number something like that)

I have a lot of stuff in my hands right now =_= a play would only take time...but but but...I MISS THE SPOTLIGHT SO MUCH! It's been years since I was on stage ;_; I duhno...I guess I want to and I don't want to at the same time haha


If ever I get accepted, I might make a sim story of this or a comic...who knows?


My Room MeMe X3

woot! Finally I made one XD eh eh eh to anyone who wants to do it, just do it and lemme see yours okay? =D

Lorelei Hiatus & Shota Cosplay?!

hi hi =3

yep yep, I'm taking a break from Lorelei for a while, don't worry now, I have 5 chapters ready for shoots - just need the right time to shoot them @_@ also, I've been crowded with work and school as well as my upcoming cosplay.

It's on September 30 (gets hit by a random rock) I know its far away but I need to put it first so I can focus on studies later and NOT panic when the event is near =3= I think it makes sense (no I'm just excited) lol


so anyways, please please wait a lil longer ^^" (is plundered by her art shop customers) D:

Delays ^^

Hey all, sorry for the delays on Lorelei. I'm currently stuck with a load of schoolwork plus my new moderator's really strict about my progress LOL. Also, I've been active in Gaia - stuck with the aviart D: when I opened a shop there I didn't actually expect to be flooded with requests right away @_@ but eh, the trades have been made.

Not to worry though lovelies, I have two chapters written in advance and I'm just looking for time to shoot them =]


~patience now ^3^


story zone bugged up D:

I know a lot of you prolly noticed that =3= old stories suddenly popping outta nowhere and new ones missing D: that's just scary man...please fix it dearest staff ^^, plz and thankyou~


...*writes new chapters* or else, you'll never see THESE.

Lorelei Art Sketch ;3

School just started this 13 and well, that means I won't have much time for my stories. But then, I could bend the rules a bit and write more chapters in advance...right? RIGHT. So I wrote three new ones and sketched this as the future cover of the next chapters.

From left: Yuki, Scott & Lorelei.

I do hope TSR allows non-sims art as cover art though, it's still them ^^" only I drew them XD I actually tried to ink this but I ended up ruining it so I guess Photoshop's the only way to go ;_; it'll take a lot of time and energy from me, but I know it'll be worth it.


I'd like to hear your thoughts about the piece ^^, so comment would ya?

Missing Stories o-o

...the title says it all. The other stories are kinda missing in the story section @-@ dear Lord what happened, this time?

Oh and...lol I accidentally deleted the whole cast of my story @///@ which is no problem since I got them in body shop HOWEVER - not all of them, x_x I deleted the minor character templates so I can have more space *cough*laptop*cough* then it turns out that they're not minor characters at all D: geez.

How am I supposed to clone those guys? *sigh* especially Greg @_@ he was a "Random Miracle"...yeah I got him of random in bodyshop, tweeked him a bit and voila! =3= OTL

What to do? What to do? I still have the houses and the buildings - thank God. But the characters!!! @A@ what am I gonna do?!


OH BTW, I "deleted them" by removing them from the house since I want to move them to another neighborhood (smaller custom) AND be able to keep their memories. So I got them all set up at the family bin and I took all the houses in the lots bin. That usually works when I move them but...when I got to my new neighborhood they were gone! SAY HELLO TO THE TRAVELLER FAMILY! and nobody else...D:

Don't tell me I have to move them in before deleting the previous neighborhood? @_@ oh crap.

I is Zombie D: *cough*

Guess who's SICK? I am, I am! *cough & sniff* so....anyways, I had another writer's block with chapter 11 - yeah I write my stuff in advance then take pictures when I feel like it *achoo!* however, after lying down as usual the ideas came - thing is I can't write them at that time since I didn't feel so good.

Looks like the new chapters would be late for a while, I need some rest ^^ *sniff* sayonara for now - oh and if you have any recomendations for cold, cough and fever - that would be nice.




Uh-oh! Writer's Block

ahaha...well...well...well, WELL. I don't exactly have writer's block since I know what I'm going to write...however, I couldn't bring myself to write it. I don't know why, it's one of the most interesting chapters but I don't know what's wrong...I guess couldn't put it in words. The scenarios are decently clear, but I guess I'm just not used to writing this new genre yet ^^" (note: Lorelei is multi-genred) so yeah...the next part may take a while though XD but I'll get to it soon.

LOL whut? Featured o_O

Lorelei hasth been Featured =]

...how cool is that and what's the big woohoo deal? I'll tell you what.

As a writer, no, even just a person who makes stuff, don't you want your creation to gain a least bit of recognition? I know I do, that's why I'm making a fuss about it LOL. Oh and did I mention that I'm one of those people who obsessively dreams of one day something like this could happen? Well now, I just did. haha. ...yeah I have issues, then again, dreaming IS free.

I thank everyone who continously supports Lorelei. A special thank you for clairepitts1994 for helping me with my game crash problems & organizing my downloads and Yukosan for being my inspiration (no, not like that...)

And a BIG THANKS AND I LOVE YOUs to the CC creators that made the wonderful stuff in my story, especially to Oolong from Simscave who helped me get the sushi I needed. (Does not have any subscription to any pay sites, thus, getting the sushi & other foods HARD as HELL).

I'll continue to write more and try to supress the demon procastinator in me LOL.


much love,

kanzen =]

Latest Headlines

Me?! On Broadway?! Holy... My Room MeMe X3 Lorelei Hiatus & Shota Cosplay?! Delays ^^ story zone bugged up D: Lorelei Art Sketch ;3 Missing Stories o-o I is Zombie D: *cough* Uh-oh! Writer's Block LOL whut? Featured o_O
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