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kanzen's Blog

My Comic is now ready for Reading!

Hello friends *foams at mouth due to finally finishing the first page*


Wolf Brother Cover


My Comic, the one I'm working on simultaneously with my Sims 2 story, is now available for reading at either DeviantART or SmackJeeves. Your choice, just make sure you leave me a comment *sniff*

Synopsis: 12 year old torak and his wolf cub companion are on a quest to rid the forest of a demon bear before the Auroch's red eye (the Great Bull Auroch - the most powerful demon in the Otherworld) reaches its peak and gives the demon bear its full power.


Sims 3 players, what are your specs?

Please! I need to know. The game's graphics are simply gorgeous. I have the game but all I have is a my trustee laptop, which made it run even if it didn't have the requirements, but it couldn't run it so smoothly.


So what are your specs?


...operating system?



My mom is going to buy me a CPU someday so I need to know what I'll be asking for.


Thank you <3


OMGBBQ! Pesky Writer's Block is Back!

...with a vengeance!


I suppose it noticed how amazingly productive I am this summer and it wants to revert me back to my lazy self. No! I shall not be controlled by such a phenomenon! -stares blankly at the sims story script-

Okay, so I am on a writer's block.

I have the ideas, I have the lines, I just can't seem to put it all together.  Also, apart from writer's block, I'm also hosting an art contest and working on a comic (which I have been working on for almost one year now) which makes the second chapter of 'My Funny Friends and Me' really on the brink of 'I-don't-know-ness'. But rest assured darlings, I will get it done - somehow.


On a lighter-non-sims-related note, if you're interested in joining my art contest or viewing my comic production sketches, feel free to click on them linkies! I would love to get your feedback.




OH SNAP! A 3.8 wating? Hell No!

A few days ago I commented on spladoum's blog about having random down-rates on stories here on the site. I told her that if it happened to me "I'd search the whole interwebs and beat that troll."

I don't mind recieving a 3 rating as long as I get a comment on what to improve on. However, giving a 3 to a decent story that obviously show some effort without a note is simply wrong.

And before you think I'm butthurt from a stupid number, think again. How would you feel for being rated a 3 when you've always scored 5s and 4s? It's like receiving day-old leftovers while you were in a fancy restaurant. D:


Anyways, I don't plan to hunt the troll down, if there is one. Feh, what could a 3 do? I have you guys :]

A special thank you too, to Mangio for still reading my brainbabies!




I'm Back to Writing :]

Hello fellow simmers, missed me? Because I missed you! I've been away due to school and an itsy bitsy scare-a-thon from the amount of sims 3 stories in the storytelling section. I wasn't sure if my sims 2 stories would be much appreciated as before, but that was a thing of the past because I'm writing something new again.

Yes, new. You all know me and my countless hard drive crashes.

Yes, there shall be gay sims. Although I don't intend it, my game does it for me. You know that boolprop cheat that lets you know what gender they prefer for a partner? That. Whenever I use that on my male sims they always say:

"My default gender preferance is for Males."

I swear. That notice bubble never failed to crack me up because there was always a trend! If my male sim looks effeminite (or even not, just ridiculously handsome in a manly way) they're automatically gay. The rest - like Goopy GilsCarbo, were straight XD

Anyways, this new project is...short. I'll make sure its's short! I'll make sure I finish this thing! No more over 10 chapters! No! That's ridiculous! I don't even know how I got that far with Lorel----*breaks down and cries* OMG we were so near to the end!



Let's hope we don't have any more crashes!

So wish me luck :]


not another chic fic! D:

*pauses from Lorelei and ALL I Need Funeral* YES people, after the deaths of my two stories from my harddrive crash I have started to write yet again. Though there is no guarantee of success, I'll try to write more, post and better myself.


I thank you guys again for supporting me so much ;_;



And I thought it wouldn't get worse!


Since I had several laptop crashes I thought about using an external harddrive for my personal files, and luckily mom gave me one for a 'congratulations on being a Senior' gift.

so yeah, I pretty much had ALL my sim stories in MS Word format saved there - yes the very backbone and plot of everything D:as well as my Gay Comics/Manga, Artwork, School files, etc. And then it happened.


Freakin baby sister had to drop it to the floor @_@ and crashed it - literally! My files were saved - fortunately. EXCEPT FOR ONE.



DX gaaaaaaaah!


guess I have to rewrite.

please expect the next chapter on the next century....OR next week I think?

~wish me luck!


Lorelei Redux!

coz it must be finished.

That's right, you read it right guys :3 I'm continuing Lorelei. Only with a tinsie change - well maybe a BIG change. Since my laptop died and I lost all my game files, I have to remake all the characters from scracth @_@ and I thought blegh! I'm gonna try new stuff and make them OLD lol


so watch out, coz Lorelei's coming your way pretty soon~

...what to write...

dear oh dear, what ever should I write for a new sim story?

I wrote one and everyone seems to love it, but I don't know how to shoot pictures for it @_@ nor how I could make characters. It seems like I lost the simming ability I had lol


Besides that story, I'd like to know what you guys want from me next. Mystery? Romance? Horror? Random Comedy? *__* I gotta do something!

so I HAD promz & disappeared...

First of all I'd like to say I'm sorry to everyone for leaving for 4 months without a word. It's just that I'm hella busy and I seem to have lost my interest in making sim stories since my laptop gave up and died. It was resurrected though, but all of my game data disappeared without a trace - vamoosh! kaput! nada! none @_@ I almost broke down "OH MY PRECIOUS SIMMIES!!!" This is the absolute worse crash I've ever had TT^TT

On the lighter side of life, I focused more on my art and cosplay and gained quite a reputation. I've been invited to a few group photo shoots but declined them all since I'm more on focused in graduating. After that, I can do whatever the hell I want! :3

Also, the prom went quite well. I also failed to show you guys the dress before I had it made but eh, you can view it in my blog gallery I'm the one on the right :3 my shoes were handmade and my purse was a hand me down lol


anyways, hope someone reads this just to know that I'm alive

I miss you all~! *hugs*

Latest Headlines

My Comic is now ready for Reading! Sims 3 players, what are your... OMGBBQ! Pesky Writer's Block is... OH SNAP! A 3.8 wating? Hell No! I'm Back to Writing :] not another chic fic! D: WHY HELLO HARDDRIVE CRASH D: Lorelei Redux! ...what to write... so I HAD promz & disappeared...
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